Twisted Love | James Potter

By Sydneyymalfoy123

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-For 18+ Or Mature Audiences Only- Delphinus Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy's younger twin sister... More

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1.3K 47 6
By Sydneyymalfoy123

"That's Remus' mum?"

Blinding bright lights shined through my eyelids as the sounds of doors sliding open and shut, grunts and hisses of pain, people talking in low voices, the intercom calling out codes and directions, squeaky wheelchairs, the clack of keyboards, and a low-volumed radio all immediately harassed my ears, then the scent of lemon cleaners, antiseptic, a metallic tang from stainless steel in the open air, bleach wafting from bedding, and obnoxious perfumes of 'get well' flowers quickly flooded my nose, making me slightly scrunch it with displeasure.

First, I felt cold metal bed rails, soft pillows, and crisp sheets, but then the hot, deep, burning, sharp, dull, achy, stabbing, headache trailed right after, then the prick of a needle, a sweaty forehead and the fact that I had a smooth plastic remote of some sort lightly placed under the faint grip of my fist.

I quickly opened my eyes with both concern and confusion, none of these sounds, scents, or sensations felt familiar, yet the second my silver was revealed to the world I immediately regretted it, everything was uncomfortably white and clean, the lights were a cold toned white, almost carrying a bluish tone which almost fried my irises the second they were met with the brightness.

Where in the bloody hell was I?

Thankfully, a short women with thick dark brown curls and dark green scrubs walked through the wooden door with a clipboard and sorrow filled facial expression, she let out a sigh of stress as she dropped the metal and paper onto the desk in the corner and sat into the small swivel chair letting her head fall into her hands in the process.

The woman seemed to have given herself a small shake down before she ran her hands through her hair, her wedding ring tangling within the dark strands before she finally looked up.

A surprised gasp left her lips, which was quickly formed into a smile, "You're awake!".

"Where am I?" I croaked out, I hadn't known how dry my mouth and throat had been until I finally opened them.

What the fuck was going on?

My question seemed to have morphed her relieved persona back into a panicked one as she frowned with concern.

"What is the last thing you remember, Delphinus?"

I opened my mouth to speak yet no words came out, what was the last thing I remembered?

I pondered over the thought for a few moments, first I left the Slytherin common room while drunk and high out of my mind, then what?

"I uhm, I left the Slytherin common room-"

"While intoxicated." The woman added, I winced at her words yet her tone didn't hold disappointment or anger, she was just simply finishing my sentence.

"Right." I awkwardly breathed out.

"Then what happened?"

"I- I can't- I don't know."

The woman nodded sympathetically as she picked up the clipboard and began to jot down notes with a muggle pen.

"Yet you obviously seem to. Care to inform me on what I missed, or better yet where and why I am here?" I snapped but quickly slapped a hand over my mouth by how rudely it had sounded, "Sorry." mumbled as I leaned my head back onto the pillow, bad move.

The back of my head began to throb violently as white hot knives jammed my brain, was I hungover or something?

The woman didn't seem offended by my harsh tone, not even in the slightest, instead she noticed my pain and rushed over to the plastic bag that had been connected to my arm by a thin tube and quickly turned the notch slightly, raising the dosage of the mysterious drug.

"Delphinus, you were admitted to St. Mungos three nights ago with severe blood loss, a cracked skull, and a concussion, on top of that you were in a strong state of shock and with the fact that you were also under the influence with both marijuana and alcohol made you incredibly panicked, so I am not surprised that you have no memory of the incident. Delphinus, you were given four stitches which is why your head is as sensitive as it is."

My eyes widened as my jaw dropped, four stitches? Blood loss? Concussion? Cracked skull? Three fucking nights ago?

What the fuck.

"That cannot be right, I would've remembered if my bloody skull was split open!" I panicked, what the actual fuck was going on.

"I know this is hard to hear, Delphinus, soon another healer will be able to go into full detail on your physical well-being, but we are hoping to try and work with you so you can correctly recall what happened so whoever did this will get the consequences they deserve."

"I-I have to go." I rushed out as I quickly sat up and ripped the small needle from my forearm, I couldn't even imagine how everyone is feeling right now at Hogwarts, how will I even be able to explain this when I cant even fucking remember.

The woman quickly rushed over to me to attempt and keep me in my place yet I swerved away from her grasp, I felt like I couldn't breathe.

I grabbed the folded clothes on the chair that I knew belonged to me and with a quick wave of my wand the thin hospital gown I was in had been switched out with a comfortable pair of my gray sweatpants and a small white tank top.

"Delphinus! You need to rest! There is still information and questions we need to talk to you about."

"Absolutely not, I need to get back to Hogwarts, I feel fine and I promise to have scheduled meet ups with Madam Pomfrey." I lied as I rushed towards the door, yet the second I opened it I was met with a sight that made my heart drop and eyes water.

My mother and Lucius both talking in the small hallway outside of the door.

By the sound of the wood door opening both their heads snapped to me, both immediately rushed over and engulfed me into a hug, I could feel both their backs shaking slightly as I felt water on my bare shoulders.

The stress of going back to Hogwarts flooded away as I hugged them back. This had been the first time I had been with both my brother and mother at the same time since I was disowned.

"Darling? Delly? Are you alright? What happened? Did this have something to do with summer?" My mom rushed out as she pulled out of the hug, Lucius following her actions, and she placed both her hands on my face, cupping my jaw so she could get a better view of me.

Lucius' eyebrow raised as he looked from our mom and back to me, "Summer? What happened in the summer?"

"Delphinus!" The door swung back open as the women rushed out in panic, but once she saw my family and I all grouped together she sighed with relief.

"Hope? Is she alright? Is everything going to be okay? Who did this to her? I-"

"Nashira, everything will be okay, but we need to get Delphinus back into bed. She needs to rest, once everything is settled I can grab Ephie and Faxton so we can go into further detail."

After those words left the small woman's mouth, who I am assuming is Hope, my mom immediately rushed me back into the door, ignoring my constant 'I'm fines' and guided me back to the bed.

"As much as I understand both of your concerns and questions, confidentiality is an important factor here at St. Mungos, meaning that I will have to ask you and your son to return to the waiting room until further notice." Hope sighed fearfully, almost as if she was awaiting an angry reaction.

Not from my mom, but from Lucius.

As expected, my mom nodded and wiped her tears, beginning her way back to the chairs outside of the hospital room, yet Lucius stayed in place.


"I understand the rules of confidentiality at St. Mungos and I respect that, but I also know that if Del gives us either written or verbal consent then we both have the full right to stay here and listen as well."

I squeezed my eyes shut with annoyance, I wish he would just go out into the waiting room with ease, but he and Abraxas were similar, he took after his obnoxious stubbornness.

"That...well, yes, that is correct, but you have been given neither, meaning I can not say anything until you two are outside of the room, Delphinus is sixteen years of age meaning she has the right of confidentiality, if she were fifteen or younger it would be a different story." Hope argued back, a smile still on her face yet her voice held almost a sickly sweet tone to it, "Lucius, I find it admirable that you are worried for your sister and I completely understand your concern, but please keep in mind that you not following through with our terms are holding not only us back from doing our job, but your sister as well from getting the treatment and information she dearly needs."

"Then let's get it sorted out then." Lucius hissed at the women before looking over to me with a raised eyebrow, "Delphinus, do I have your verbal consent to stay in here, as well as mother?"

No, absolutely not.

I don't even know what information they are about to share with me, or what it's going to be about.

I opened my mouth to say something, looking over to Hope to see if she understood my stress and thankfully she did.

"It doesn't work that way Lucius, we need to speak with Delphinus alone so she can obtain the knowledge and then she can decide if she would like to share it with you."

"But she was just about to-"

"Lucius, it's okay." Mum interrupted, with a small sniffle and smile, "Delphinus is alive which is all we need to know at the moment."

And with that the two both walked out of the room.

Thank bloody Merlin.

-3rd Person Pov-

Back at Hogwarts a large portion of both Slytherin and Gryffindor were going mad over the question everyone was wondering; where in the bloody hell was Lucius and Delphinus?

After Del had made the terrifying appearance in the Great Hall, Madam Pomfrey had put her under some sleeping spell as Hagrid carried her out with Professor McGonagall, the school healer, and Headmaster Dumbledore following behind him, hardly ten minutes went by before Professor Slughorn approached Lucius with a pitiful expression and walked him out of the large entrance doors.

That was four days ago and not a single student had heard from either of them since, no matter how much the marauders, Marlene, and Dorcas confronted Professor McGonagall or how much the family of Slytherin questioned Professor Slughorn, neither slipped a single ounce of information.

All the letters sent to Del had yet to be heard from, yet all the ones sent to Lucius were returned within the next hour, showing no signs of the wax seal being broken.

Lucius would do that very rarely, only when something major happened, he would command Darius, his owl, to not accept any letters or packages from others.

Malfoy had genuinely taught his bloody bird how to signal other owls to decline a letter to his where-about.

Of course, this only made the Slytherin's even further concerned, yet no one had been as concerned as five people, four snakes and one lion.

Sirius Black, Altair Avery, Cepheus Parkinson, Corvus Greengrass, and surprisingly enough, Leo Greengrass.

When those five had watched Del stumble into the Great Hall with Fornax Yaxley gripping her arm tightly, panic simmered within all of them.

Those five all knew that Fornax had deeply traumatized the girl in the past, four of them knew what really happened that night, four of them knew how much Fornax loathed the girl for the opportunity he missed, but none of them knew that he attempted to rape her once more.

Leo Greengrass knew that Delphinus hated him and no longer felt an ounce of love for him, but none of that mattered because he still cared and adored her just as much as he did before the incident, if not more.

In his eyes the incident was a bonding moment and had brought him closer to her on an emotional and physical level, he couldn't even describe the confusion he felt when he noticed Del didn't share the same love for him on their anniversary. When Leo had read the note she sent him while he was in St. Mungos his heart dropped, how could she? He would think. How could she just throw him away like he was nothing after everything they had been through together?

When Leo had found out that Fornax had also been admitted to St. Mungos with the same curse he panicked, he didn't know why he was there, from what Leo knew Fornax and everyone else had left before Corvus ran down the stairs.

Of course Fornax had quickly spluttered out that he didn't make it out in time and Corvus caught him sneaking out, but Leo wasn't stupid.

Sure Leo Greengrass was crazy and genuinely slow sometimes, but he had been incredibly smart when it came to humanistic social science, he knew how to tell signs of people lying within a snap, he knew how to tell how people were feeling by just a quick rundown of their physical body.

With his knowledge, he knew Fornax had been lying, not only did his story simply not add up, but St. Mungos mediwizards had even stated that Yaxley had been admitted after Leo did.

The thought of Del no longer loving Leo shook him to his core, she was his, which was why he intended on keeping her by his side, Leo Greengrass was determined and selfish, no matter how much he loved and cared for the girl he couldn't find himself to let her go as she pleased for him to do, he needed her by his side and he always got what he needed and wanted.

Hence why he was as concerned and angry as he was, he knew Fornax had done something to his girlfriend, how dare he? How dare he not only touch what wasn't his but harm her as well?

Delphinus had always been beautiful, it was no lie, but it was when she neared her sixteenth birthday that she began to blossom even further.

Her breasts seemed to have grown in their size, not much, but a difference was visible, her curves seemed to dip more than they used to, and her arse had plumped by not only her healthy diet and graceful genes, but also by the yoga or exercises she would do every morning before classes.

Leo was pleased with her body and proud to say that she was his, who wouldn't be? But once he saw boy's and girl's eyes lingering on his girlfriend for moments too long or when he would hear sensual comments or wolf whistles when the two would walk down the halls his jealousy grew, he knew that Delphinus would never cheat, but it still pissed him off when she would only laugh or even blush by the comments or gestures being made by others. Leo would always wait and hope that she would clarify that she was taken yet she never did, sure everyone already knew about the Slytherin star couple, but it didn't hurt for her to inform others that she belonged to someone else.

With this jealousy he was forming didn't help the fact that he had needs of his own that she wouldn't satisfy, how incredibly selfish she would be, she would dress in clothing that fit her body perfectly and practically taunted Leo all day and each and every night she would decline his intentions on going further than heavy kissing, sensual touches, or the rare occasions of oral, but she never went the full way with him which fueled his jealousy with insecurity.

Was she sleeping with someone else that wasn't him? That must've been the only solution to why he felt the constant lust that she didn't, because she was fulfilling those needs with someone else.

The thought of Del never once being able to cheat on him flew out of his mind as he began to overthink and blow the situation out of apportion.

He began to act more protective and clingy with her, hoping that if he was always around she wouldn't be able to find time to sneak off with her side link.

Yet no matter how much time they spent together Del's perspective never changed, she still felt no desire to go the full way with Leo and it only angered him more as he began to make even more assumptions.

So he decided that if he couldn't get honesty or pleasure from his girlfriend, then he was going to get even.

June 1st, 1976 he went to the end of the school year party, Del went as his date, yet she split off immediately to go see Cal and make sure he wouldn't get blacked out drunk, but of course, Leo didn't have this information, from his point of view his girlfriend split off from him at the party so she could go find her other.

So Leo decided he had enough, enough of her deny's, enough of her lies, and enough of her neglect.

Later that night he bedded Sweartha Guiler, a 4th year Ravenclaw.

The foreign feeling had become a new necessity for him, it was addicting and he couldn't seem to get enough of it. The whole last week of their fifth year at Hogwarts, he spent in random girl's dorms, before he would sneak back into Delphinus'.

When the two arrived at his manor and she still refused was when he began to vocalise his annoyance to her 'prude attitude ' which sparked arguments left and right.

He would later take out his anger at the small parties his mates would throw, taking random female Slytherin's home with him and bed them in the guest bedroom after Del was asleep.

This was why he never allowed her to a single party, because he knew that if she decided to come with him then his plans on satisfying his needs would get demolished.

The anger he felt when he found out that Delphinus had not only disobeyed him and went to a party but also decided to wear the sluttiest clothes she owned, sinful thoughts filled his mind as anger controlled his actions, he now knew that he wouldn't be able to have a careless hookup tonight and that thought shook him to his core.

He tried to drink through his annoyance yet the intoxication only seemed to have added gasoline to the small flame inside him.

When he saw Delphinus flirting with both Carrow twins, it was the last straw for him, a small part of him tried to reason out his actions, he knew that Atlas was gay and Kenji had no intention on having any sort of relationship with his girlfriend yet he didn't listen.

Later that night he let his lust, intoxication, and anger take the wheel.

But at least he got what he went to the party for.

* * *

"Prongs, mate? Are you even listening?"

James snapped out of his uneasy thoughts as he looked back towards Peter who had thought it would be a good idea to try and get James and Sirius' minds off of what had been worrying them.

Delphinus Malfoy.

"Yeah, Pete, I'm hearing you." James mumbled, never in his life would he think that he would be getting distracted from playing a prank.

Not even Lily Evans affected him like that.

Sirius had been in the same state of mind, he was furious with himself, he saw the scars and found out that Del had been raped by Leo and he still let her back to the snake pit, the fear he felt when he saw the petrified expression on his newly found friend next to one of the boy's who had carved into her was un-explanable, but then when she was missing from Hogwarts, as well as her brother, terrified him even more.

"Okay, this isn't working." Remus sighed as he looked over at Peter with a shake of his head, of course the both of them were stressed and worried for the blonde that had caught all of their attention but it was James and Sirius who were infected the worst by her missing presence.

Remus and Peter had been attempting to distract the boys away from their stress yet nothing seemed to be working, Remus even went as low as suggesting pranking Severus Snape but it didn't even spark a second glance from the two boys.

Peter nervously chewed on his lip with furrowed eyebrows as he entered a deep train of thought, what was something that the two boys loved other than pranks?

Soon the boys cheeks blushed pink as a smile framed his lips, he had an idea, Remus, who was looking at Peter quickly nodded his head once the boy looked over to him for confirmation, Remus had no idea what he was going to say but at this point he was desperate for his mates to be happy.

"So, the Gryffindor vs. Slytherin quidditch match is in two days, you lot excited or what?"

Remus instantly slapped his hand into his face, now they have another thing to worry about since-

"Delphinus is the seeker, fuck! Now what are we supposed to do? What if she's not back by then? Wood isn't going to win it for us!" James jumped off the couch, his hands immediately flew to his hair as his anxiety became too much.

Quickly stomping down the stairs, Sirius let out a sigh, reaching into his pocket he grabbed his seventh cigarette from that hour as he stood up and moved closer to the opened windows at the back of his room.

"I forgot about that part." Peter winced.

"It's okay Pete." Remus reassured with a thin-lipped smile.

Nothing was okay at the moment.

* * *

Delphinus stayed frozen as the male mediwizard went into detail on her injuries, showing X-Ray scans of not only her skull, but her ribs and shoulder as well.

Yet it wasn't the recent injuries that scared her, it was the still colored picture of her abdomen and back that were on one of the multiple screens in the room.

The two parallel scars on her stomach and the names listed on her back.

As the male expressed his concern of the healed injuries she only stared ahead numbly, what could she say about it? How does she describe what happened to her to a stranger when she can barely even trust the closest of her friends?

The door was soon opened as two other healers walked in, Hope Lupin and Euphemia Potter.

Delphinus didn't even turn her head, she didn't know who had just walked in but she knew that there were now two more people in the room which only strengthened her thick barrier walls.

"Delphinus, I know this may be hard for you but we need to know what happened, this is not just silly little pranks, these are genuine crimes being put upon you." The male mediwizard, Faxton, sighed out, he understood that she may have been scared but he had a job to do and his patience was thinning.

For the first time since he entered the room, Delphinus looked over to him with a smile, "I appreciate your concern, but I must say this is just an embarrassing story that I would prefer not to say out loud." She laughed out as she moved her gaze to the names that were plastered on the screen.

The mediwizard looked surprised, her whole persona switched in a snap, but she had finally created a story for each of the injuries to where she would get no questions in return.

"Take your time." Faxton spoke slowly, getting ready to jot things down into his clipboard.

Delphinus took an inhale with an awkward smile, "Okay well, to start things off easily, the two scars were from ages ago, I fell and got stuck in a tree after Lucius and were flying around the property without permission, I didn't want to get our father involved so I told him to pull me down and the branches cut down my abdomen, they were never treated properly hence why they look so brutal now adays, and well for the names, I, uhm, lets just say sexual intercourse got kinky?" She winced out the last part, absolutely humiliated to say such words, but she knew that the healers wouldn't try to dig too far into it.

"This, erm, intercourse, was it co-"

"Consensual? Yes, my boyfriend and I have been together for as long as I can remember, we have lots of trust in our relationship."

"Okay then." Faxton mumbled, beginning to feel widely uncomfortable with talking to a horny sixteen year old girl about her kinks.

"And for my head, I am beginning to remember random occasions, I was stumbling down the hall and then Peeves had jumped out to alert that I wasn't at dinner, but as you know, I was intoxicated, I fell and hit my head on the concrete windowsill, thankfully Fornax Yaxley found me and brought me back to the feast."

"Fornax Yaxley, he is one of the names listed on your back, Delphinus, are you aware that he is over the legal age of seventeen as you are under?"

"Yes I am, but I don't see why that is exactly relevant, I haven't had any sexual relationship with him."

Faxton's face reddened as he opened his mouth and looked back to the names but decided to keep it shut, he had never had such an awkward appointment in his life and this made him want to request male patients only.

"O-oh, okay, well I have done my part here, Ephie and Hope will be taking care of you now." He rushed out as he picked up his lap coat and clipboard before walking out of the room.

Del had finally realised that there were two other people in the room so she quickly recited her story so she would be able to splutter the same thing out if either asked questions.

But then they both walked in front of the room and Del's eyes widened as she silently cursed herself for not putting the pieces together.

Ephie equaled Euphemia.

As is Euphemia fucking Potter.

One of the few people who knew what happened to her.

"Well shit." She whispered before pinching the skin between her eyebrows, she was screwed, how could she be so stupid to share what happened to her to a bloody healer who worked at St. Mungos, and if she was correct her husband worked within the ministry.

She almost wanted to laugh about how ironic this was, she wanted to keep everything a secret yet she tells two people who work for the damn law.

Hope only showed her a silent smile as she flipped off all of the screens and with a wave of her wand the door opened as each of the electronics rolled out of the room.

Euphemia looked over to Del who was biting the inside of her lip and looking down into her lap as she picked at her nails relentlessly while her thigh bounced up and down it in a fast rhythm.

Hope and Euphemia shared a quick glimpse before they both nodded and Hope walked out of the hospital room, "Everything will be okay, dear." She said as she closed the door.

"Is that the story you tell people when they ask?" Euphemia asked softly, approaching the girl slowly before sitting down on the hospital bed next to her.

"No." She replied, shaking her head while keeping her eyesight on her nails.

"Have you told anyone else?"

"I told Corvus somewhat, not the full story though, a few others are starting to figure it out." Del said quietly, she didn't know why it was so easy to talk to the women but she almost wished for the feeling of just being able to open up, even if she regretted telling her things in the beginning there was no going back now and she might as well know it all.

"Who? If you don't mind me asking." The women's words made the girl laugh a little, she was nervous to see her reaction when she found out that bloody Sirius Black, the daftest of them all, is one step away from knowing it all.

"Well, Marlene suspects what happened since I had a bloody meltdown in front of her, but surprisingly enough, Sirius practically knows the full story now."

Euphemia's face morphed into a smile, she would be lying if she said she wasn't surprised yet she also remembered Sirius coming back on Christmas break.

He held trauma as did Delphinus and Euphemia could already tell that he would be helping her through the process.

"If you're friends with Sirius then I'm assuming you've acquainted the rest of their little group?" Euphemia laughed.

"I guess you could say that." Del blushed red as she thought about the way her and the healer's son had definitely acquainted on a more physical note.

"Yeah I assumed so from the letters Remus would write Hope and the letters James has written me."

Del's eyes widened, James wrote his mum about her? The other healer, Hope, is Remus' mum?

"That's Remus' mum?" Del whispered in shock, why the bloody hell did she keep meeting her friend's mums?

Euphemia laughed as she nodded, "Yes, yes that is." She started, but her smile grew slightly when she noticed that Del had more questions to ask that she just couldn't bring herself to say.

"You've seemed to have caught my son's attention lately, you have my apologies for that." Euphemia teased as she analysed the girl's reaction before she continued, "It seems it isn't a one way street, Delphinus, if you don't mind me asking, why do you still speak of Leo like he is your boyfriend?".

And just like that, her walls were quickly built up as if they hadn't crumbled down for the older woman, "Because he is."

Euphemia didn't express her surprise or fear, instead she nodded with a smile sympathetically.

She sounded far too similar to Nashira.

Euphemia noticed that the tension had shifted and she quickly regretted her question, she knew that she couldn't play over the situation so she smiled once more before quickly changing the topic back as if she was simply talking to her as a healer the whole time.

"Well, your wounds all seemed to be healed just fine, you may feel some pain in your head from sensitivity but other than that everything should be okay, the migraines may come strong at first before they wear out, so you either have the options of taking potions, pain killers, or nothing and just let them pass by, the decision is yours, but I do have to warn you that the potions do taste quite horrid and letting a migraine just pass by may be a struggle."

Delphinus nodded, she didn't give a bloody fuck on what she needed to take she just wanted to get back to Hogwarts.

"Then pain killers will do I guess." The blonde shrugged and Euphemia nodded, it was crazy how quickly she changed her whole demeanour within a second.

It reminded the older women of Sirius, everything could be dandy at the Potters but the simplest comment could trigger something deep in his mind, no matter how hard he would play off that he was fine everyone knew that he wasn't.

"Of course, I can get that mailed to Minerva the second we re-stalk, but there is something that I will warn you about, pain killers can become incredibly addicting if not used properly so they will be in Madam Pomfrey's possession and if you ever feel like you need one then you can head to her office and she will give you the correct dosage."

Delphinus nodded with a thin lipped smile as Euphemia walked out of the room, she fell back first onto the medical bed as a sigh escaped her lips, she was tired, so tired.


She raised her head off of the uncomfortable pillows to see her mum at the door, "Love? Are you alright?"

"I'm scared, mum." Del whimpered as her lip quivered.

Nashira felt as if she could've broken right there on the spot, seeing her daughter go through so much pain, the same pain she went through when she was her age, the same pain that she promised she would never allow near any of her children, made her want to sob and beg for forgiveness for allowing such darkness into her daughter's life.

Nashira immediately joined her daughter on the hospital bed, Del placed her head into her lap as she finally let go.

She let go all the emotions she had been feeling, the anger that her life couldn't be normal like Lucius', the exhaustion of feeling like she couldn't be who she wished to be, the disgust that she would never be able to find herself beautiful without a concealment charm, the sadness of still, almost after two months, feeling betrayed by Leo, the envy that she couldn't express her emotions like normal people, and the humiliation of feeling like she was just another pleasure-filled night to someone that she had begun to feel something for.

The two sat there for what felt like hours, Lucius had joined his mother and sister for a few minutes but he soon left back for Hogwarts after getting reassured that everything was alright.

Nashira almost questioned why Del hadn't told anyone what had happened but she had chosen to keep the question to herself after she remembered how she felt when Abraxas had done that to her the first time.

It was now the late night of November 4th and Del felt like she was about to lose her mind, her mum had to leave only a few minutes ago since Abraxas was returning from some sort of meeting and Nashira was still prohibited from seeing her daughter.

The silence was what stressed Del out the most, there was nothing that could distract her from her own thoughts and she felt like she was drowning within them.

Pure guilt was all she felt, it was almost November 5th.

She had missed Sirius Black's bloody birthday.

A/N: If not obvious, I am from the U.S., so I recently changed my keyboard settings in google docs (which is where I edit all my chapters) to English U.K. just so it would fit a little more? I don't really know, but anyways if you noticed that some words were spelled differently than usual that is why.

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