Widow Sisters and Friends (Re...

By SimWoman2002

133K 3.1K 680

A collection of fanfiction for the Black Widow movie. There are going to be some spoilers, so if you're all g... More

My Reason
Snowy Surprises
Never Too Big
Defending Honor
Just Wanna Stay
Please Don't Close Your Eyes
I'm Here for You
Carry Me
Returning the Favor
Tracing My Love
You Will Always Be Mine
Let Me Take Care of You
Prank Wars
Breaking My Heart
Fanny Longbottom
Keep You Safe
Gonna Stay with You
Miss American Pie
Even If It Takes Forever
Unexpectedly Impressive
Opening Her Heart
Visions in the Night
Queens of Game Night
Little Peter's Girl Troubles
The Greatest Treasure
With Your Hand in Mine
Dynamite Comes in Small Packages
For the Best Poser
You, My Darling You
The Great Walmart Escapade
Budapest with a Sh
Living in Our Own Little World
My Little Koala
Trust Yourself: Part 1
Trust Yourself: Part 2
Cuddles and Camping
The Coolest Way to Die
Let the Thunder Roll
I've Got You
Sugar Rush
Meet the Family
The Smallest Roadtrip with the Biggest Poser
War of the Widows
Don't Touch Her
My Entire World: Part 1
My Entire World: Part 2
Rediscovering Sisterhood
Cold, Hard Fear
Hidden Talent
The Most Gorgeous Sound
Chase the Demons Away
I Can't Lose You: Part 1
I Can't Lose You: Part 2
Easy as Breathing
My Precious Gift
My Hero
My Sweet Girl
Here, Kitty, Kitty
Fake It 'Til You Make It
It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year
Perfect to Me
Serving Revenge
Family Weekend: Part 1
Family Weekend: Part 2
Family Weekend: Part 3
Family Weekend: Part 4
Family Weekend: Part 5
Family Weekend: Part 6
Family Weekend: Part 7
Together Forevermore
Big Sister's Birthday
Shut Up and Drive
Don't Hide from Me
Might as Well Jump
A Surprise Around Every Corner
Truth Cuts Deeper Than Any Knife
I'll Always Stay
Paging My Poser
I'll Protect You
Follow You Anywhere
The New and Improved Toilet Fountain
Sledding with the Bartons
Talent Show
Junk Food Junkie
Sleep, Moya Sestra
Detka, It's Cold Outside
Detka, It's Cold Outside: Part 2
What Once was Mine
Day Off
Show Yourself
As the World Caves In: Part 1
As the World Caves In: Part 2
As the World Caves In: Part 3
As the World Caves In: Part 4
Opposite Day
Under the Influence
Cutting A Little Too Deep
No Touchy
These Cheaters Prosper
What You Need
Sing for Me
The Quiet Game
Anything for You
Don't Mess with Him
Be Mine, Valentine
I Just Need You
Gun Show Gone Wrong
On My Knees
Meaner than a Hornet
Vexing Vest Situation
Just My Natashka
When We've No Place to Go
Katie Strikes Back
Katie Strikes Back: Part 2
Katie Strikes Back: Part 3
Tickle Monster
Green-Eyed Monster: Part 1
Green-Eyed Monster: Part 2
Green-Eyed Monster: Part 3
Green-Eyed Monster: Part 4
Green-Eyed Monster: Part 5
Green-Eyed Monster: Part 6
Green-Eyed Monster: Part 7
Green-Eyed Monster: Part 8
Green-Eyed Monster: Part 9
Green-Eyed Monster: Part 10
First in My World
Prank Heist
Anniversary of A Nightmare
Minor Flesh Wounds
Heartbreaking Heat
The Flour Queen
This Has Been a Gas
Don't Break Me Like This: Part 1
Don't Break Me Like This: Part 2
Number One
Submerged in Fear
Gorgeous Inside and Out
I Heal by Your Touch
Spoiled Little Brat
The Worst Plans Are Actually Planned
All is Gone
The Sister Instruction Manual
The Breaking Point
Outrageous Egg Hunt
Listen to Me: Part 1
Listen to Me: Part 2
Listen to Me: Part 3
Listen to Me: Part 4
Listen to Me: Part 5
Listen to Me: Part 6
Listen to Me: Part 7
Listen to Me: Part 8
With You in Spirit
Scooby Dooby Darcy
Sisters in Arms (But in Nothing Else)
From the Start
Come to Me
Standing on the Edge
You are Ours Now
Reunion: Part 1
Reunion: Part 2
Reunion: Part 3
Reunion: Part 4
Reunion: Part 5
Reunion: Part 6
Reunion: Part 7
What About Me?
The Art of Transportation
Two Sides of the Heart: Part 1
Two Sides of the Heart: Part 2
Elevators Are Never a Good Thing
Setting Up the Captains
Parental Introduction and Swine Maliciousness
It's About You, Too
Revenge is a Dish Best Served While Sleeping
We are NOT Sisters

Terrifying Discoveries

739 16 11
By SimWoman2002

Summary: Yelena and Natasha discover fanfiction and Archive of Our Own and are completely shocked at their findings...

   Natasha came in through the door, having headed out to go and fetch the mail. When she had been out there, she had spotted Steve and Sam on a run and she had stopped them to talk for a little while.

She was honestly surprised Yelena had not come out to see what was taking her so long with the mail. Yelena always stuck to Natasha's side remarkably closely, and she never left Natasha alone for too long unless she absolutely had to or unless it was because she had lost track of time. Which told Natasha that Yelena must have been extremely distracted while she had been outside.

"What're you doing in here?" Natasha called, feeling a bit of trepidation as she considered the many possibilities of what Yelena could be up to that would distract her that much. Natasha was strongly afraid of the possibility of Yelena setting up some sort of elaborate prank while she was outside.

However, to her surprise, Yelena was in the big armchair in the living room. She was slumped into the armchair with a laptop perched on her knees. As soon as Natasha approached the doorway, Yelena looked over at her. Her eyes immediately lit up with pure excitement, and Natasha felt a bit of nervousness creeping upon her. However, the expression was too adorable for her heart not to melt a little.

"Natashka! Come and check this out!" Yelena cried, and Natasha felt the nervousness disappearing as she realized she was most likely safe from pranks at least for that moment. Natasha came over, an eyebrow quirked as she looked down at the blonde.

"Bend down and look, poser! No time for waiting around!" Yelena scolded, reaching up and grabbing Natasha's shirt collar and dragging her downward. Natasha grunted a little as she kneeled next to the chair, but she chuckled nevertheless as she squinted her eyes just a bit to read the writing on the screen.

To her pure and unadulterated shock, she found that the words before her were a narrative that seemed to star Peter and Tony as the main characters. Natasha furrowed her brow, reaching out and grabbing the side of the screen firmly as she adjusted it so that she could see it better.

"Yelena, what is this?" Natasha asked, and Yelena just shrugged with a slight laugh.

"I have no idea. But you should see some of the other stuff I found, though," Yelena informed her, and changed tabs quickly with a wicked cackle.

Natasha squinted, reading the words quickly before her eyes widened and she looked over at Yelena with horror, her stomach flipping over as she felt a bit like vomiting.

"What the—"

"I know, right?! Some people think that Stark and the Star Spangled Speedo want to suck face," Yelena cackled, and Natasha just gaped at the screen with horror as she tried to erase that utterly terrifying image from her mind. She knew both of them would definitely never ever do that with each other.

"They obviously don't know about Pepper, do they?" Natasha inquired finally after collecting her thoughts well enough to control her shocked reaction.

"Or they don't care," Yelena declared before just laughing even harder, holding her stomach as she tried to hold herself together long enough to tell Natasha her next words.

"I'm going to send the link to her," Yelena just barely managed to get out before the laughs overtook her completely. Natasha shook her head, rubbing at her eyes with a hand as she tried to literally wipe what she had just read from her vision.

"What is this website anyway?" Natasha asked, and Yelena scrolled up in the midst of giggles to point to the top left corner. Natasha furrowed her brow.

"Archive of Our Own?" Natasha questioned, and Yelena nodded, hardly managing to hold herself together in the midst of her mirth. Natasha put her hand on the mousepad and directed the cursor over the "About" listed below the website name. A dropdown menu appeared and there was an "About Us" section. Natasha then clicked that option and started to read quietly to herself.

"So... It's a website for fans of the Avengers to write stuff about us?" Natasha asked, furrowing her brow as she considered the thought with some disgust.

"Yeah. And they write stuff about all sort of movies and TV shows, too," Yelena explained, and Natasha swallowed a bit, trying to process the entire thing.

"But that's a little more acceptable... I mean, we're real. Shouldn't there be something against writing about real people?" Natasha pondered aloud, her eyes still a bit wide as she considered the whole thing with immense horror in her eyes.

"Honestly, I think it's hilarious that they write about real people. Imagine how awkward the team is going to feel when I find some of the nastier, steamier stories from this website and send it to them when they're the stars of it," Yelena laughed joyfully, and Natasha shook her head.

"No. You are not doing that," Natasha informed her, and Yelena just poked her lip out a bit.

"C'mon, Natashka... It could be so funny! I mean... America the Brave as a porn star in an online story," Yelena told her with giggles wracking her entire form, and Natasha shot her a disapproving glare, trying to resist the urge to from a less mature side of her to find the whole thing funny as well.

"You don't want to give Steve a heart attack, do you?" Natasha asked, her voice not as firm as she meant for it to be, and Yelena just scoffed.

"He probably wouldn't have heart attack! Just... mini-stroke," Yelena assured her, an evil smirk spreading across her face. However, Natasha could easily see that the younger woman knew that she was right. Natasha sighed deeply before noticing the search bar. She narrowed her eyes.

"You don't think," Natasha trailed off, and Yelena raised her eyebrows as she seemed to catch on to what Natasha meant as Natasha moved the cursor to the search bar. Yelena reached out and took over control of the laptop, clicking the search bar and typing their names into it.

To their absolute shock, there were a ton of listings for stories featuring the two, and Natasha and Yelena shared a slight glance, their eyebrows raised nearly to their hairline. They then turned their attentions back to the screen as Yelena scrolled through.

Yelena randomly clicked one, not taking time to read the description as she scrolled down a little.

They started to read, and not too far in the story, they both froze in surprise, and Natasha squinted, trying to make absolute sure that she had read the words correctly.

"They... We... What?!" Natasha yelped, and Yelena quickly pressed the back button and returned to the search as she wrinkled her nose. Natasha covered her mouth, her eyes wide as she took in the whole thing with horror.

"Eww... It is like they have not heard the term inbreeding," Yelena declared, and Natasha felt her stomach twisting uncomfortably with the thought of people picturing her and her sweet baby sister in a romantic relationship together. That was the farthest from what they were to each other. True, they were exceedingly physical with each other, but absolutely none of it was anywhere near romantically intended.

The two grew quiet for a moment, and there were several beats of silence before Yelena started to hum and sing softly under her breath, browsing the options listed.

"Sweet home Alabama..."

Immediately, Natasha snorted hard in spite of herself, and Yelena began to cackle gleefully as they both relieved all of the tenseness and disgust of the last story that they had looked at together. Yelena put her hands up in a position like she was playing guitar as she made guitar noises out of her mouth.

"Rooskaya, you're insane," Natasha told her, chuckles affecting her voice as she looked at the younger woman fondly. Yelena moved her head over, bumping it against Natasha's from where the redhead was crouched next to the chair.

"Well, you're a poser. Oh, wait, look! Here's another one!" Yelena pointed out and clicked the link to take them to the story. Natasha shook her head with a deep sigh, somewhat dreading what was going to come next.

They started to read and to their surprise, it was not a romantic story at all. It was a tale of sisterly love and platonic interaction, and Natasha found it somewhat adorable in its ability to pinpoint Yelena's personality perfectly. Even if it did portray Natasha a bit too soft in her own mind.

"Ugh... Can you believe this crap? They try to make me out like I'm some kind of cuddle monster."

"You are," Natasha informed her, and Yelena narrowed her eyes at Natasha. Natasha smirked a little, raising an eyebrow as she chuckled. She then leaned in and kissed Yelena's head. Yelena leaned into the affection in spite of herself, and Natasha grinned widely as Yelena just proved her point.

As soon as Yelena fully realized it, she narrowed her eyes at Natasha, moving away slowly and hesitantly.

However, as she continued reading the story before her, her face suddenly lit up in a giant smirk as she looked at Natasha and pointed to a word on the screen.

"Huh. Look at that. You're such a poser that even these story-writer people say that you are," Yelena declared with a mischievous laugh, and Natasha just huffed, rolling her eyes as she took in the word. It was used as a nickname for Natasha ironically from a piece of dialogue uttered by Yelena.

"Looks like they're just characterizing you perfectly. Y'know. Capturing your innately irritating nature," Natasha informed her, and Yelena grumbled something under her breath.

"These people must watch a lot of those videos you post on Instagram for them to figure out that you call me that," Natasha pointed out, and Yelena shrugged a little as she looked at the redhead.

"These people are pretty obsessive. But at least this one got the most important thing right," Yelena spoke, and Natasha sighed slightly with the barest hints of a smile as she knew exactly what was coming next from the blonde beside her.

"What's that?" Natasha questioned somewhat begrudgingly, knowing that Yelena was just looking for another opportunity to bring up the poser thing.

"They know just how I love you," Yelena expressed with a soft expression in her eyes as she gazed at Natasha with an adoration that took the redhead's breath away. Natasha felt her heart swelling with the affection, and she extended her hand to touch the side of Yelena's neck and pull her nearer. Natasha pressed her forehead against Yelena's, and Yelena melted against her immediately. They both closed their eyes, enjoying the feel of each other.

There was a beat of silence, and Natasha could practically feel Yelena's need to say something. Natasha. Natasha opened her eyes to meet Yelena's who were sparkling with mischief.


"Plus, they also know you're a total poser."

"And there it is..."

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