tbate | The Storm Gods Chosen...

By BoreasHimFuckingSelf

256K 8.9K 3.1K

Knowledge of the novel he is going to reincarnate into and the blessing of the God who ended his life are bes... More

Chapter 0 Prolouge
Ch 1 Reincarnated??
Ch 2 The Frozen Tomb
Ch 3 Possession
Ch4 Aftermath
Ch 5 The Road to Ashbern
Ch6 The Leywins
Ch7 Arthur
Ch8 The Cores
Chapter 9 Hoarfrost heart
Ch 10 The Begining Of The Journy
Ch 11 The will of the North wind
CH 12 Storm Magic
Ch 13 Elshire
Ch 14 Tessia
Ch 15 meeting
Ch16 The Gardens
Ch 17 Small Talk
Ch 18 Rinia
Ch 19 The Will
Ch20 Bonded
Ch21 Reunion
Ch 22 Offer
Ch23 Goodsky
Ch 24 Requisition
Ch 25 Auction
Ch 26 Auction Pt 2
Ch 27 Examination
Ch 28 The Beast glades
CH 29 Introductions
Ch 30 Dire tombs I
Ch 31 Dire tombs II
Ch 32 Balmung
Ch 33 Heading Home
CH 34 Restraining Order
Ch 35 Terrifyingly Genius Discovery's
Ch 36 Poisonwood
Ch 37 The Talk
Ch 38 Apprentice
Ch 39 Nico
Ch 40 Future Proofing
Ch 41 Xyrus
Ch 42 A Reputation To Uphold
Ch 43 The D.C Triple Threat
Ch45 First 'Official' Meeting
Ch46 First day
Ch 47 Combat Start
Ch48 Arthur the Masochist
Ch 49 Payback
Ch 50 Couples Training, And Elijah I Geuss
Ch 51 New Marks
Ch 52 D.C Meeting
Ch 53 Field Trip Prep
Ch 54 Eve Of The Crypt
Ch 55 Widows Crypt Pt 1
Ch 56 Widows Crypt pt 2
Ch 57 Uto's Own Game
Ch 58 Healing Flames
Ch 59 Meeting the Family
Ch 60 Elixer's
Ch 61 Will Awakened
Ch 62 Meeting Inturupted
Ch 63 The Collapse
Ch 64 Eternal Karma
Ch 65 Godspell
Ch 66 School In Ruins
CH 67 The Castle
Ch 68 Regicide (Kinda)
Ch 69 Revilation
Ch 70 Epheotus
Ch 71 Virgil
Ch 72 Final Test
Ch 73 The Lernaean Forest
Ch 74 Core Development
CH 75 New Form
Ch76 Test Drive
Ch77 A Warriors Present
Ch 78 Typhon
Ch 79 Commander's Approval
Ch 80 Old Memories
Ch 81 Pandora's Cavern
CH 82 Pandora's Cavern ||
CH 83 Pandora's Cavern |||
Ch 84 Pandora's Cavern ||||
CH 85 Our Return
Ch 86 Serious Developments
Ch 87 Brewing Storm
Ch 88 Typhon's Wrath
Ch 89 Aftermath
Ch 90 the Paladins
Ch 91 Speech
CH 92 Armed Recon
Ch 93 The Fallen
Ch 94 Wrath of the Hydra
CH 95 Cadell
CH 96 Retrieved
Ch 97 Wounded Paladin's
CH 98 Fortifications
Ch 99 The Elshire Sweep
Ch 100 Awakening
Ch 101 Cecilia
Ch 102 Noah of the Buring lance
Ch 103 Rising Storm
Ch 104 Frostborn's Never Die
CH 105 The Foundries
CH 106 Meeting of the Gods
CH 107 Rough Night?
Ch 108 Rude Entrance
CH 109 Skirmish
CH 110 Pierrot the Clown
CH 111 A Day To Be Remembered
Ch 112 Calm Before the Storm
Ch 113 Calm Before The Storm 2
Ch 114 Approaching Storm
Ch 115 Counterattack
Ch 116 Jailbreak
Ch 117 New leads
CH 118 Six Fronts
CH 119 Scythe
CH 120 The First Front
Ch 121 A Grim Reminder
Chapter 122 Rebirth
Ch 123 Among the Ruins
Ch 124 Looking Glass
Ch 125 Confession
Ch 126 Day at the Wall
Ch 127 Reconciliation
Ch 128 Fury
Ch 129 The Storm king
Ch 130 Remains
Ch 131 Goodbye, my Friend
Ch 132 A New Vessel
Hiatus and info about next arc

CH 44 Reunions

2.4K 83 65
By BoreasHimFuckingSelf

It only took a couple of moments for the shock of Jack getting punched through a wall to wear off. While most were confused, Charles seemed to know exactly what was going on as his face paled and he immediately stepped away from the commotion he'd created. Elijah was a bit surprised as well, his head turning left and right to see who used the vine spell spell, but the person responsible had yet to show herself.

Standing up, I watched as the vines dragged Jack back, who'd given up his struggle against the vines his face turning a nasty shade of purple. The atmosphere in the dining hall turned tense as everyone stayed silent, waiting for the very possible maiming that was about to happen. Giving Elijah a meaningful glance, I silently lifted my arm, Pointing my palm at vines. Holding back on the amount of mana I used, I willed a sharp gale of wind from my palm.


The Ravenpor groupies behind Jack covered themselves against the sharp gale as they got caught in the attack as well. With the spell, I so graciously freed Jack from the vines that were choking him, but in the process, shredded his clothes as well, leaving him the same way he came out from his unfortunate mother's womb.

Jack plopped to his knees, coughing and gasping for air. Without either a word or a change in expression.

"Arthur she is around the corner, go and make up for leaving your girlfriend to get food," I called out turning and walking towards Charles, who was still trying to discreetly make his way out of the dining hall.

"She isn't my Girlfriend!.... yet," Art said with a defeated and hushed breath, Me and Elijah turned back to look at him, Elijah just gave a thumbs up in approval while I gave him a Crisp 'Ok' sign with my hand and an approving nod before turning back to Charles.

He was by the wall, almost in front of the main doors, when I unsheathed the Disciplinary Committee knife I received from the director, imbued wind mana into it, and threw it. The knife cut through the air and pierced through his blazer, pinning him against the wall and nearly dragging him through it like Jack.

"What the hell?" He yelped as I came face to face with him.

"Maybe it's just me but I find it pathetic when brats like you who come from noble families beat your chest for something that you never even earned. Before bragging about how powerful your family is, be competent enough to at least not embarrass your ancestors who earned their nobility." I pulled out the knife he was struggling to remove in one swift swipe and dragged him across the floor before tossing a blanket over jack and tying them together and dragging them out the door towards the disciplinary comity room.

The brisk autumn air greeted me as I closed the door, my breath becoming visible in a cloud in front of me. I could see Arthur talking to a Blushing Tess and handing her the purified and enhanced Elder wood Guardian core.

I sensed her will a bit of mana into the orb, I sense the will rouse in it and the will, as well as the Poison and Soufire mana, start to seamlessly join with hers without any fuss. suddenly she stopped the absorption in shock.

"Don't Tell ME!?" Tess's voice was a mixture of shock and pure joy,

"Dad we should leave those two love birds to their own business," Zeph said mentally.

"you're right let's go."

But as we were walking away I used sound magic to whisper into Arthurs's ear. "Soul fire can fix a hickey but not your pullout game". I teased ducking, using mirage walk, and using sound magic to go invisible to him just in time to dodge a Lightning bolt.

"dad I think you struck a nerve,"

"more like a few Zeph" I joked checking for any singed hairs.


After walking to the disciplinary committee room I kicked open the doors throwing in Charles and Jack who were tied up and uncurious from a teensy bit of my bloodlust after they refused to shut up.

"whos this?" Asked Theo, walking up to me emitting his pressure on me, which compared to Arthur and Elijah was pitiful.

"THEODORE STOP!!" Claire yelled but was too late because he was already pinned to the roof of the room by my wind pressure.

"Oh hey, Claire," I said pleasantly giving her a smile as Theo fell from the roof and slammed onto the ground with a solid THUD.

"Is he still alive?" Asked Doradrea

I just picked him up with one hand and slapped him awake.

"HUH! WHA!? WHAT THE HELL??" Theo questioned rubbing his head trying to figure out what happened, it looked like he was unsure where, when, and what he was doing in the room.

"He's Fiiiine" I slapped him on the back winding him causing him to go into a coughing fit.

"I heard of the commotion you caused today Al," Claire said in the tone of a parent finding out that her child was suspended.

"you expect me to not put the guy in his place when his swordsmanship is that bad?" I Asked In half serious half sarcastic tone.

Claire sighed in defeat" Your right, But did you have to do that to Theo?"

I just raised my eyebrows and looked at her, Claire quickly remembered her training with me and accepted the fact that Theo was only winded and dropped the point.

"So what happened to these two?" Doradrea poked Charles and Jack with a stick.

"they tried to fight Arthur Leywin outside of a duel in the cafeteria." My voice was extremely casual, so much so I could have said I just murdered Blain Glayder and nobody would bat an eye at it.

"Oh, alrigh- Wait A Minute, Isn't that your cousin that is just as strong as you?" Claire Questioned with a double-take.

"Yea that's the one."

"Knowing how much your 'training' rubs off on people how are they still alive?"

"Oh, that's because Elijah punched Jack through the wall."

"Al, Why am I not surprised?"

"Probably because you're the only one that lasted a month under my training."

"Wait even Arthur didn't make it that long?"

"Nah, he started two weeks ago."

"ahhhhh so that's why, I thought you went easy on me." Claire laughed and playfully punched my arm which I let her do Although I nearly dodged on reflex.

I laughed nervously because I was going easy on her by not using the real unsheathed Tempestarii and Augmenting myself Like I did on Arthur and Elijah, Which is another reason why they are terrified of my training. And If Claire found out that I didn't even augment myself but just made it look like I did she would use my training to its fullest to try and hit me.

Claire was simultaneously the cutest and most terrifying girl I knew, Even scarier than Helen when she Skewered 5 bandits to a wall one arrow through their mana and armor while smiling gently.

Women that can beat me in a fight Scare the shit out of me but holy shit is it attractive.

After some Dealing with the two trouble makers and making them pay for the wall and table Claire introduced me to the Disciplinary Committee which I already knew. Theo respected me for being able to use wind magic like gravity to a better level than himself, Doradrea had a mixture of fear and respect for me after I beat her In an arm wrestle without using mana other than my assimilated body which to be fair was about 5 times stronger if I just used the mana that's combined with my muscles, using the stasis particles that I assimilated like the mana would make me so much stronger it wouldn't be fun, well that and the fact that if I didn't reinforce my bones when I used it my arm would break.

After a brief sparring match with them in the small arena in the room with my fists only they both lost and decided to train with themselves for a while and if they still couldn't block or dodge 3 of my attacks in a row or hit me once they would submit to my harshest training. Claire warned them to not do it but they were adamant even after feeling my pressure when I didn't restrain myself which was impressive.


'Papa, you're really happy. Is it because you made up with Mama?' Sylvie teased me as I walked up the stairs and back to my dorm room.

'Can it, Sylv. And can you stop calling her "Mama"?' I pinched my dragon bond's ear, making her squirm.

"Room 394! Finally..." Tessia and I had been walking pretty slowly and had stopped in between while we talked so it was pretty late at the night. I opened the door carefully, just in case Elijah was asleep.

"BWAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" Al and Elijah were rolling on their sides laughing their asses off the second I walked in.

"I FUCKING CALLED IT ELIJAH!!" Al Yelled in-between his manic Cackling.

"YOU ACTUALLY FUCKING DID IT!!" Elijah Choked out between his laughs which was making him cry.

"What did you call??" I was confused as hell racking my brain to what it was.

"LOOK AT YOUR FUCKING NECK!!!" Al coughed out.

'OH SHIT!' I screamed mentally, I ran to the washroom and looked in the mirror, My normally tied back auburn hair was all over the place and was looked to be tousled and played with intimately. And there it was, four red spots and a faint lipstick mark on the side of my neck left by a certain elven Princess.

'Papa is a bad boy.' Sylvie teased me and I could feel her holding back her laughter, Which wasn't much of comfort considering Zeph was Wheezing on the floor next to Al.

"so Art, Did you pull ou-" Al's teasing was cut short by me appearing next to him and punching him square in the jaw.

We were All too tired to even try to wash up, well I at least washed the lipstick off but Al and Elijah refused to use soulfire to get rid of the marks Tess left, and my head was already hurting at the thought of the rumor's I would be hearing in the morning, but memories of what happened tonight had kept me up. I kept wondering how the hell Tess was that assertive, what the hell did you do to Tess gramps?


Alexander Shard Pov

I had woken up from my Physically induced nap with a sore jaw that was fixed with a bit of soulfire mana. Art was already dressed and told me to wake up Elijah.

"Wake the fuck up!" I yelled as Zeph slammed his body on Elijah as I finished fastening the shoulder strap for the knife that represented my status as a disciplinary committee member.

"Oof!" Elijah bolted up in surprise but groaned once he realized how tired and in pain he was.

"I can see why you don't like being woken up like this," he mumbled as he rubbed his stomach.

"hurry up and get dressed we have to be at the auditorium in a bit." Elijah bolted up and got dressed so fast I thought he was using [thunderclap Impulse] for a second.

"So did you pull out or not?"

"Al, Shut the fuck up, Also we didn't go far enough for that to happen."

"I won't pry further but just remember we have a war to train for like 6 months for now and that lasts like 3 years, and the war itself I didn't see the end of it. So if you are going to do that just be sure of it."

"Alright, thanks for the info."

We headed towards the auditorium. I was supposed to formally meet all the other members of the disciplinary committee in the small waiting room inside the auditorium, but we had met beforehand with the exclusion of a few of them, Arthur and Elijah were a bit excited as to what kind of people they might be.

Sylvie "Kyu-ed" in excitement as well as she swayed her head from side to side. Zeph was scurrying around in my Uniform before popping his head out the neck of my vest using it as a blanket. After today, everyone would know that I was part of the disciplinary committee. I grinned at myself after imagining what the Ravenpoop's group's face would look like after becoming aware of what my different uniform meant today.

Arriving at the back entrance to the auditorium, I straightened up my shirt, vest, and strap, and opened the door, feeling tired, sleepy, curious, and a bit excited.

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