tbate | The Storm Gods Chosen...

By BoreasHimFuckingSelf

256K 8.9K 3.1K

Knowledge of the novel he is going to reincarnate into and the blessing of the God who ended his life are bes... More

Chapter 0 Prolouge
Ch 1 Reincarnated??
Ch 2 The Frozen Tomb
Ch 3 Possession
Ch4 Aftermath
Ch 5 The Road to Ashbern
Ch6 The Leywins
Ch7 Arthur
Ch8 The Cores
Chapter 9 Hoarfrost heart
Ch 10 The Begining Of The Journy
Ch 11 The will of the North wind
CH 12 Storm Magic
Ch 13 Elshire
Ch 14 Tessia
Ch 15 meeting
Ch16 The Gardens
Ch 17 Small Talk
Ch 18 Rinia
Ch 19 The Will
Ch20 Bonded
Ch21 Reunion
Ch 22 Offer
Ch23 Goodsky
Ch 24 Requisition
Ch 25 Auction
Ch 26 Auction Pt 2
Ch 27 Examination
Ch 28 The Beast glades
Ch 30 Dire tombs I
Ch 31 Dire tombs II
Ch 32 Balmung
Ch 33 Heading Home
CH 34 Restraining Order
Ch 35 Terrifyingly Genius Discovery's
Ch 36 Poisonwood
Ch 37 The Talk
Ch 38 Apprentice
Ch 39 Nico
Ch 40 Future Proofing
Ch 41 Xyrus
Ch 42 A Reputation To Uphold
Ch 43 The D.C Triple Threat
CH 44 Reunions
Ch45 First 'Official' Meeting
Ch46 First day
Ch 47 Combat Start
Ch48 Arthur the Masochist
Ch 49 Payback
Ch 50 Couples Training, And Elijah I Geuss
Ch 51 New Marks
Ch 52 D.C Meeting
Ch 53 Field Trip Prep
Ch 54 Eve Of The Crypt
Ch 55 Widows Crypt Pt 1
Ch 56 Widows Crypt pt 2
Ch 57 Uto's Own Game
Ch 58 Healing Flames
Ch 59 Meeting the Family
Ch 60 Elixer's
Ch 61 Will Awakened
Ch 62 Meeting Inturupted
Ch 63 The Collapse
Ch 64 Eternal Karma
Ch 65 Godspell
Ch 66 School In Ruins
CH 67 The Castle
Ch 68 Regicide (Kinda)
Ch 69 Revilation
Ch 70 Epheotus
Ch 71 Virgil
Ch 72 Final Test
Ch 73 The Lernaean Forest
Ch 74 Core Development
CH 75 New Form
Ch76 Test Drive
Ch77 A Warriors Present
Ch 78 Typhon
Ch 79 Commander's Approval
Ch 80 Old Memories
Ch 81 Pandora's Cavern
CH 82 Pandora's Cavern ||
CH 83 Pandora's Cavern |||
Ch 84 Pandora's Cavern ||||
CH 85 Our Return
Ch 86 Serious Developments
Ch 87 Brewing Storm
Ch 88 Typhon's Wrath
Ch 89 Aftermath
Ch 90 the Paladins
Ch 91 Speech
CH 92 Armed Recon
Ch 93 The Fallen
Ch 94 Wrath of the Hydra
CH 95 Cadell
CH 96 Retrieved
Ch 97 Wounded Paladin's
CH 98 Fortifications
Ch 99 The Elshire Sweep
Ch 100 Awakening
Ch 101 Cecilia
Ch 102 Noah of the Buring lance
Ch 103 Rising Storm
Ch 104 Frostborn's Never Die
CH 105 The Foundries
CH 106 Meeting of the Gods
CH 107 Rough Night?
Ch 108 Rude Entrance
CH 109 Skirmish
CH 110 Pierrot the Clown
CH 111 A Day To Be Remembered
Ch 112 Calm Before the Storm
Ch 113 Calm Before The Storm 2
Ch 114 Approaching Storm
Ch 115 Counterattack
Ch 116 Jailbreak
Ch 117 New leads
CH 118 Six Fronts
CH 119 Scythe
CH 120 The First Front
Ch 121 A Grim Reminder
Chapter 122 Rebirth
Ch 123 Among the Ruins
Ch 124 Looking Glass
Ch 125 Confession
Ch 126 Day at the Wall
Ch 127 Reconciliation
Ch 128 Fury
Ch 129 The Storm king
Ch 130 Remains
Ch 131 Goodbye, my Friend
Ch 132 A New Vessel
Hiatus and info about next arc

CH 29 Introductions

2K 84 34
By BoreasHimFuckingSelf

****Dragonspine Inn****


"Hey hey, did you hear about the rumor going on?" I asked as I put down my mug of beer.

A burly man sitting at the same table finished off his glass before slamming it on the table. "If you're talking about those two famous masked swordsmen, I say bullshit!"

From his flushed cheeks to his glazed eyes, it didn't take a genius to tell he was drunk.

"No, apparently it's true! An acquaintance of mine supposedly once teamed with them. There traveling with Jasmine Flamesworth, so it's hard to miss him." A skinny lad with his hair tied in a bun came over to our table to join in on the gossip.

"So? What did your so-called 'acquaintance' say about him?" The drunkard exclaimed, getting impatient.

"Well, they went together to explore a minor dungeon that had been cleared before. Apparently, they're pretty short! I think the rumors are true in that he's not a mage." The thin lad just shook his head in wonder.

"Bah! I call bullshit! It's either those masked swordsmen are augmenters, or the rumors are just exaggerated! Did you hear some of the stories going around about him? There were even a few rumors that they each solo-cleared dungeons by themselves! Is that even possible? B-class augmenters can't do that, even if it's a low-level dungeon, and you expect me to believe there are two ordinary swordsmen that can?" The drunkard waved his empty mug for a refill on his beer.

"Yeah man, I would take some of those rumors with a pinch of salt. That solo-clear rumor... didn't the guy also say that Jasmine Flamesworth went in with him? She probably helped him inside, right?" I took another sip, feeling a little lightheaded.

"Right, right? I'm telling you, dunderheads, that swordsman is probably not even that strong! Half those rumors are probably rumors of Jasmine Flamesworth! those midgets dare to call themselves a swordsman? Bring both of em here! I'll take em on any day!"

Things were getting loud as the burly drunk was getting more and more intoxicated. The hottest topic these days amongst adventurers were the masked swordsmen Note and Felwinter. Some stories had said that they were Jasmine Flamesworth's apprentices, but that was a little far-fetched. It was made known that they took a rank exam to place into A rank, which was already spouted as cheating and bullshit at every mention. More shocking than that, though, was he was now that the three of them are AA-class! Moving a full rank up in two years' time? horseshit I say.

I just shook my head as I pitied myself. Here I was, a borderline C-class adventurer. I had failed the exam to move up a class three times these past three years. Once you gathered enough merit points from going into dungeons and completing missions and quests, adventurers were allowed the chance to move up a class upon passing an exam.

The exam differed for each class, but supposedly, to go into the A rank, which was the first class considered 'elite.' the examinee had to fight two-on-one with two A-rank adventurers and last for ten minutes. And for AA class you had to win the fight or last for half an hour.

The weird thing was that when some of the rumors had reached the examinees that were there when the masked swordsmen took their exams, they all said that note was an augmenter, and that Felwinter was a Conjurer. The rumor got so big around them because everyone who had been on a dungeon exploration with them said that he never used mana with their swords but whenever a massive hoard showed up Felwinter pulled out a great sword that earned the name

"Abaddon, The Army Cleaver Bringer Of Storms" because each swing left only Storms and Destruction.

But even without Abbadon, they were demons with a sword, Flewinter's looked like a silver blur of erratic and fluid slashes and stabs, While Note was more precise and measured like a butcher with a rare piece of meat.

The burly man was sobering up a little now and was just annoyed by the fact that midget swordsmen were supposedly better than him. He was a Veteran B-class augmenter after all; I could imagine that was a pretty big source of pride for him.

The squeaky door to the pub opened and I dropped the fork that was in my hand as I saw two short figures entering.

"Well speak of the devil! The little midget swordsmen everyone's hyped up about are here! Where's your little guardian?" The burly man got up from his seat with a snide grin on his face, cheeks still red.

The very same masked swordsman, the one responsible for all of the crazy rumors...he was here in the flesh!

I saw Note's blue eyes underneath the mask with a blue quarter note on its left eye, and Felwinters blood-red eyes from underneath his White mask with 3 red slashes over its right eye. They look up at the burly man with an unknown expression. they were wearing simple black coats that came down to their mid-thigh, the hood on the coat covering up what the mask couldn't. If I were just passing by, even with a mask and two swords each, I probably wouldn't have noticed anything particular about him, but when you looked carefully, he was an odd sight. The masked figures stood at about 1.75m, which wasn't that tall. He had a very slim figure underneath his coat, which either suggested he was a normal person or a conjurer. Strapped behind note was a normal short sword and a sleek black stick on the bottom, Felwinter had a pure metal black sword on his hip with a great sword on his back and If I was right that was Abaddon.

After casting a glance at the drunkard that was calling him out, the masked man simply walked past him, uninterested, as if he wasn't worth the time.

"Hey bastards! Are you ignoring me? Just because you're a little famous for your bullshit rumors, you think you're better than me?" The drunkard hit his last straw as he unsheathed the giant sword from his back and held it above his head to swing down.

"C-Calm down! You know you're not allowed to kill someone in here!" I tried to quell the man, holding my arms up to stop his sword from swinging, but they didn't even turn back and just kept walking towards the front counter.

This pissed off the drunk even more as he augmented his body and sword, which both emitted a silvery glow, pushed me aside, and swung down at Felwinter.

A thundering explosion resounded, and I stared in horror, imagining the bloody corpse that was probably cleaved in two from the force of that blow. However, contrary to what I expected, the sword had stopped mid-swing, not by the drunkard stopping it but felwinter had caught it.

Everyone was silent, no we couldn't make any sound at all!?

"Note get the rations I got this."

Note nodded and walked up to the counter and continued his business, And felwinter released his sword making the man stumble back onto his ass.

I stood back up about to calm the burly man down from swinging again after noticing I could talk again, but when I turned to him, I saw that his face was twisted into a shocked, seething expression.

"GRAAH!" He swung his sword again, lifting it out of the small depression he had made on the ground. The customers that were seated in the dining room of the inn were all staring now, some even cheering for gore.

With mana reinforcing the burly man's body and his greatsword, no matter how drunk he was; his power and speed were no joke. He attacked with a flurry of swings that obliterated the wooden seats and tables in the way but no matter how much he had attacked, his sword always missed. The man's sword was met with empty air as the masked swordsman dipped and swayed to avoid everything. The crazy part though was that he didn't take a single step from his position.

After about a minute-long barrage of attacks by the burly man and his greatsword, he was sweating profusely as his face wrinkled his frustration, but he was more cautious now as he took a step back.

"Is dodging the only thing you can do? I guess your guardian did all of the hard work for you while all you did was run away!" The man gave him a menacing smile, still confident that he could win against the masked man. He put both hands on the grip of his sword and swung again, this time, much faster than his previous attacks.

With a sharp clang, the burly drunk's greatsword that probably weighed more than the masked man himself was sent flying, no not the sword that was sent flying but the blade was. but I didn't know-how. The sound made it seem like the sword had been met with metal from another sword but I couldn't see it. I didn't even see the masked swordsman pull out his weapon.

"That's all?" the masked man asked.

"A-Aah..." was the only sound I heard from the drunk before we all dropped to the ground.

Suddenly, I felt like I was deep underwater. I couldn't breathe and the surrounding air seemed to want to crush me.


What was this?

I-I'm scared...

I'd heard that some elite fighters were able to produce a killing intent that could scare mana beasts away, but what the hell was this? Was there such a thing as a killing intent that could actually kill people?

Slowly turning my head to face the masked man who was obviously the source of this bloodthirst, I felt the blood drain from my face as I stared at him.

I couldn't tell what sort of expression he had under his mask but I didn't need to. There seemed to be this dark, baleful aura bursting out of him. I could've sworn it felt like that dark aura around him was alive and raging. The killing intent wasn't even focused on me but I had to will myself to keep from wetting my pants.

I witnessed, then, the sorry state that the drunk was in. His eyes were wide and his body stiff, as if he was petrified. He was muttering something and I could see tears streaming down his cheeks while the crotch area from his pants were a darker shade.

Suddenly, he retracted his bloodthirst and I could breathe again. I desperately took in deep gulps of air and ended up coughing. I could see the other adventurers and the workers of the inn doing the same, some in a worse state than I was.

The masked men turned back to the other at the counter he held up 3 sacks of rations.

He gave a slight nod to the waitress as they left as the whole inn just watched him go off, not daring to make a sound.


"What took so long?" Jasmine divided the food and put it into each of the pouches attached to the saddle of our horses.

"Ah, we had a little quarrel with one of the adventurers at the inn! Haha." I scratched my head as I hopped on my brown mount.

"hey at least I didn't use Balmung this time," Al said from behind his mask.

I could feel Jasmine staring at me him slightly impressed at his restraint towards them, her half-closed eyes imagining what sort of destruction he could have created.

"Don't mind, don't mind! we didn't make a big deal out of it! and Al didn't even hurt the guy!" I just waved my hand, trying to persuade Jasmine from going back to Dragonspine Inn.

Jasmine just shook her head and mounted her horse as well, snapping at the reigns to go.

"Haap!" I and Al echoed as we headed towards our destination.

As we traveled, I thought back to the last two years. Jasmine wanted me to get strong fast so that we could do the higher level dungeons with her permission, but I think we misunderstood as we up and became AA-ranked, she'd ranked up as well, becoming an AA-class Adventurer. There was still quite a bit of a level difference between her and Kaspian but she did improve a lot during these two years. When we weren't on missions or exploring low-class dungeons, we were sparring. At night, I made sure to meditate for at least a few hours before I went to sleep, Al Had taught me a trick where we overfilled our cores and let it flood out of us repeatedly, this was faster than the normal way of purifying our cores but was quiet draining and left my core sore after, while Al only had muscle soreness from the mana repeatedly flooding through him. During these past two years, I broke through into the Dark yellow stage, which I counted as a success considering how much time I had spent meditating with his technique, but Al was in the solid yellow close to light yellow.

The biggest improvement we made throughout this period was definitely our bodies. Not using mana made me take a step back and remember how to use my body and sword efficiently so I could be that much better when I augmented myself.

Al's swordsmanship became like a blade storm, You couldn't tell where the next attack, Parry, counter, or feint would be or when. but it was somehow fluid enough for him to fight like that for about an hour and a half straight but that left his body reeling in pain for a week.

It was far from an easy ride, and we had scars on my body to prove it, but I knew it was worth it. Coupled with my dragon-will-assimilated body and the use of mana rotation, I could finally be at ease in knowing that I was on the right track for the future.

Jasmine had gotten stronger than ever before, too. While journeying with her, I had noticed that her biggest flaw was in her swordsmanship.

I sent out a mental transmission to Sylvie. She'd been acting strange ever since we had come to the Beast Glades. We would normally always keep in touch, but for some reason, she didn't want to come to meet me yet, The same with Zeph but they did tell us that they stuck together and That Zeph had gotten "Chunky" as Al would say.

While I went home a few times during the first year, since last year, it'd taken too long to make the trip back to Xyrus and come back to the dungeons. Instead, we stuck to letters and meeting my parents every so often at Guild Hall, where the transportation gates were. My mother had been pretty dissatisfied by this fact but she understood to a certain extent. I could tell my father had been keeping up with his training because he had broken through into the solid orange stage now, which was impressive for someone his age. I could still recall the goofy grin he had plastered on his face as he made sure to point out who I had gotten my impressive talent in mana from, But I didn't tell him my stage yet.

They'd also told me a lot about what was happening at the Helstea House. My sister was still quite a bit away from forming her mana core, but I was surprised when I had learned that Lilia awakened a couple of weeks ago. Her awakening caused her bed to implode, which was about average for a mage.

"We're here," Jasmine announced, snapping me out of my thoughts. At her signal, the two of us brought our horses to a slow trot into a small clearing in the woods.

The clearing that was surrounded by tall trees, and where the dungeon entrance was located, was littered with a group of adventurers clearing their camp, some checking their weapons as they got ready to go in.

"I guess we're stuck with more augmenters," an all-too-familiar voice rang as he clicked his tongue. Getting off of my mount, I made my way towards the group of adventurers when the blond fire conjurer from the examination site shot me a distasteful, but slightly fearfull look. Jasmine and Al followed behind me as an armored augmenter stepped forth and held out his hand in front of him, gesturing for a shake.

"Please don't mind Lucas and let me introduce you to the party. My name is Reginald Brooks, and I'm an A-class augmenter. I am an earth attribute yellow stage core that specializes in using a hammer." He pointed at the giant Warhammer lying on the ground where the group stood.

The augmenters in the group, excluding Jasmine and me, consisted of Reginald, Kriol, and Brald. Kriol was a very defensive, water attribute augmenter that only wielded a gigantic shield as his weapon. He was a head shorter than Reginald with a large belly that indicated the man loved his beer by the barrel. I could tell he was strong, though, by how firm his body was overall, despite his belly that squeezed out of his armor.

Brald was a very noble-looking man that stood just a bit shorter than Reginald. He wore a white, metal armor that covered his shoulders and chest only.

"I go by Brald and just became an AA-class, light yellow stage augmenter. I am a fire attribute augmenter that specializes in the broadsword and shield. I'll be the one to lead us today." He beamed, shying away after meeting eyes with Jasmine.

After the augmenters introduced themselves, the conjurers stepped up. Including Lucas, there were four other conjurers. One of them was a lanky man and the other, a girl, while the last one was the serious-looking, bespectacled black-haired boy that I had seen at the examination site.

What was his name again...?

"My name is Elijah Knight. A-class, dark orange stage conjurer... single specialization in Earth," he said tersely.

I couldn't help but eye him carefully. There had to be more than that. He wouldn't be able to get by with skipping the exam and being placed into B rank by just being an earth conjurer, no matter how young he was.

The beady-eyed lanky man that looked well into his thirties came forth next. He had a smug look on his face despite his less than attractive appearance, with his crooked nose and greasy brown hair parted down the middle. "Ahem! I go by Oliver and I am an A-class, dark yellow stage conjurer. I am an emitter deviant, specializing in healing." He stuck his jaw out smugly as he crossed his arms in content.

Despite his attitude, it was reassuring to have a healer in the party.

"Hi! My name is Samantha but you guys can just call me Sammy! Dark yellow stage, A-class conjurer with a single specialization in water at your service!" She threw in a wink in my direction.

"Jasmine, light-yellow stage, AA-class augmenter. Wind attribute with dual swords," Jasmine said without batting an eye.

"Note, dark yellow, AA-class augmenter. Fire attribute with specialization in sword," I added impatiently.

"Felwinter, solid Yellow, AA-class Conjurer. wind and water attribute, specialization In sword and crowd control." Al answered not entirely paying attention.

Everyone was dead silent as they heard our ranks and that we were all in the yellow stage, Brald quickly regained his composure and smiled at us, "Welcome, you three! I'm certainly glad to have another Three AA class in the group!" The other two augmenters nodded in agreement while Oliver and Lucas's apathetic faces showed they were shocked at our ranks still. When asked for an introduction by Brald, Lucas practically spat out that he was a fire-specialized conjurer who was at dark yellow stage. Through all of this, Elijah kept his stone face while I was already beginning to grow annoyed by the constant glances Samantha shot at me, trying to look through the mask somehow.

"I can't help but ask. Mr. Note, Mr. Felwinter there have been various rumors about you saying that you are not mages and that felwinter has a magic sword, yet you clearly just announced that you are mages," Reginald queried, picking up his giant hammer and holding it upon his shoulder.

"I haven't been using my magic for a while due to personal reasons. That must've been the reason why those rumors came up." I just shrugged without breaking stride.

"I was limiting my magic but only used it 'Abbadon' as the rumors call my greatsword when there were way too many mana beasts for us to handle at the time," Al answered.

It would basically be Brald in the front since his shield and sword style was the best fit for the front line. Beside him were Reginald, I, and Al. who both specialized in offense. Guarding the rear was Kriol with his gigantic shield to prevent us from getting flanked and Jasmine beside him, ready to kill anything that may get past him. We were all in charge of protecting the four other conjurers with Oliver in the dead center, the most protected since he was our healer.

"We should head out immediately," Brald declared. He assumed the position as the leader since he was the front line and the only other AA class that was comfortable with leading.

This dungeon was deemed AA class, meaning parties with only A class and above were allowed to enter. Brald recently found out that there was a hidden tunnel that led to an unexplored portion of the dungeon, which we would be going into today; this meant that most of our dungeon-exploring would be through uncharted areas. Everyone unsheathed their weapons while even the conjurers wiped their smug expressions as we stepped into the dungeon named by the first explorers: "The Dire Tombs."

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