Together With Love

By Author_Mireya

60.6K 2.1K 244

" I... I don't have anything else left with me, except my heart with love," she said crying her heart out wit... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Bonus Chapter 1
Bonus Chapter 2
Bonus Chapter 3
Bonus Chapter 4
Bonus Chapter 5

Chapter 43

838 23 9
By Author_Mireya

"You call it madness, but I call it love."

I let it out all to Liam. I'm happy that I did. My heart feels contended after saying everything to him. I thought he would be disgusted by me, but I was wrong. He is not disgusted by me or about my past. The determination in his face to protect and keep me happy held such strong emotion. I have become close to him somewhat impossibly closer to his heart. I love him to the core. I will do anything to protect him and keep him happy. 

I thought about the dirty things we have done last night. Last night, it was something intimate and personal to both of us. Liam's eyes held the adoration for me being a strong girl even though I hurt myself to numb the pain in my heart. I gave myself to him last night. I have always felt insecure about my body, but he looked at me like I was the only girl in his eyes. He controlled himself not to go overboard and stopped himself before I get uncomfortable. 

When he said that he will make love to me, I was speechless. I was confused. Only couples who were in love make love. I love him and I'm ready to give him. 

Does he realize that he loves me? Or am I imagining things like this? But his voice sounded assured and his eyes told you are the one for me. 

This is so confusing than I thought. Maybe I should wait. Liam makes me feel the things that I haven't been feeling through my entire life. 

The way his fingers traced over my body to remember every ounce and trace of my skin to remember, makes me go insane. 

The way he teased me while kissing me senseless increased the need for him in me.

The way he sucked on my neck leaving a trail of hickeys just to say that I'm his took me out of the world.

The way he asked for my permission to continue and see my body, I felt secure and need his arms.  

The way he pushed his face into my breasts breathing hard as his hot breath tickled my skin made my thighs clench shut for friction.

The way his wet mouth latched onto my nipple sucking it like a lollipop while the other hand kneaded my other breast giving it equal attention did something to my core. 

The way he trailed down his kisses to my scars made me want to say that I love him. 

The way his warm fingers made their way to my sensitive folds and gave me orgasms for the first time I have reached my euphoria.

The way his eyes looked at me with the need of me for him to keep his kind sane and calm. 

Could he be anymore told that he wants me? I want him as much as he does. 

Damn, I want to meet him now! 

He is making me horny as hell. I have never been so desperate god! I need to see Avery and then I'll meet him. The bell chimed as Avery entered with a glum expression as if she was not pleasant to see me. She watched me and sat without looking into my eyes. Something is wrong with her. She acted weird when we came from the trip and also keeping distance from others doesn't make Aiden happier. We treated her well and why she is doing this to herself. 

"What do you want, Athena?" She asked harshly making me flinch. She never talked to me like that in this tone. 

"What happened to you and why are you treating me like this?" I asked her as my tears threatened to spill out. 

"Why do you care? Just go and fuck that Liam. Oh right, you have already fucked him." She spoke to me with so much disgust and pointed the hickey on my neck which I forgot to cover. 

"Avery, I care about you and why are you talking like this? You know what happened last week-" She cut me off in the middle placing her hands in front of me. 

"Shut the fuck up! You are a whore." Her words broke my heart. I looked there unmoving at her words.

"A-Avery what are you talking about and why are you treating me like this?" My voice cracked at last.

"Damn it! I love Liam, okay." She blurted out. 

"W- What?" I was dumbstruck by her confession. She loves Liam. The same Liam, that I love. 

"What about Aiden?" I asked her. Aiden would be devasted if he hears it. Liam will be furious knowing she cheated on his friend giving hope. My brother would be heartbroken. My heart ached for Aiden. He is such a pure soul. Why would she do this to him?

"That idiot is stupid to believe that I'm in love with him. I talked just to get to Liam." She said without any guilt. 

"Liam is my love, Avery. And Aiden is my brother. How could you do this to him? What about his feelings?" I asked angrily. Everything clicked at once. She totally used me and Aiden to get him and Lucas was just suspicious about her behavior. I should have been careful about my own best friend, well ex-best friend. The way she eyed Liam even when I'm with him and sat beside him in dinner and playfully hit him was out of her attraction not because she thought of him as her friend. How can I be so stupid?  

"I don't care and also I will get Liam into my pants before you even think." She challenged me. I slapped her hard in the face twice. One for talking about my brother and another for my love. 

"This is not you Avery. I thought we were friends and now you showed your true colors uh!" I let out a sarcastic laugh. Can my life could me anymore messier. 

"This is I'm bitch! I have been loving Liam since I saw him at a conference in Chicago. You stupid bitch came into it and ruined it. He was drawn to you and finally you have fucked him. Are you this desperate for him? I want that Preston guy would have fucked you before Liam so that he will be disgusted by you and came running into my arms." She seethed in anger. How could she say this to me, after all, she knows what I have gone through? I'm so heartbroken and disgusted by my own friend whom I thought to be.  A hand came and slapped her harder before I could do it. I turned to see Emily in full anger almost red. 

"I came to meet you guys because I missed you both and here Avery you are such a slut accusing Athena and ruining my brother's life. I don't know what happened in Athena's life and I don't care about it because she is my best friend and I trust her and you how could you do this to Aiden? He adored you and cherished you. What should I say to him? You know how much he loves you even though you were a little distance he composed himself to wait for you and you cheated your own best friend loving her boyfriend. How much slut you are? You are the one who should be disgusted." Emily spat and stood rubbing my arms soothingly.

"I know Preston is back, Athena. He will definitely fuck you this time. I'll get Liam as soon as Preston gets you." She spat at me and stormed off. Her words rang in my head.

"You are a whore." 


"How much desperate you are!" 

"How can she say those words to me Em?" I sobbed clutching her arm. She combed my hair soothingly to calm me down.

"She is not the one for you, Sugar-boo. She doesn't deserve your tears." 

"I'm not crying for her." I stated in a matter of fact because I worry about Aiden.

"Then why are you crying?" She asked confused still holding me.

"For Aiden. I'm scared, Em. How will he take this?" I asked with my tearful eyes hoping for a positive answer.

"He will be broken, Athena. But time goes on he will be okay." She reassured me squeezing my hand.

"We should go. I want to tell Liam." Emily said and we walked out.

"No, Liam shouldn't know this." 

"No Athena if this is hidden from him, he will definitely get mad at you. There is no point in hiding it. The truth will come out one day. Let's all face this together,okay." She said and hugged me tightly. I hugged her back tightly hoping Aiden would be ok.

"That's why Lucas never approved or commented about it." I said to her as she nodded. 

"I noticed that too. Lucas said to Aiden that she is not the one for him, but Aiden was too blinded by love. As well as we all too. Lucas was the one to notice it. But we never let him speak about this matter and I regret is so badly." She let out a long sigh. She drove to her home where she lives with Lucas.

"Aiden and Liam are here?" I questioned her and she nodded quietly. My heart drummed in my chest rapidly. My hands sweated as I rubbed it in my jeans. Liam saw me enter as his smile widened but quickly replaced with a frown. He must be guessed it from my puffy eyes. Aiden came running with a cute grin on his face and captured me in his bear hug. My heart clenched for him. He is such an innocent and brave guy. 

"My Cupcake, I missed you so much." He said hugging tightly. A sob left my lips as I clutched his shirt and started crying.

"Hey! Why are you crying? Your boyfriend is about to kill me for making you cry." He chuckled and patted my head.

"Stop crying. I know you missed me so much. We can make it up for it." Aiden said softly kissing the crown of my head and after that, I burst out crying even more. 

"Little one, why are you crying?" Lucas asked beside me and eyed Emily who was clenching and unclenching her fists. Liam looked confused and concerned. 

"Baby girl, why you both looking sad. What happened there? Did Avery say something to you?" Liam asked standing beside me. I was still in Aiden's embrace. 

"S- She... I'm so sorry, Aiden." I pushed myself into his chest and cried harder as held me tighter and continued to say,

"I've ruined everything and I'm so sorry." 

"It's not because of you, Athena!" Emily shouted at me for blaming myself.

"What is happening here?" Lucas and Liam asked. Aiden looked at me with a worried face.

"Avery is messed up and she messed everything." Emily sighed pinching her eyebrows. 

"What do you mean?" Aiden asked frantically.

"She said that she loves Liam and used you to become closer to him." She finished not saying the other things and their eyes went wide as saucers, but they sensed something was missing and asked us to tell everything. Emily said everything and everyone was in a pure rage because of her. Aiden's eyes glistened but he didn't let it fall from his eyes. Liam and Lucas were clenching their fists and about to break something to fill their anger.

"I don't care about her. I wanted Aiden to be okay." I looked up to Aiden as he gave me a worried smile. I know he is fighting for himself. I hugged him tighter and said,

"You don't deserve her!" I mumbled as he placed his head on my hair. 

"Leave about me, Cupcake. How can she do this to you? All you care about is me, not you. Even though she humiliated you. You cared for me ignoring yourself. How much I'm lucky to have you as my sister. How dare she did this to you and Liam?" Aiden asked angrily as his whole demeanor changed. 

"How dare she humiliate you? She must be punished for hurting you." Lucas said. Liam pulled his hair harder and his face was red. 

"I'm sorry Lucas. You told me, but I didn't care about it and I was too blinded by her." Aiden apologized to Lucas. Lucas's eyes softened as they embraced each other. 

"Are you ok?" Liam asked me. I nodded my head. He didn't say anything, but I know deep inside he is thinking hard. If he shows it outside he knows it would worry me. 

"Liam say something." I asked him. He shook his head.

"I thought her as my sister, baby girl. But she did something that everyone to be disgusted." He chuckled humorlessly. 

"We all should have believed Lucas. He was right in this thing. We did the same mistake like I have done in my school days." Liam clenched his fists tighter. I placed my hand over it releasing it from his tight hold and entwined it with mine. 


"I'm ok, Cupcake. I'm worried about you. Are you ok?" He asked stroking my hair.

"I have gone through so much Aiden. This is not new. Betrayal is a new thing to me, but it is nothing compared to my past." 

"Who the fuck is this Preston? Why did she saying this to you? What happened to you in the past Athena? Why the fuck is she tellin that he will fuck you?" Lucas questioned me as his tone ended softer. 

"Lucas this is not the time to ask her this!" Liam voiced out louder.

"No! I want to tell. They are my family, Liam. They deserve to know." I said and my lips wobbled. But I haven't cried that much since I shared my pain with Liam. I started saying everything that I have gone through in the past. I said everything that I said to Liam. They were shocked and Emily break down into tears in the middle than me. Aiden and Lucas looked angry as well as broken hearing it. They didn't expect my past to be like this so messed up. To be honest, it is so messed up. Liam held me while I was saying everything to them. 

"You are the strongest person I have ever know." Lucas said in a cracked voice and I smiled sadly at him.

"Cupcake, even though you have gone through so much. You managed to smile. If I were you, I can't even think about it. I can't even handle it. You are so brave and I'm so proud of you." Aiden said kissing my forehead. Emily was still silent grasping the information.

"Hereafter no one gonna hurt you. We will always be there for you no matter what." 

"We will make him suffer more than you did, baby girl." Liam's voice hardened. Aiden and Lucas nodded acknowledging him. Emily hugged me tighter and from that, I know they will be here for me not caring about my past and only with the present me and also not judging me. They all enveloped me in a group hug as I giggled out louder where I was squished in between Aiden and Lucas. They are my lovely brothers. 

"Saranghaeyo!" I giggled and said.

"What?" Aiden tilted his head cutely breaking the hug. 

"Again this Korean!" Liam whined.

"Hey! Don't act like you don't like Korean dramas." I folded my hands glaring at Liam. He looked like a lost puppy. Oh god! I blurted out he likes K-dramas. 

The teasing show starts now!

"You watch Korean dramas!" Lucas burst out laughing and Aiden too joined after a moment.

"I told you they would tease me. Why?" Liam whined as they continued laughing. 

"Woah! Liam watching TV and that too K-drama is a rare sight to see." Aiden teased and snorted. 

"She made me to watch it." He accused me.

"What? I was suggesting only, you were the one who watched it." I quirked my eyebrows at him. He sighed in defeat. 

"I want to know what Athena said!" Lucas turned his attention from the embarrassed Liam to me. He sighed in relief. 

"That means I love you." I smiled as he smiled ruffling my hair. 

"Alright! Everyone say Sarangheyo!" I said.

"Sarangheyo." I said looking at Liam who was saying the same looking at me intently as if he was conveying through his eyes that he loves me. I bit my lip as his gaze shifted to my lips and his cool blue eyes turned a darker shade of blue. I blushed instantly as he smirked knowing my thinking and I averted my gaze to others. Everyone laughed after our chorus exchanges of I love you's. 

"She literally studied Korean just to watch series and now she is learning Chinese." Liam pointed out and I groaned saying it to him.

"Are you serious?" Emily snickered. 

"I don't want to read the subtitle while watching and it's annoying that's why I decided to learn the language." I said smiling sheepishly. Lucas flicked my forehead laughing at my idiotic behavior. 

"Then we should make her watch more series so she can learn languages more than Liam." Aiden smirked. Liam rolled his eyes.

"Today is a long day."

"Yeah! A lot happened." I sighed.

"Someones birthday is coming..." Liam said singing it. I giggled knowing it was in two days.

"What do you want, Cupacake? I will buy you everything." 

"Aiden I don't need anything. you guys are enough for me. Just stay the day with me and we will do more stuff it will be more memorable for me." I said smiling widely at them. They shook their head denying.

"We will buy you something and you are going to love it." They said and I shook my head grinding. I know I can't change their opinion on this. 

"Your wish!" I placed my hand on my chin and listened to them bickering endlessly. 

"So, when can I expect little Emily and Lucas here!" I smirked and wiggled my eyebrows playfully. Emily turned beet red and hid behind Lucas's arms as well as Lucas's ears turned red out of the heat. 

"I want a girl first and I want to spoil her as her uncle." Liam dreamed. Lucas slapped the back of his head. 

"I need a boy and then a girl, so that her brother can protect her just like me." Aiden dreamed. Emily turned and glared at me as I hid behind Liam snickering. Everyone listed out their opinion about them having babies as they blushed harder. I'm so lucky to have them in my life. They mean more to me. My family is complete with them. 

The day went well with them and also Aiden didn't think about Avery. He is good at hiding emotions. I hope it gets better day by day. I and Liam bid bye to them as we left for our home. Liam was keeping touching me all the way home. I don't know why. He would just grasp my hand and rub his thumb over it or keep it in his thighs. He would just entwine our hands and focus on the road. I know he missed me and worried about me. We reached home in no time. Liam asked me,

"Are you ok,  baby girl? Please, don't hide your emotions from me, and feel free to talk." He mumbled and stroked my cheeks softly. I placed my hand over his and nodded smiling and I gave him a real smile. 

"I'm ok, Liam. I left Avery in the past. I don't wanna think about it. Now I'm here with you and our family and that's enough for me." I said honestly as his smile widened at my true answer. He bumped my nose with his nose as I grinned at the cute gesture.

"Let's get you to bed." He said as we climbed upstairs to bed. I changed into one of Liam's t-shirt as I waited for him to come. I plopped myself into the bed and stared at the ceiling. Liam came out after a moment to see him only in his boxers. My eyes widened at the sight as my gaze traveled from his to his sickeningly hot abs and to the V line which led to his no-no square. 

"If you keep watching me like that, I will lose all my control, baby girl." His eyes have already turned to a darker shade of blue as his eyes raked over my face to my legs which are exposed due to the t-shirt which barely covered my ass. I gulped as I looked at him breathing harder. He took slow steps coming to me like I was his prey which felt like hours. 

"Liam..." I said in a seductive voice which I don't even know I had it in. He hovered above me engulfing me in his large frame. He started leaning closer towards my lips. But he has other plans to tease me. He started kissing my shoulder as he trails his lips to my neck gently nibbling and kissing the sweet spot under my ear. I shut my eyes closed feeling the warmth of his lips on my skin. He then kissed my jaw and met my lips which I have been waiting for the whole day. My hands press to his chest as our lips collide with so much force pouring into how much we missed each other. He slips his tongue into my mouth as we fought for dominance as always he wins at the last. I bit his tongue playfully as a grunt left his lips as the sound affected my core to the straight. His touch always ignites a fire in my body. My back involuntarily arches in need of his touch where it has to be. 

"Eager are we?" He smirked and teased me leaving my lips. In one swift moment, he took off the t-shirt I was wearing, now I'm completely exposed. I didn't wear my bra on today. Now my upper body is full-on display to his hungry eyes. 

"Damn, baby girl! You didn't wear your bra. Hereafter you are wearing my t-shirts and nothing inside." His voice turned darker and huskier turning me on. His wet warm mouth attached to my left nipple as he sucked it. I grabbed his hair and pushed myself into him. Tingles erupted in my body and I gasped and moaned at the euphoric feeling he was giving me. He bit my nipple in bruising force as I let a whimper. He licked it so it felt less pain. Pleasurable pain. His other hand played with the side of my breasts. My peak was urged him to touch it, but he was still sucking my other nipple lapping his tongue over it. 

"Liam!" I whined as he turned and took my other breast in his mouth giving the same attention. I was a moaning mess. I grind my hips against him. He grunted in response still teasing me. My core ached for his attention. 

"Just touch me already!" I snapped as he chuckled leaving my breasts. 

"You are so beautiful and perfect, baby girl," His words made me blush even at this state. 

He runs his hand over my legs as a shudder runs through my body. I want his touch s badly. He takes the thin fabric and pulls it off my legs and throws it to the side. Liam looks up at me with a smirk hovering over my exposed area. He grabs my legs and throws them over his shoulder. His hot breath crashes against my core making my stomach flip. 

He licks the two strips of my inner thigh before running his hot mouth over my bundle of nerves. I gasp and throw my head back and arch my back slightly as his tongue moved in various directions. His hands grip my thighs, holding them open as the pads of his fingers burn into my skin.

"Liam-" I moan loudly as my hands grab his soft hair gripping tighter. His grip stays tighter as he continued pleasuring me with his tongue. My back arches but he immediately pushes my stomach down to the bed to keep me in place. This feeling is so overwhelming for me. He looks up at me with that hot sexy expression, knowing that he's making me unstable by his touch. The slightest touch of him makes me fall weak, so weak that I find myself barely being able to speak besides small moans of his name. 

My hands stay gripped on his hair as his tongue courses in various rhythms. My breathing becomes staggered and the pressure in my lower stomach starts to become more noticeable. I let another moan leave my lips, this time louder. The second the noise leaves my lips- he stops. I open my eyes in confusion and look at him sitting up, pulling my legs off his shoulders. My heavy pants fill the room and I look up at him questionably.

"Don't tease me right now, Liam." I asked expectedly. 

"Relax baby girl. I'll finish this." He said and pushed me up as I was straddling him. He started attacking my neck pulling me forward and holding me still in his lap. The sudden pressure of his two fingers push into me between my open straddled legs. I gasp and throw my neck to the back as it gives him more access. He pumps his finger into me more aggressively. I grip his biceps while continues assaulting my neck with wet kisses. 

"Oh my god, Liam..." I moan and pinched my eyes shut. He bites down on my neck sucking slightly on the skin and lapping his tongue around the new marks. I let out a whimper when he curls his fingers inside me while continuing to pump them. I grip his arms harder as the heat spreads between my thighs. His hands move from the side of my neck to my breast encircling his palm which takes me to a whole new world of pleasure. I can tell that I'm reaching my high soon. My hips involuntarily rotate on his hand without me realizing it. 

The pressure in my lower stomach builds dramatically making a trail of moans leave my lips. He looked at me as his blue eyes almost turned to dark navy blue color and his swollen lips parted. He pushed his third finger into me, making me whimper and I crashed my head against his shoulder. He holds me securely in his arms.

"Are you okay?" He asked me concerned. I nod against him slightly. He kisses my shoulder softly as his fingers rammed into me. My chest rises and falls rapidly and I feel my high is approaching. My hips keep rotating in his hands giving it wonderful friction. 

"I- I'm gonna..." I was so close so that I couldn't even complete the sentence. 

"I want you to come and scream for me. Come now." He rasped out. I let a small whine out from his words while I keep my eyes shut and head against his neck. My hand stays firm on the back of his neck while the tips of my fingers grip his hair harder. It was with only a few more pumps that I felt the overwhelming pit of euphoria explode inside me, making my vision go almost white and every aspect of my body tighten. He freezes his fingers inside me as a small scream releases from my lips. 

"Liam!" I shouted as my legs tighten around his lap. I come done in his hands. My breathing was heavy for a few seconds. My body melts in his feeling exhausted. I looked at him wearing a smile. He pulls his fingers licking them clean. I blushed to hide in him. He stroked my hair and said,

"You are made for me, baby girl." He kissed me softly. He cleaned me as well as himself. He placed his head on my chest getting himself comfortable there. I chuckled as he looked like a baby getting ready to sleep in his mother's chest. I was still naked and I oddly liked him closer to me. It's like I like the feeling of his warm skin with mine. He pulled the duvet and covered both me and his feeling the warmth of his skin.

"What's so funny for you?" His hot breath crashed against my breasts. I shivered a bit. 

"You look like a baby." I stated and I started stroking his silky hair. 

"Yes, I'm your baby." He mumbled kissing the top of my chest as he pushed his face in between my breasts sighing in comfort. 

"You are my baby." I whispered kissing his hair and continued stroking it. When I think about the words that Avery said, I was so disappointed and how low she thinks of me. She said she will get into his pants soon. Liam will never do that but that sickly whore will do anything to have Liam. He is mine only mine. I hugged him closer to me.

"I know what you are thinking, baby girl." He looked into my eyes. 

"I'm not thinking anything." I denied quickly as he placed his chin on my breast looking at me. 

"Don't even try lying to me. I know you more than you do." He cupped my cheeks and pressed a kiss to my jaw. 

"She will do anything to get you and it's bothering me so much." I bit my lips. His hands traced the curve of my body.

"I'm yours, Athena. She will never ever get me. You are my first and last in my life and my everything. I know how to protect you and the same applies to me. Don't overthink and rest. Or should I start my dirty sessions for  you." He wiggled his eyebrows playfully smirking. At last, he knows how to change my mood with his cute antics.  I pulled him up so that I can kiss him. This is the first time I initiated a kiss. He happily returned the kiss with the same fervor. This time he let me dominate the kiss. We pulled away to breathe as I smiled at him cheekily.

"I'm a good teacher and I taught you so well." He smirked pecking my swollen lips thrice as a giggle escaped my lips. 

"I lo-" I started and stopped when I was about to blurt out. Liam looked confused. I shook my head and pecked his lips as he got himself comfortable in my breasts closed his eyes as the steady breathing from him let me know he is fast asleep. 

"I love you, baby." I whispered kissing his head. I closed my eyes as the sleep engulfed me along with his warmth. 


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Happy reading!

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