Danny Phantom.exe Oneshots~

By HopesAngelSprite

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As you've read in the title this book will be a series of oneshots and short stories about Danny Phantom.exe... More

Bestfriend~ (Oneshot) ๐Ÿ˜ˆ
Cat Boy Cuddles~ (Oneshot)๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿคช
Chaos~ (Oneshot)๐Ÿคช
One Hell of A Gentleman (Oneshot)๐Ÿ’—
Honey Bunny (Oneshot)๐Ÿ’—
Devil's In The Details~ (Oneshot)โœจ
Baby Danny~ (Oneshot)๐Ÿ˜ˆ
A Day In The Life~ (Oneshot)๐Ÿคช
Thunder (Oneshot)โœจ
Speak of The Devil~ (Oneshot)โœจ
Big Bad Wolf~ (Oneshot)๐Ÿคช
Challenge Accepted~ (Oneshot)๐Ÿ’—โœจ
Boss Man~ (Oneshot)๐Ÿ˜ˆ
Redamancy~ (Oneshot)๐Ÿ’—
Lightning (Oneshot)โœจ
Ink and Petals (Oneshot)๐Ÿ’—
Suit & Tie (1/2)๐Ÿ˜ˆ
Suit & Tie (2/2)๐Ÿ˜ˆ
Feel Me (Oneshot)๐Ÿ’—
Devil's Advocate (Oneshot)โœจ
Bookworms and Cigarettes (Oneshot)โœจ
Bookworms and Cigarettes 2โœจ
Hell Raiser (Oneshot)โœจ
Kingpin (Oneshot) ๐Ÿคช๐Ÿ’—
Tempest (Oneshot) โœจ
Pretty Kitty (Oneshot)๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿคช
Bookworms and Cigarettes 3โœจ
Freaky Friday (Oneshot) ๐Ÿ˜ˆ
Sweet Tooth (Oneshot) ๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿคช
Bookworms and Cigarettes 4 โœจ
Devil's Due โœจ
Rain Check ๐Ÿคช๐Ÿ’—
The Husbandos โœจ
Star Kissed โœจ
Bookworms and Cigarettes 5 โœจ
Catnip ๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ˜ˆ
Bad Habits โœจ
Mistletoe ๐Ÿ’—
Sweet Tooth The Sequel ๐Ÿคช
Reputation โœจ๐Ÿ’—
Boyfriend ๐Ÿ’—
Levin โœจ
Moonwake โœจ
Wicked โœจ
Moonwake 2 โœจ
Take It Easy ๐Ÿ˜ˆ
Hot Wheels โœจ
Helping Hands ๐Ÿ˜ˆ
Telepathy โœจ
Sparks โœจ
Mine ๐Ÿ’—
Denny's ๐Ÿคช๐Ÿ’—
Telepathy 2 โœจ
From Me To You ๐Ÿ’—
Rock, Paper, Scissors ๐Ÿ’—
Phase One โœจ
Team Player ๐Ÿ˜ˆโœจ
Golden Hour ๐Ÿ’—
Vendetta โœจ
Hot Chocolate ๐Ÿ˜ˆ
Bookworms and Cigarettes 6 โœจ
Thunder Bolt
Tyrant โœจ
Middle of the Night โœจ
Unification of Equals
Middle of the Night (pt. 2) โœจ

Alpha and Omega โœจ

1.9K 49 10
By HopesAngelSprite

(A/N): Hi! Here's a new lil story I thought of cause I figured y'all might want a break from all the other series!! The reader is a wolf shifter in this story!I hope you all like it because I really enjoyed writing it. Enjoy <3


I sighed as I sat up and glanced at the wailing alarm clock on my nightstand. It read '6:30 am' in bright red letters just as it had thousands of mornings before. I stretched a bit before knocking the alarm clock off the nightstand and smirked as its cries were cut short by the fall. After a few minutes of checking notifications and trying to figure out what I wanted to do today, I reluctantly got out of bed to start the day.

A hot shower, cup of tea, and a satisfying breakfast later, I was making my out of the house. I grabbed my keys from their place by the door and turned to announce my departure but stopped when I remembered there was no one here to tell. I chuckled to myself before stepping outside and locking the doors. As I made my way to my car, a buzzing in my left pocket caught my attention. After pulling it from the depths of my pockets, I saw that I was getting a call from my best friend Brandon. "What's up, baby boy!", Brandon spoke once I answered his call.

"Nothing, and that's a fucking problem!", I answered with a smile as I got in my car and shut the door, "What's up with you?". I listened to Brandon tell me about his morning while starting the car. "It's pretty empty here at the shop. You should come over and meet some of the new wolves! Maybe you can finally get around to adopting one of them like you've been wanting to.", Brandon suggested with hope in his tone. I thought about it for a moment and remember what had happened this morning. I was used to being in an empty house, but it was starting to feel a bit too empty. The house was big enough for two people, but a roommate was something I couldn't even begin to think of. "Sure! I'm coming over right now.", I said while putting my keys in the ignition and starting my car. "I'll see you later then!", Bradon cheered and we said our goodbyes. With a sigh and a wishful thought, I pulled out of the driveway.



I observed the world around me through the crimson metal bars that kept me in this hellhole of a place. Little children and their parents chatted idly near the puppy cages, couples both old and young lazily browsed around the store in search of their forever companions. No one came to my cage, though. The deep red that so elegantly stained the bars of my confinement was a loud cry damning me to a life of isolation. I scoffed inwardly as I watched a couple glance at me and warily pass by.

"Mommy? Why's she in a red cage by herself?", I heard a small child ask from somewhere in the store. There was a familiar silence that followed the annoyingly familiar question. It was an uncomfortable, judgemental silence that was broken by the child's father. "She's is in there because she's dangerous. That's all.", he answered causing the child to hum. "Is there no one to love her like the others?", the child questioned with aconcern that only a child could have for someone other than themselves. A scoff followed the question and a female voice, who I assume was their mother, spoke up. "No one could love something like that. Now, hurry up and pick a puppy. I have to go to work in an hour.", she said and their footsteps faded away. Damn, that one kind of hurt.

A scent that I knew well drew in closer to my enclosure before a pair of black shoes appeared in my line of sight. The person wearing the shoes crouched down, and I was pleased to see that the person was Brandon, the only human I could tolerate in this place. "Hey there, buddy! I brought you some food! I figured Jess didn't feed you during his shift last night.", he spoke in a calm tone while sliding my bowl of food through a slot between the bars.

I growled softly and crept closer to the bowl. Once I deemed it safe, I began eating and Brandon began petting me. I tensed up a bit but allowed it. After all, he was the only human who took care of me here. He had a good heart. "Everything's going to be okay, bud. I'm gonna get you out of here somehow.", he muttered absent-mindedly. I paused my eating to look up at him through the bars separating us. His hazel eyes were clouded with what looked like anger and concern. He was upset because of the mistreatment that happened to me when he wasn't around. "Don't worry, tall human. I will be okay.", I thought and continued to eat.

I would be okay, even if I had to escape to make it happen.


Brandon sighed as he watched the clock's hands move closer and closer to 12 o' clock notch. Three wolves had been adopted, and the last customer was taking her time filling out the last few clauses of her adoption papers. Brandon looked between the clock and the woman while rolling his eyes. "Excuse me, Miss? We're closing for lunch in a few minutes.", he informed the middle-aged woman earning a nod and smile from her. Moments later she was handing in her forms and leaving the store with her wolf following happily behind her.

Brandon silently cheered as he hurried to lock the front door and put up the 'CLOSED' sign. With a quick glance around the store, he rushed to the back of the building towards the emergency exit. A few key jingles later, the door was open and Brandon was peeking out of it. He watched with a bright smile as his best friend pulled into the alley behind the store and got out of his car. Danny held up a paper bag with an almost evil smirk as he approached the door. "What'd you bring me this time?", Brandon questioned excitedly as he granted his friend entrance to the store.

"Tacos.", Danny answered simply, "Consider yourself lucky that I love you.". Brandon and Danny shared a laugh as the two of them entered the main part of the store. "Have a look around! See if any of them catch your eye.", Brandon said while sitting on the counter and rummaging around his food bag. Danny hummed as he strolled down the aisles of kennels and pens. Happy yips and barks greeted him as he said hello to each of the large wolves he passed by. He stopped for a moment to reach a hand into the puppy cages to which he was met with kisses and playful nipping.

Danny hummed and allowed his mind to wander a bit while observing every kennel around him. Although the wolves in the shop were domesticated, it would take a firm hand to properly care for one of them. Especially if he was fortunate enough to find a shifter amongst the lot. Shifters used to be very common in pets and wildlife, but poaching had left the species nearly extinct. Wolf shifters were among the most powerful of shifters, second to only big cat breeds.

If he wanted to adopt one of these wolves, he had to be sure to pick the right one. Danny's eyes drifted to a dimly lit corner was surprised to see a single red cage sitting away from the others. Inside the cage was a very large wolf. Its fur was the color of midnight and the darkest obsidian steel. Its eyes were a deep burnt orange, and they were empty of any emotion. The stillness of the wolf was unusual considering the chaos around it.

"Hey, Brandon! Why's this one in a red cage?", Danny asked while removing his hand from the puppy enclosure and moving closer to the mysterious creature. Brandon, who had been busy enjoying his lunch, exclaimed through a mouthful of bean burrito before swallowing and patting his face clean with a napkin. "She's in there because she attacked a couple of workers while being brought here. She's a bit feral, too.", Brandon spoke nonchalantly as he sat in front of the cage. Danny watched in shock and heavy concern as Brandon carelessly stuck his hand inside the cage with the supposedly feral wolf.

"Dude what the hell are you doing?! You just said she was feral!", Danny exclaimed while reaching to pull Brandon's hand back. A loud, bone-chilling growl erupted from the cage, silencing all the other wolves and pups in their kennels. Danny pulled his hands away at the sight of the insanely large fangs being bared at him. "It's ok! He's my friend, so that means he's your friend, too.", Brandon cooed and the volume of the growl decreased until the store was silent again. Danny watched in awe as the previously angry beast walked calmly into his friend's hand, allowing him to pet her. "What did you say her name was?", Danny asked as he took a seat beside Brandon.

"She doesn't have a name yet. I was hoping a certain someone would adopt her and give her one.", Brandon admitted with a wiggle of his eyebrows. Danny looked between him and the wolf before shrugging. Danny thought about it for a moment before finally answering. "Sure, I'd love to adopt her, but I don't think she likes me that much.", he said while looking at the wolf who was already starring back at him. Brandon clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes before looking back at the wolf.

"Do you like him? He's a good person!", Brandon said earning a human-like snort from the animal. Brandon sighed and fully faced the wolf before saying, "If you go with him, he'll take really good care of you. He's a good cook, so you'll be fed well. I'm gonna visit you every day, too.". The wolf just continued to stare at the both of them with something that resembled human annoyance.

A few moments passed before the wolf stood and moved to sit in front of Danny. The two boys watched in awe as the creature extended a paw through the bars of the cage which Danny was happy to take in his hand. Brandon gave a cheer before standing and running to the front desk. "Don't just sit there! You've got adoption papers to sign!!", he yelled earning a sigh from Danny. With a nod to the wolf, the white-haired boy stood and made his over to begin the adoption process.


Though I wasn't keen on being adopted by anyone, that tall human was annoyingly persuasive. The food here was horrible, and the other workers wanted me dead. I could feel the hatred they had for me whenever they passed my cage. There was something different about this new human, though. I could tell he had a good heart like his friend. His scent was vague and familiar at the same time. He was intriguing, to say the least.

If Brandon wanted me to go with this Danny person, I would go. He'd saved my life more than once from his co-workers. I owed him my life and respect for the good deeds he'd done for me. I watched silently as the white-haired one smiled at Brandon as he signed the papers on the counter. I tilted my head as I observed the expression. I'd seen many smiles throughout my life. Some were sad, others were a cover to hide whatever laid in wait beneath its surface, but most of them were fake. This smile was different; it was pure and clean of any ulterior motives.

Maybe going with him wouldn't be so bad after all.


(A/N): Hello my honeys!! Sorry for the long chapter lol. I hope you all enjoyed this story! Please remember to vote, share, and comment your thoughts! Also, remember to take good care of yourselves; eat your meals, take your medications if you have to, and for the love of God drink water!! I love you all sooo much!! <3

thesmolbean out.

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