Danny Phantom.exe Oneshots~

By HopesAngelSprite

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As you've read in the title this book will be a series of oneshots and short stories about Danny Phantom.exe... More

Bestfriend~ (Oneshot) ๐Ÿ˜ˆ
Cat Boy Cuddles~ (Oneshot)๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿคช
Chaos~ (Oneshot)๐Ÿคช
One Hell of A Gentleman (Oneshot)๐Ÿ’—
Honey Bunny (Oneshot)๐Ÿ’—
Devil's In The Details~ (Oneshot)โœจ
Baby Danny~ (Oneshot)๐Ÿ˜ˆ
A Day In The Life~ (Oneshot)๐Ÿคช
Thunder (Oneshot)โœจ
Speak of The Devil~ (Oneshot)โœจ
Big Bad Wolf~ (Oneshot)๐Ÿคช
Challenge Accepted~ (Oneshot)๐Ÿ’—โœจ
Boss Man~ (Oneshot)๐Ÿ˜ˆ
Redamancy~ (Oneshot)๐Ÿ’—
Lightning (Oneshot)โœจ
Ink and Petals (Oneshot)๐Ÿ’—
Suit & Tie (2/2)๐Ÿ˜ˆ
Feel Me (Oneshot)๐Ÿ’—
Devil's Advocate (Oneshot)โœจ
Bookworms and Cigarettes (Oneshot)โœจ
Bookworms and Cigarettes 2โœจ
Hell Raiser (Oneshot)โœจ
Kingpin (Oneshot) ๐Ÿคช๐Ÿ’—
Tempest (Oneshot) โœจ
Pretty Kitty (Oneshot)๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿคช
Bookworms and Cigarettes 3โœจ
Alpha and Omega โœจ
Freaky Friday (Oneshot) ๐Ÿ˜ˆ
Sweet Tooth (Oneshot) ๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿคช
Bookworms and Cigarettes 4 โœจ
Devil's Due โœจ
Rain Check ๐Ÿคช๐Ÿ’—
The Husbandos โœจ
Star Kissed โœจ
Bookworms and Cigarettes 5 โœจ
Catnip ๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ˜ˆ
Bad Habits โœจ
Mistletoe ๐Ÿ’—
Sweet Tooth The Sequel ๐Ÿคช
Reputation โœจ๐Ÿ’—
Boyfriend ๐Ÿ’—
Levin โœจ
Moonwake โœจ
Wicked โœจ
Moonwake 2 โœจ
Take It Easy ๐Ÿ˜ˆ
Hot Wheels โœจ
Helping Hands ๐Ÿ˜ˆ
Telepathy โœจ
Sparks โœจ
Mine ๐Ÿ’—
Denny's ๐Ÿคช๐Ÿ’—
Telepathy 2 โœจ
From Me To You ๐Ÿ’—
Rock, Paper, Scissors ๐Ÿ’—
Phase One โœจ
Team Player ๐Ÿ˜ˆโœจ
Golden Hour ๐Ÿ’—
Vendetta โœจ
Hot Chocolate ๐Ÿ˜ˆ
Bookworms and Cigarettes 6 โœจ
Thunder Bolt
Tyrant โœจ
Middle of the Night โœจ
Unification of Equals
Middle of the Night (pt. 2) โœจ

Suit & Tie (1/2)๐Ÿ˜ˆ

4.6K 72 127
By HopesAngelSprite

(A/N): Hey, y'all! I'm back with the much-anticipated SMUT chapter!!! This chapter will be very long, so I've split it in two! Once you finish this, do continue. This will contain sexual themes such as Manhandling, Sir kink, Choking kink, and a light Bondage kink. All characters are 18 years of age. THE SMUT HAPPENS LATE IN THE SECOND HALF. If this makes you uncomfy, please do not read this or read up to the 'Warning' mark. I hope you enjoy~




I glared at the large wall clock in hopes that my intimidation would speed up the slow ticking. There were 75 seconds until class would be dismissed for the day, and I would be able to go home. A shiver crept down my spine as I felt eyes on me. I knew exactly who they belonged to, but I still turned my head to look at the person. As usual, the person who was starring at me was Danny, my high-school enemy.

Danny was a very intelligent and smart boy, and he was quite attractive. His hair was the color of a winter's snowfall, his eyes were a pretty shade of amber brown, and his jawline was ruggedly sharp. He was more than attractive, he was damn near ethereal, but he had a knack for being an asshole to only me. It started as snarky comments, then it was rude remarks and gestures, and eventually a lot of mutual shoving and fighting. We were at each other's throats 24/7.

The ringing of the dismissal bell and the sound of students rushing to herd out of the classroom snapped me from my thoughts, and I found myself standing and preparing to leave as well. I glanced at Danny to see him putting his things away while talking to one of his friends. I quickly shoved everything into my backpack and began speed walking out of the room in hopes he wouldn't notice my departure. "Remember, class 17B!! Your senior prom is only a few days away, so make sure all your assignments are complete before buying your tickets!", my homeroom teacher called but his words fell upon deaf ears.

Once I was out the door, I sprinted to my locker and began hurriedly searching for my wallet and phone while occasionally checking to see if Danny had come out yet. After a few moments, I found them and fisted the air in triumph thinking I'd successfully avoided another interaction with the idiot who shall not be named. I was wrong, of course.

Suddenly, my locker door was slammed shut, narrowly avoiding my fingers, and I was shoved against it harshly. I winced at the feeling of the door handle digging into my lower shoulder already knowing it was going to bruise pretty badly. "Where do you think you're going, dumbass? I haven't said my daily goodbyes yet.", came Danny's smooth voice. I rolled my eyes and looked around to see if anyone had noticed me getting shoved. As usual, no one noticed anything and they didn't bother looking over because he was making it look like we were just talking.

My eyes finally met his with an annoyed glare. "I was hoping to leave before you could infect me with more of your stupidity. That shit's contagious, you know.", I said while placing my hand on his chest to push him away. I shoved as hard as I could, but the solid bastard didn't move a muscle. He caught my wrist and leaned forward until our faces were centimeters apart. "Well, that would explain why you're such an idiot. Now, I came here to ask about who you're going to prom with.", he drawled. I struggled to answer and focus because of the sudden closeness.

His sweet cologne filled my nostrils and dulled my senses. That voice of his wasn't helping either. One of the reasons I couldn't stand him was because I was naturally attracted to him and he always used that against me. "I-I'm not going to prom. Why do you care anyway?!", I hissed. He chuckled a bit before dipping down near my ear. "Is it because no one will go with you or because you know I'm going to humiliate you as soon as you step foot in that gym? Either way, you should watch your back.", he whispered causing his lips to graze my neck. He pulled away completely wearing a smirk at the sight of my flustered face. "See you tomorrow! Bye-bye, now.~", he said with fake cheerfulness and a tiny wave before turning and walking to where his friends were waiting for him.

I glared as I watched them turn the corner before cursing under my breath and gathering my things.


I sighed as I crossed the threshold into house and tossed my bag onto the floor while slamming the door shut. I took off my shoes and hung my coat on the rack in the corner. When I turned around, my mom was standing at the kitchen door with narrowed eyes. "Dude, you just got home and you're already slamming doors? You most definitely did not pass the vibe check.", she said while shaking her head in playful disappointment. I smiled slightly before apologizing.

"So, who pissed in your lunch today? You don't slam doors unless you're upset. Was it that boy you told me about?", she asked. I nodded and yeeted myself on the couch before covering my face with a pillow and screaming into it. "What'd he do this time?", she inquired while coming to sit across from me in her chair near the fireplace. I removed the pillow and stared up into the ceiling as I told her about our interaction. "Then, he had the nerve to tell me to watch my back! I swear I wanted to smack the smirk right off his face.", I grumbled once I had told the entire story, "What do you think I should do about it?".

I could hear my mom chuckle from her seat as she leaned forward. "I think you two should hurry up and kiss already.", she teased with a wiggle of her eyebrows. I sat up straight and stared at her in disbelief. "After all that I just told you, you still think he's mean to me because he has a crush on me?!", I yelled while throwing up my hands in exasperation. She nodded and stood before making her way upstairs. "I'll be looking online for a dress for you to wear! Let me know when your loverboy finally asks you out.", she shouted causing me to sigh. I stayed in the living room for a while longer with my mind filled with pesky thoughts on the possibility of Danny and me.


I sighed in heavy annoyance as I made my way toward the common grounds to begin my lunch break. I had a nagging headache from not sleeping much the night before, so my mood was fouler than usual. My mom was running late with my lunch, and I refused to eat whatever poison those poor lunch ladies had been forced to cook up by our dietitian. After what seemed like hours, I finally found a secluded spot to sit at under a large cherry tree.

I leaned against the wide trunk not minding the subtle roughness of the grey-brown bark. My phone pinged twice, and I glanced at it to see my mom had changed her ETA to five minutes later than the original time due to traffic. Just as I was about to consider eating cafeteria food, a tall shadow was cast over me. I looked up expecting Danny, but I was pleasantly surprised with a face that was both familiar and new to me at the same time.

"Hi, I'm Brandon! Do you mind if I sit with you for a sec?", he asked in a velvety smooth voice. I nodded not trusting my voice. He smiled brightly and sat next to me before rummaging in his shoulder bag. "I hope I'm not being a bother! I just wanted someone to sit with while I wait for my friends. Are your friends coming to sit with you, too?", he asked while pulling a bag of chips from his bag. "No, it's just me as usual, you're not being a bother.", I spoke quietly while cursing my sudden shyness. He nodded while opening the bag and offering some of the contents of it. I accepted it with a thank you.

We enjoyed the silence between us while occasionally conversating about random things. As we were getting on the subject of prom, the sound of a random guy shouting, "MILF!!", caught our attention. I looked up to see my mom making her way towards me while wearing her work uniform. Although she had gotten several job offers from high-paying businesses, she took a liking to a certain food establishment whose name rhymes with 'scooters'.

"I thought you said your friends weren't coming to eat with you!", Brandon whispered shouted as my mom waved cheerily at me. I waved and whispered back, "That's my mom.". He looked at me in shock before gulping and putting on a charming smile. "Hiya, hon'! I brought your food, but I gotta get back on the road soon. Oh, who's your friend?", she said while gesturing to Brandon. "This is Brandon, mom. He's not my-", I started to say but was cut off by Brandon standing to shake my moms' hand. "Hello, (Y/N)'s mom. It's nice to meet you! Your daughter and I were just talking about prom.", he explained while gesturing to me.

My mom gave me a look of surprise before cracking a smile. "Are you the one taking my little girl to prom?", she inquired. Brandon chuckled and shook his head. "No, ma'am. I'm afraid someone beat me to buying a ticket for her, but I was just about to ask if she wanted to get ready together before the dance!", he spoke in a charming voice while turning to me and raising a brow. Caught off guard by this new information, all I could do was smile and nod. My mom clapped happily before checking her watch. "That sounds great! I look forward to seeing you soon, Brandon. I'd love to stay and chat more, but I gotta get back to work. See you two kids later!", she said before leaving the two of us alone.

Once Brandon sat back down, I lightly punched his arm causing him to raise a questioning brow at me. "Don't look at me like that, Casanova. I saw you giving my mom the eyes.", I started with an evil smirk drawing a laugh from him, " Also, what's this about someone buying a ticket for me? Who is it?!". Brandon snickered and shook his head before answering, "If you don't know yet, I won't spoil the surprise. Now, let's work out the time we're supposed to meet up to prepare for prom. I look forward to seeing your mom again!". I frowned a bit before nodding. Brandon and I spent the entire lunch hour talking and planning over food. I was so focused on him that I didn't feel a familiar set of eyes watching me.


I sighed as I closed my locker for the day and tightened the strap on my shoulder bag. My day had gotten better after lunch, but I was still confused as to who had bought a ticket for me. I didn't talk to many people at school, and I didn't talk to any guys except for my spats with Danny. I froze as a thought started to cross my mind, but I quickly shook it away. There was no way my mom was right about him. We'd been fighting since we were freshmen, so why would he want to change things now.

The tiny hairs on the back of my neck stood suddenly, and I paused again to take in my surroundings. The halls were almost empty except for a few stragglers heading out, so the area was unusually quiet. A small breeze swept by bringing a sweet smell of cinnamon and vanilla across my nose. I relaxed instantly as I recognized the scent. "Are you going to say something or keep standing there like the creep you are?", I asked while turning to lean against my locker. Danny stood in front of me wearing an annoyed frown. "I'm not a creep. It just took you too long to realize I was here, and I called your name, too. If I were a murderer, I could've offed you without you even knowing.", he hissed seeming more upset than usual.

I gave him a slightly weirded-out look before muttering, "Yeah, totally not creepy.". I adjusted the strap on my bag before glancing around us to see that we were completely alone. "What did you want?", I asked feeling a bit apprehensive. He sighed and shoved his hands in his pockets before looking away. It could've been my eyes tricking me, but I could swear I caught a glimpse of redness in his cheeks. "I saw you talking to Brandon at lunch earlier. He didn't say anything about me or prom, did he?", he asked with a tilt of his head. "He didn't say anything about you, but he offered to get ready for prom together. His date lives close by, so he'll be picking them up from my place." I began while shifting my weight, "He also said something about someone buying me a ticket but never told me who. You wouldn't happen to know, would you?".

Danny cursed under his breath before nodding. I stood up straight and took a step toward him in shock. "Who is it?!", I inquired excitedly. Danny faced me and his expression caught me off guard for a second. For the first time, I didn't see annoyance or hate in his eyes, just anxiety and hope. "It was me. I bought the ticket for you.", he answered in a quiet voice. A tiny gasp left me at his words, and I found myself wondering if I was dreaming.

"But why? You hate me, don't you?", I asked while furrowing my brows in confusion. He huffed a bit, and the rosy color in his cheek darkened. "N-not exactly! Sometimes I do and sometimes I think about what it would be like to hold your hands in mine. Listen, I'm not good at this sort of thing!!", he huffed making it obvious he was getting frustrated. Although he was showing lots of emotions, the most evident one was sincerity. Now that he was letting me see more of who he was, I could see how some of the things he did were out of affection. Once again, my mother had proven me wrong.


"I can't believe this. You can't make this shit up...", I muttered while staring into the empty halls. Danny cursed under his breath and ran a hand through his already tousled hair. "Look, if you don't want to go with me then just tell me that! I don't want to waste any more of your time than I already have.", he grumbled causing my eyes to meet with his. A soft smile graced my lips and I found myself walking to stand directly in front of him. "I never said I didn't want to go with you. I kind of like this side of you to be honest.", I said while reaching up to fix a strand of his hair that was out of place. He moved to take a step back, but I stepped forward to close the distance again.

"Well, the uhm... what time should I pick you up?", he asked with a nervous smile. My smile grew, and I checked my phone for the time. "You can pick me up at 7:00, but prepare to stay a few minutes. My mom's been dying to meet you, you know.", I answered while turning and walking toward the exit feeling lighter. He shouted an 'okay' as I made my way to the door, and I turned to wave him goodbye. Once I was out of the parking lot, I hurriedly called my mom.

"Hey, ma! You'll never believe what just happened!".


(A/N): How're y'all hanging in there so far, eh? ;) Don't forget to hydrate and grab a snack cause you're in for a wild ride!!

thesmolbean out... for now!

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