Danny Phantom.exe Oneshots~

By HopesAngelSprite

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As you've read in the title this book will be a series of oneshots and short stories about Danny Phantom.exe... More

Bestfriend~ (Oneshot) 😈
Cat Boy Cuddles~ (Oneshot)πŸ’—πŸ€ͺ
Chaos~ (Oneshot)πŸ€ͺ
One Hell of A Gentleman (Oneshot)πŸ’—
Honey Bunny (Oneshot)πŸ’—
Devil's In The Details~ (Oneshot)✨
Baby Danny~ (Oneshot)😈
A Day In The Life~ (Oneshot)πŸ€ͺ
Thunder (Oneshot)✨
Speak of The Devil~ (Oneshot)✨
Big Bad Wolf~ (Oneshot)πŸ€ͺ
Challenge Accepted~ (Oneshot)πŸ’—βœ¨
Boss Man~ (Oneshot)😈
Redamancy~ (Oneshot)πŸ’—
Lightning (Oneshot)✨
Suit & Tie (1/2)😈
Suit & Tie (2/2)😈
Feel Me (Oneshot)πŸ’—
Devil's Advocate (Oneshot)✨
Bookworms and Cigarettes (Oneshot)✨
Bookworms and Cigarettes 2✨
Hell Raiser (Oneshot)✨
Kingpin (Oneshot) πŸ€ͺπŸ’—
Tempest (Oneshot) ✨
Pretty Kitty (Oneshot)πŸ’—πŸ€ͺ
Bookworms and Cigarettes 3✨
Alpha and Omega ✨
Freaky Friday (Oneshot) 😈
Sweet Tooth (Oneshot) πŸ’—πŸ€ͺ
Bookworms and Cigarettes 4 ✨
Devil's Due ✨
Rain Check πŸ€ͺπŸ’—
The Husbandos ✨
Star Kissed ✨
Bookworms and Cigarettes 5 ✨
Catnip πŸ’—πŸ˜ˆ
Bad Habits ✨
Mistletoe πŸ’—
Sweet Tooth The Sequel πŸ€ͺ
Reputation βœ¨πŸ’—
Boyfriend πŸ’—
Levin ✨
Moonwake ✨
Wicked ✨
Moonwake 2 ✨
Take It Easy 😈
Hot Wheels ✨
Helping Hands 😈
Telepathy ✨
Sparks ✨
Mine πŸ’—
Denny's πŸ€ͺπŸ’—
Telepathy 2 ✨
From Me To You πŸ’—
Rock, Paper, Scissors πŸ’—
Phase One ✨
Team Player 😈✨
Golden Hour πŸ’—
Vendetta ✨
Hot Chocolate 😈
Bookworms and Cigarettes 6 ✨
Thunder Bolt
Tyrant ✨
Middle of the Night ✨
Unification of Equals
Middle of the Night (pt. 2) ✨

Ink and Petals (Oneshot)πŸ’—

2.2K 66 11
By HopesAngelSprite

(A/N): Hellooo, everyone!! I hope you all enjoyed the previous chapter!! This story is something I came up with on a long drive with my family. The idea was so cute to me I couldn't keep myself from writing right away. Please enjoy!!

I sighed as I stared at my boyfriend from across his room with determination and slight annoyance. Though the room was silent and peaceful, my turbulent thoughts rang loud in my head. All my life I'd gravitated towards art and creative things more than anything else, and as I grew up my talent in the craft grew as well. I'd been studying at an art school for the past year and a half when I'd met Danny. He quickly became the only lasting muse in my life, and being with him inspired me not only to do my best as an artist but to do my best as a person.

For the past few weeks, I'd been experiencing the worst case of art block in my life. I hadn't been able to finish any of my assignments with a result that satisfied me. My grades had taken a hit, too. All because I couldn't keep my mind off of a certain project that I'd dreamed of at 3 a.m. . The project consisted of Sharpie markers and a very unusual canvas. The canvas being Danny's back. Ever since that night, I hadn't been able to get the thought of drawing on him off my mind. I wanted to, I needed to, I had to.

I stood from my seat and walked toward a high shelf that Danny allowed me to keep my various markers and pens on before gathering every color I knew I'd need. Once I had everything selected, I walked back to Danny and sat in front of him on the floor making sure to wrap myself around his leg. I watched as he continued to scroll on his phone for a second before he reached down to pat my head. I rolled my eyes before tightening my grip, drawing a grunt of annoyance from him. "What in fucks name are you doing?", he inquired while sitting his phone on his desk and crossing his arms, "You only do this when you want something you know I probably won't give you.".

I mentally cursed and squealed at the same time hearing how well he knew me. I put on a pretty smile while batting my eyelashes and hugging him closer. Danny's eyes narrowed with suspicion already knowing I was up to no good. "So, I had this thought for a project a while ago, and it's become so annoying that I can't stop thinking about it even when I'm doing important things. I know that once I finish it I'll be back to normal and my grades will get better, but I need your help.", I explained trying to use my charm on him. Acting cute and being the'UwU' type was never something I was good at.

"And just what kind of help do you need, hm?", he asked with a slight raise of his brow momentarily catching me off guard with his good looks. I chuckled nervously before answering the best way I knew how. "I sorta kinda need you to be my canvas for the day.", I replied with hope-filled eyes. Silenced thickened the air and I grew even more nervous as Danny stared down at me with a face void of emotion. He sighed after a bit and nodded earning an excited cheer from me.

I stood and hurriedly began to straighten out my workspace, a.k.a his nightstand and bed, before he could change his mind. "I suppose you'll be drawing on my back or something like that.", I heard him mutter behind me. I hummed a yes before turning around to explain more, but my words caught in my throat at the sight of him pulling his shirt over his head. Once his head and arms were free, he tossed the garment onto the foot of the bed while raking a hand through his hair. The chains around his neck jingled a bit causing warmth to spread throughout my entire body. Suddenly, Danny's eyes caught mine and a smirk made its way onto that pretty face of his.

"You see something you like?", he teased causing me to roll my eyes and look away. I sighed and pointed to bed gesturing for him to lie down. He chuckled but did as told. I climbed onto the bed and began preparing to work. I straddled his lower back and started to trace out the design I'd had in mind.

A sudden burst of giggles erupted from the boy below me drawing a smile of my own to the surface. "What're you giggling about, dork?", I inquired while reaching up to lightly tug at his hair. He laughed a bit more before replying, "I was just thinking about how the t-turns have ta-tabled!", he said while purposefully getting the saying wrong. I snickered at his comment and shook my head. There was a beat of comfortable silence before Danny spoke up again. "What's the plan for this project?", he asked while tilting his head back to peak at me. I smirked and pushed his head back before saying, "Patience, my adorable friend. All will be revealed in due time.". He sighed and whined, "You usually tell me what you're up to! I can't just sit here in suspense!!". I chuckled a bit, choosing not to respond at all to annoy him more.

"Fine! If you're not going to tell me, let's play 20 questions.", he demanded earning a hum of agreement from me. So, one after the other, we began to ask each other whatever had been on our minds whether it be silly or serious. About 15 minutes had passed before Danny asked the final question that made my heart race. "What's your favorite memory of me?", he questioned softly. My hands faltered as I processed his words.

"D-do you remember that day I'd failed one of my exams and I got so angry I destroyed every piece of work I could get my hands on?", I muttered slightly embarrassed by the memory. He nodded before saying, "I found you crying surrounded by shredded canvases and shattered glass. It broke my heart seeing you like that.". I hummed a bit as I recalled the day. I'd worked hard on a project, not getting any sleep for weeks, only to be disregarded completely because I was a few minutes late to turn it in. In a fit of anger and sadness, I had taken my anger out on every form of art I could get my hands on.

Danny had found me sobbing in a disaster of my own making, and, instead of leaving me alone in my despair, he helped me clean up and fixed the superficial wounds I'd gotten from the wreckage. "I tried to hide my tears from you and you told me that 'crying is a way to clean my internal canvas' of all the blemishes the world had put on it. That was the moment I realized I loved you.", I admitted softly.

I moved back a bit to look at what I'd gotten done so far with a smile on my face. Ninety percent of it was finished; the only thing that needed to be done was a bit more blending and fine lining. I leaned forward to reach another marker only for Danny to catch my wrist and place a small kiss on my hand. I giggled a bit before grabbing my marker and ruffling his hair. "My favorite memory of you is the day we met!", he said after some time. I face-palmed as I remembered the day I met him. "Dude that whole day was so embarrassing! Everyone was starring at me because of the cosplay!!", I whined while recalling the bet I had lost the night before meeting him.

A friend of mine and I had made a bet that she couldn't get a stranger's phone number, and the loser would have to wear the most revealing cosplay they owned for a day. It was supposed to be an easy win for me considering my friend was shyer than I was, and that was saying something. I'd even picked a guy I knew she had a crush on to make things harder for her. To my shock, she walked right up to the guy and started flirting with him like it was nothing. Five minutes later she returned flaunting a napkin with a phone number on it and a smirk that made me regret all my earlier decisions in life.

The next day, I found myself walking down the main street embarrassed and sporting the most revealing cosplay I owned, which was Yaoyorozu's at the time. To make things worse, my friend had sent me to pick up some coffee from the busiest café in the city in the middle of mid-day rush. I spent five incredibly uncomfortable minutes in a hellishly long line before someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around expecting some judgmental elderly person or a creep trying to hit on me. Instead, I was met with kind brown eyes and the face of the prettiest guy I'd ever seen in my life.

"I noticed how uncomfortable you looked, so I figured you'd want this.", he explained while offering his jacket and a kind smile. I'd stared a bit in shock at how cute and sweet he was before happily accepting. I spent the rest of the wait chatting with this guy who I found out I was an avid cosplayer himself. The more we talked, the more at ease I became. Eventually, our order numbers were called out and we walked to the counter to pick them up. Once I'd finished, I turned to return the boy's jacket, but he was nowhere to be seen.

I raced out of the shop hoping that he was still outside, but he was gone already. I'd searched the pockets of the jacket to find some way I could return it only to find the pockets empty as well. I'd moped back home carrying lukewarm coffee and sadness through the threshold of my shared apartment. I sat the coffee tray on the living room table where my roommates had been waiting and turned to head back to my room when one of them commented on a strange blue note at the bottom of the tray.

I raced back to the table and snatch it up before unfolding it. I read it aloud with a goofy smile growing on my face with each word. The note was from the guy from earlier. It read:

'I wish we could've talked more Miss Yaoyorozu, but I've got errands to run today! If you wish to return my coat, meet me at the same time as we met today in front of the café. Consider it a date of sorts! Hope to see you there :)

- Danny'

And the rest was history. Two years later, I'd find myself discussing our first meeting while drawing on the boy who was kind enough to lend me his jacket. "I've never believed in love at first sight or anything, but I believe that meeting you that day was exactly that.", he admitted filling my chest with warmth. I finished the line I was drawing before rolling off him to place a kiss on his cheek. He returned the kiss and wiggled his eyebrows like the adorable weirdo he was. "You wanna see the finished project?", I asked while getting up to get my phone. He nodded vigorously, and I sat up on my knees to take a picture of the art I'd put on his back.

Once I got a few shots, I moved to lay beside him and show him what I'd done. He stared at the photos with awe-filled eyes and a bright smile. I'd drawn a large wreath of black and red roses, and in the center of it was a sleeping dragon. The dragon had curled itself around a single white dahlia. "What does it mean?", he asked while zooming in on the photo. "The wreathe represents the outside world and you're the dragon that keeps me, the dahlia, safe.", I explained softly.

Danny turned to me and I found myself counting the stars in his eyes. "You know I love you right? I love you so much.", he admitted while leaning his forehead against mine. I smiled and laced my fingers with his. "More than you love Brandon and Will?", I inquired teasingly. He snickered before saying, "Don't push your luck, darling.". I playfully rolled my eyes before pushing his forehead away. He chuckled and pushed me onto my back before hovering over me. "I love you, idiot.", I said while pulling him down for a kiss. His lips met mine and everything felt right in the universe at that moment.

We broke our kiss and I wrapped myself around him. We spent the rest of the day enjoying each other's presence. I was truly happy and nothing could take this happiness away.


(A/N): Hiii, I hope you enjoyed this story! Sorry for making it so long. I kinda got carried away lol. Please vote, share, and comment your thoughts! The smut chapter will be posted next Thursday, so be on the lookout for that. Remember to stay hydrated and eat properly. ILYSM <33

thesmolbean out.

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