The Vampire and The Ghost | ✔︎

By SammyE9

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[BOOK ONE OF THE VAMPIRE AND THE GHOST SERIES] She's dead, he's undead. An unusual duo make their way throug... More

Prologue: A lonely afterlife
Chapter One: Wondering Eyes
Chapter Two: A Turning Point
Chapter Three: Getting To Know You
Chapter Four: A Helping Hand
Chapter Five: Blasts From The Past
Chapter Six: Poltergeist
Chapter Seven: Break In, Break Out
Chapter Eight: Hidden In Plain Sight
Chapter Nine: Old Faces
Chapter Ten: Now You Know
Chapter Eleven: You're kiddin' me
Chapter Twelve: I Promise.
Chapter Thirteen: New Arrivals
Chapter Fourteen: Time For Celebrations (not really)
Chapter Sixteen: Digging Your Grave
Chapter Seventeen: Me, you and a dead body
Chapter Eighteen: This is Awkward
Chapter Nineteen: The Call
Chapter Twenty: A Werewolf and A Fae
Chapter Twenty One: Just A Normal Day (with you)
Chapter Twenty Two: Where You Go, I'll Follow
Chapter Twenty Three: Don't Leave Me Here
Chapter Twenty Four: Night Time Cravings
Chapter Twenty Five: A Commotion
Chapter Twenty Six: Witch Hunt
Chapter Twenty Seven: Not human, not monsters
Chapter Twenty Eight: One Step Forward
Chapter Twenty Nine: A Lead
Chapter Thirty: Finding Angela Smith
Chapter Thirty One: Way Back When
Chapter Thirty Two: Eugene Cubert
Chapter Thirty Three: Growth
Chapter Thirty Four: Meeting Harvey Cubert
Chapter Thirty Five: First Impressions
Chapter Thirty Six: I Need A Favour
Chapter Thirty Seven: Harvey Cubert
Chapter Thirty Eight: Removing Curses
Chapter Thirty Nine: Missing Dead Bodies
Chapter Forty: A Mess
Chapter Forty One: Ambush
Chapter Forty Two: Plan In Progress
Chapter Forty Three: The Siege
Chapter Forty Four: Hatred And Resentment
Chapter Forty Five: Irony
Chapter Forty Six: Speak of The Devil
Chapter Forty Seven: Back To Hell
Chapter Forty Eight: Human Body, Demon Soul
Chapter Forty Nine: The End
Chapter Fifty: Use This Next Time
Chapter Fifty One: Recovering a Soul
Chapter Fifty Two: This Is It
Brief Interlude!
Chapter Fifty Three: A Half Demon
Chapter Fifty Four: Annalise Redwood
Chapter Fifty Five: Recovered
Chapter Fifty Six: Auntie
Chapter Fifty Seven: Family Relations
Chapter Fifty Eight: A Decision
Chapter Fifty Nine: Fin
The Vampire and The Demon: Prologue
Other Works

Chapter Fifteen: Calm Before The Storm

6.8K 345 47
By SammyE9


The vampires had been drinking for a solid 3 hours now, and were only just feeling the effects of the alcohol. Annalise was watching bemusedly as they continued to indulge on the liquor. True to her word, Dawn had not let Annalise be excluded, she even poured her a drink despite the fact that Annalise couldn't drink it.

Annalise didn't need alcohol to feel warm inside at the gesture.

The night had started on a sour note, but now here they all were playing cards at the kitchen table. Of course Annalise couldn't actually play, so she had joined sides with Dawn. Dawn had taught her the basics of the game poker. And now they were playing around, with Annalise pointing out tips or moves every so often.

She didn't care that these people were Vampires, that they were decades older than her and probably ten times more dangerous. For once, she was having fun. She laughed as Cassius took another loss, shaking his head in dismay as he gave up more of his money.

"I thought you hacked the mortuary! Aren't you meant to be good at this sort of thing!" Annalise joked, leaning in towards where Eugene was sitting besides her. Eugene lent towards her in response, so close they were almost touching. Cassius snorted, muttering under his breath something in Spanish.

Raul, completely loosened by the alcohol, slapped him on the back with enough force to send Cassius forward. He only just managed to catch himself before he face-planted the table. "No need to be a sore loser, my friend. Here are some of mine," He said joyfully, his pale cheeks flushed with alcohol.

Annalise giggled as Raul passed Cassius a metal button and a few pennies that he happened to have stored in his pocket. Cassius seemed less than pleased, and immediately shoved them back to Raul.

"I wish I was hacking the mortuary. Would have been easier," he mumbled grumpily. A laugh broke round the table at that, with Dawn sputtering out some of the wine she was drinking.

"Isn't it like bed time for you guys?" Annalise asked, interrupting Dawn as she was laughing at Cassius' expense, after a brief look at the clock. It read four am. Surely it was time for them to retreat? Dawn yawned, pushing her chair back and stretching. She slapped her hand on the back of Annalise's chair and nodded.

"Come on boys, time to get back to the lair before Daddy gets angry at us," she said, collecting her belongings. Raul groaned, standing to follow Dawn as she left the room. Annalise trailed after them both, leaving Cassius and Eugene in the kitchen on their own.

"So, Dawn, do you guys really live in a lair?"



Back in the kitchen, Cassius managed to grab him before Eugene could leave to go after Annalise. Cassius had a sombre look on his face, his thick eyebrows drawn together, forming wrinkles on his forehead.

"I have something I need to tell you. It's about Annalise," he said. Eugene's stomach dropped. He could hear Annalise laughing with Dawn and Raul at the doorway of the house. It was a stark contrast to the girl he had first met. She was excitable yes, but sad, lonely and withdrawn. She seemed to flourish among people, blooming under the presence of others into someone who was happy, sociable and kind. There was no trace of that initial awkwardness left in her.

He didn't want to wreck that. But he had long since learnt his lesson. Whatever he was told tonight, or well this morning, he would relay back to Annalise immediately. He nodded, gesturing for Cassius to continue.

"I did more research after hacking into the mortuary, and had a look at the USB you found. I don't think she was actually murdered. I have reason to believe that Vitus had her body separated from her soul. She's not actually dead, not truly. Her soul is in limbo," he explained, stony faced.

Eugene took a step back, and raised his hand to his head. He collapsed down on the kitchen chair, and heaved a sigh. "Christ," Eugene said. The possibilities were endless in his mind. Hope clashed with trepidation. Because she wasn't actually dead, they could find a solution. A way to return her soul to her body.

But there was no way it could be that easy. This was Vitus Modesto they were talking about. There was always a catch.

"I need you to find her body. And find a way to return her soul back. Immediately. Tell me what you need me to get and I'll get it," Eugene demanded, looking up at Cassius. Cassius' face twisted, and Eugene felt the spark of hope he had flickered out.

"That's the thing, Eugene. I did look. The moment I found out, I searched. I knew you would want to know. But I couldn't find her body. There's no trace of it anywhere. The only place I can see it being, is where they buried her" he said. Eugene let his head fall into his hand, as he breathed a shaky sigh.

He had a bad feeling about this all.



Annalise never thought she'd be arguing to someone about seeing her own dead body, but here she was. Eugene had told her about what Cassius had said after the three Vampires had left. She didn't really know what to think about it, if she were perfectly honest.

The thoughts were buzzing in her head, like an angry nest of wasps. She wasn't dead? It was almost too much to think about, after five years of absolute solitude believing she was dead. It was a bizarre situation, and not one she knew how to handle.

But one thought stood out above the rest, she needed to see her body. Eugene was going to head up to her grave and dig up her body. She had never been to her grave, never seen what people had left there, the people that came to mourn.

She had to.

But Eugene had brung up the one main flaw in her plan. She couldn't leave the house without feeling unbearable pain. He had made a good point, that it was probably due to the curse- or whatever it is- that she couldn't leave the house. But by god, she was going to try.

If she was really a half demon like they told her, she was. Then she could do this. She eyed the door like it was a predator, it was time to face her fear.

"I'm going to do it, whether you like it or not," Annalise said with determination, rolling her shoulders and taking a deep breath. Eugene went to stop her, but his hand phased through her arm. She would have shot him a triumphant smile, but right now she was focused on what was in front of her.

Cautiously, ignoring Eugene's cries of her name, she stepped forward towards the door. Reaching a hand in front of her, so it could breach the door first.

That's when she felt it.

It was like moving through hot tar, burning and thick. She could hear screaming in the back of her mind, but it was like she was hearing it from afar. Annalise pushed forward, pain burning through every inch of her body like hot pokers. She pushed against the pain, even as she trembled, even when the tears built up in her eyes and spilt over her cheeks.

Briefly, she could hear Eugene shouting for her. But then, she breached past the pain and collapsed on the floor. For a solid moment her heart sank, she couldn't do it. Just like every other countless times she had tried. She couldn't do it. She failed.

Eugene burst through with joyful laughter, and her heart sank even more. Couldn't he just leave her alone to wallow in her self pity?

"Anna, look up." He insisted, a smile evident in his voice. Miserably, with complaints on her tongue, she looked up.

She was outside.

She could hear the cry of birds that were in the nearby trees. She could feel the wind gently caress her face, and the cobblestones digging into her palms and legs. It was distant, almost as if sit wasn't her experiencing it, but someone else and she was just overseeing. But Annalise could feel it nonetheless. 

She was outside! 

Authors Note: 

Hey! Hope you're all doing good. I'm feeling a little better, so expect more chapters to be released real soon <3 Leave a like or comment if you enjoyed this chapter. I had fun writing this one actually. Its nice to see Annalise interact with more and more people. 

Love ya'll 


 Word count:  1362

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