πƒπ’πšπ―π¨π₯𝐚 βœ“

By jacqualinereads

6M 190K 102K

π’π‘πž 𝐒𝐬 𝐭𝐑𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐯𝐒π₯, 𝐬𝐑𝐞 𝐒𝐬 𝐬𝐒𝐧. Valentina Rossi was taken away from her father and brother... More

01 | I Promise, Always
02 | Pinky Swear
03 | Do You Trust Me?
04 | Cut the Bullshit
05 | Believe me
06 | Okay
07 | I'll Find You
08 | New York, New York
09 | Awkward
10 | Cigars and Cologne
11 | I Told You
12 | Are You Happy?
13 | Mute
14 | Nervous?
15 | Vixen
16 | It's Business
17 | Perfect Blackmail
18 | Self Defense
20 | You Surprise Me
21 | Secondhand High
22 | Weed and Leather
23 | Dream
24 | Sing
25 | Drowning
26 | Pray For Me
27 | Thank You
28 | Truths
29 | Feels Right
30 | Slap Me
31 | Breath of Fresh Air
32 | Heartache
33 | Plans and Frustrations
34 | Love
35 | Weirdo
36 | Oh Shit
37 | Pure
38 | Guilty
39 | Too Pretty to Die
40 | What Are We?
41 | Grateful
42 | Shit Show
43 | Rightful Heir
44 | Revelations
45 | Let The Show Begin
46 | One Hell Of A Fight
47 | That Was Fun
48 | I'm Lost
49 | Real Talks
50 | Decisions
51 | Forbidden
52 | Chance
53 | One Down, One To Go
54 | Family
55 | Unplanned Date Night
56 | Little Brother
57 | Support
58 | Suspicious
59 | Here's The Plan
60 | Move Out
61 | They Don't Call Me Diavola For Nothing
62 | My Girl
63 | How Is This Possible?
64 | Blessing
65 | Dreams and Recovery
66 | Soap Opera
67 | The Italian Aren't Welcome
68 | More Introductions
69 | Respect
70 | It'll Always Be You
71 | Bad Word
72 | Unbothered
73 | Gabriel
74 | Like Old Times
75 | Vendetta
76 | Now I Escape
77 | Seduce and Kill
78 | We Are Coming For You
79 | Finally
80 | I Missed You
81 | Andrè and Alec
82 | Valentina
83 | Now What?
84 | Tease
85 | Goodbye
86 | Bonding and Worries
87 | Immature
88 | Double Date?
89 | Disaster
90 | Apology
91 | We Know
92 | Presents and Confessions
93 | More Gifts
94 | Tattoo
95 | Challenge Accepted
96 | Sleep Tight Bitch
97 | Holy Shit
98 | Thoughts and Doubts
99 | Clueless
100 | Another Day, Another War

19 | Double Tap Bitch

72.7K 2.2K 925
By jacqualinereads

It's currently 11:00 pm, the shipment is meant to be arriving at the docks at midnight. I race into my closet changing into my bad bitch outfit, I unlock one of the draws and gather the weapons I need for tonight. Mainly my trusty knives my mother gifted me on my 7th birthday.

A/N — Valentina's bad bitch outfit.

I grab a duffle bag and shove some guns and grenades in there for safe measure, I also grab my mask that hides my identity as well as Nate's.

"Val?" Nate calls out.

"In my closet Nate."

Nate walks in looking nervous and worried, it's been a while since we've been on a mission, and having to sneak out of the mansion is a bit crazy, especially with the amount of security and cameras around the place.

"You told them you're having a sleepover in my room correct?" I question, he nods, "yeah your brothers weren't too fond of the idea but they said okay eventually."

"Great, get changed we leave in 10 minutes. Hurry." I hand Nate his clothes and he leaves for the bathroom. I pull out the blueprints of our property where I've marked out exits and the areas where cameras are located. I've also marked out how the guards are laid out.

A/N — Nate's outfit.

Nate waltz back in my closet and double-checks what I've packed in the duffle bag, satisfied he closes up the bag and slings it on his shoulder.

Reading the blueprint again, "you remember the plan right? I've noted where the blind spots are regarding the cameras and where the guards are situated. The blue marker is the route we're going to take which will safely get us out and back in without being caught."

He nods, "yes, I contacted Hugo and he said he left the car parked two streets over and left the keys in the glove box."

I glance up at him, "you locked my door? Were Mez and Felix still out there?"

He sighs, "yeah I locked it and yes they're still out there. I'm worried about them, they're not idiots love, we can't be out too long."

"Relájate, estaremos bien. Lo prometo, solo estamos examinando los muelles asegurándonos de que Vadim no interfiera." I hum.

(Relax, we'll be fine. I promise, we're just scoping out the docks making sure Vadim doesn't interfere)

"Yo sé amor, ¿qué pasa si él está ahí?"

(I know love, what happens if he is there?)

I shrug, "we kidnap him and take him to one of our hideouts and get some answers."

I watch him reluctantly nod, I know he's worried but it only comes to that if Vadim shows up. I haven't seen him take any shifts around here as guard yet, maybe he's still pissed about me ratting him out to Andrè's father.

Eh, I don't give a shit.

I'm hoping he does show up tonight. I've been itching to get my hands on him and torture him slowly, watching him bleed and beg me to stop.

Now is not the time to get blood crazy Valentina.

I shake the blood craze thoughts out of my head, I divert my gaze in Nate's direction. Slowly walking over to him I give him a quick kiss on his forehead, "Ready sweet cheeks?"

He grins, "Always."


We successfully make it to the car that Hugo left for us, I fish the keys out of the glove box and put it into the ignition, the car comes to life.

Pulling out of the spot, we head to the docks. Nate opens the duffle bag and pulls out some earpieces and hands one over to me. I swipe it out of his hand and put it in my ear, turning it on I test it out, "testing, can you hear me?"

"Yeah it's good, can you hear me?"

"Yeah, all good Nate. Remember you're only on the lookout for me, I'll sneak around and see what I can find and make sure the drop-off is successful without any hiccups. I pray that Luciano sent his men and hopefully I don't run into him tonight." I rush out.

"Got it. I hope for your sake he's not there Val." Nate grumbles next to me, his leg bouncing up and down.

As we near the docks, I turn the headlights off and pull off to the side parking a bit of distance not wanting to make our presence known. Nate hands me my mask before he slides his on, we silently get out of the car.

I motion to one of the buildings that overlook the docks and signal to the roof, he nods his head and makes his way to the building.

I observe as he climbs up one of the fire exit ladders and scales onto the roof, positioning himself close enough to see the docks without being seen.

"I'm set Val, you're good to move it's clear at the moment." He gives me a thumbs up, with a cheeky grin.

I make a dash for the office and hide within the shadows, I slide against the wall walking towards the main dock where the boat is set to arrive. I hide behind a shipping container that is a station near the office giving me the perfect cover to spy.

"The boat is docking now." Just as Nate mentions, the boat comes into view. Car tires screech pulling up to the dock, I watch as the door opens and out steps Dom and Luciano and a couple of their men.

"Fucking hell —" I whisper into the earpiece, "makes sense that Luciano would bring Dom considering his specialty is weaponry."

"Four black SUVs are pulling up, two hundred meters away, on your 11 o'clock. I spy my little eye on 16 men, Vadim is with them, Val." Nate informs me.

Groaning I grunt out, "I could take them easily but I can't afford an injury with my fight with Mez tomorrow. I'll need your help."

"On my way, sit tight love."

My eye catches movements in the shadows, I glance back at Luc and Dom who are barking orders at their men to move their shipment into the car.

"I'm right behind you love, don't attack me." Nate mutters, I roll my eyes and scoff, "I would not attack you, Nate."

He comes up beside me and observes the movement in the shadows near other shipping containers scattered around the yard, "why haven't they made a move yet?"

I look between Luc and his men and Vadim and his men, "they're waiting for them to finish loading, they're gonna take them out and make for the car."

Smart move.

Just as the last box is stacked into the boot, a sound rings out near where Vadim and his men are. Luciano and his men draw out their guns looking around frantically.

Don't panic brother, stay calm.

I tap Nate on his shoulder, "let us move, we flank behind them, they're spread out enough and we'll slit their throats, the guns will draw too much attention." He nods and makes a move towards the back of them.

Always watch your back.

Coming up behind one of the Russian scum who's crouching down, I cover his mouth with my hand and slide my blade across his neck and he drops dead.

I see a figure coming towards me on my left, I grab a dagger from my sleeve and throw it at him, aiming for his neck. He drops and I sprint to his body covering his mouth and slicing his throat, finishing him.

Double-tap bitch.

I stealthily make my way to where I see four Russians now huddled together whispering, "how many Nate?" I whisper.

"I've taken out four, I have four more to go, why?"

I bite the inside of my cheek weighing the pros and cons, "I'm about to draw attention I have four huddled up together, I won't be fast enough with my knife. Once I've got these four, that leaves me two, one of them being Vadim."

"Do it," Nate grunts out, I hear a muffled scream come through the earpiece.

I pull out my gun, clicking the safety of raising it. I casually walk a little closer, "Boo!" I watch the four men's heads snap in my direction guns raised, I don't give them time, I shoot taking them out quickly right between the eyes.

"Val my targets are moving in your direction and so are your brothers and their men. I'll follow my targets and take them out before they reach you."

Instantly Dom rounds the container coming into my view with his gun raised, I stay frozen in place. I watch as he finds the bodies on the ground, he looks up and spots me raising the gun in my direction.

His eyes widen and he gulps hard, "Diavola?" He whispers, blinking several times, not believing it's me standing in front of him.

"The one and only — " I chuckle, "looks like the Russians wanted your shipment."

I slowly approach him, I spot Vadim advancing from the right side of Dom's gun raised ready to shoot him, I sprint to Dom tackling him as Vadim's gun goes off, I push Dom back behind a container, "leave, I'll take care of this." I grit out.

I push off him and head in the direction I see Vadim, he's running to his car trying to make a run for it. Fuck I dropped my gun when I tackled Dom. I swiftly grab a dagger from my vest and throw it straight into Vadim's ass cheek.


He screams in pain and falls to the group, I quickly dart to where he is, "I've got Vadim, you good Wrath?" I mutter in my earpiece, I grab Vadim by the nape of his neck and hold another dagger to his neck.

"Yeah all clear here, your brothers left as well. Dom told Luc that Diavola is here and is taking care of the Russians."

"Okay, grab the car. I'll knock this fucker out." I put my dagger away and snake my arm around his neck putting him in a chokehold so he passes out.

"Who —" he coughs and struggles, "the fuck —" he chokes out, "are you?"

My hold on him tightening, "Tvoy khudshiy koshmar, spokoynoy nochi i krepkogo sna, suka." I whisper in his ear, he struggles a little more before he goes completely limp in my arms.

(Your worst nightmare, good night and sleep tight bitch)

"Tie him up, we'll take him to the hideout and then head home. We'll visit him tomorrow night and read him a bedtime story." I muse.

Nate laughs beside me and does as I say, we both drag him to the car and toss him in the boot. We get in the car and buckle up. We quickly drop off the Russian scum and Nate calls Hugo to organize a clean-up crew for the dock.

Arriving two streets away from home we park the car and leave the keys on the seat, hoping someone steals it. We make our way through the dark streets in silence, Nate walking beside me looking ahead while I stare at the ground.

I feel Nate bump my shoulder with him, "You good?" I lift my head and glance at him and give a small smile trying to reassure him I'm fine.

His brow furrows and he sighs, he grabs my hand in his and laced his fingers with mine. Slowly he brings my hand up to his mouth and kisses it and smiles at me.

I shake my head at him, "I'm good Nate, I'm just tired," I groan realizing something, "fuck we have school tomorrow."

Nate laughs at my misery, I fish out my phone in the duffle bag and check the time. My eyes bulge out of my head, it's two in the fucking morning.

Sleep is for the weak anyway.

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