Cold Hearted

由 StaticBrooke

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Princess of Arendelle Elena Iduna Árnadalr is the bright and bubbly daughter of Elsa, former Queen of Arendel... 更多

New Adventure
Only The Beginning
Mysterious Lure
The Unknown
Internal Misery
Helping Spirit
Innocent Princess
Girl Help
Perfect Innocence With A Sprinkle Of Bad
Breaking Point
The Isle Of The Lost
A Whole New World
The Siren
The Invitation
The Deal (Part One)
The Deal (Part Two)
Rescue Mission
Confessions (Part One)
Confessions (Part Two)
To Understand
To The Rescue
For Freedom
Doe Eyes
Happy And Free
The Scheme
The Plan
On My Mind
Cotillion (Part One)
Cotillion (Part Two)
Things Are Changing
New Things
First Day
Separation Anxiety
Close Call
For Her Heart
The Truth
Comforting Side
Best... Friend
Get Packing
Home Sweet Home
Her Family
Childhood Fears
She's Growing Up
When All Is Lost...
Stitch Me Back Together, Sweetie
Midnight Adventure
A Curious Discovery
Curious Thoughts
The Duet
A New Unknown
River Full Of Memory
... Then All Is Found
Consoling Her
Little Bit Of Closure
Could She?
Regaining Childhood
Thank You For Being You
The Talk
New Love
What Could Go Wrong?
New Journey (Part One)
New Journey (Part Two)
Family Chat
Venturing Off
The Danger
The Palace
The Past
*Early Sneak Peek*
Back In Auradon
Spirit Of The Elements
Care Day
Catching Up | Facing Fears
Just Enough
A/N I may need a few days...
Family Day
Daughter Of The Elements
Earth (Grounded)
Something Wicked
Let The Journey Begin
Back On The Isle (Part One)
Back On The Isle (Part Two)
An Idea
Harrison, My Love
The Standoff
Fine Prey
The Theft
The Attack
Into The Crossfire
Rising Pressure
Wicked Trickery
Auradon's Latest Traitor
A Lover's Determination
Breaking The Curse
Tension Rising
A Moment To Relax
The Night Falls
The First Love Story / Slow Decline
Not Okay Anymore
Losing Hope
At Peace
The Final Battle
Officially Perfect
End Of Day Affection
Quick A/N :)
*Official Sneak Peek*
The God's Visit (Part One)
The God's Visit (Part Two)
Spirits Never Truly Die
Meant To Be
Making An Alliance (Part One)
Making An Alliance (Part Two)
A/N :)
In Love Forever
Before The Big Day
-Cold Hearted-
-Epilogue (Like A Dream)-

Their Dreams Come True

1.7K 53 46
由 StaticBrooke

Third Person

Elena and Harry happily walked hand and hand down to the glittering ball already buzzing with people from the village. They wore their best suits and gowns for the royal occasions and were always absolutely delighted to be invited into the royal home, so the energy in the ballroom was nothing but cheery. Olaf was happily making deep conversation with anyone and everyone, mainly about any theories he had thought up about life and death all with a happy smile on his face. Sven was simply tiptoeing around trying to prevent breaking anything, but the whole picture was picture perfect to the odd royal family.

Elsa, Anna, and Kristoff waited patiently for the couple who they all have decided must be together as much as possible all night, the two who they all know to love each other, however, are completely oblivious that they do indeed love each other. They've used the code name "lovebirds" to reference the two of them without them suspecting anything and are set on trying to keep the lovebirds around each other as much as possible tonight in hopes of nudging them a little bit closer to each other. The whole plot was Anna's idea, but Elsa and Kristoff entertain it.

Elsa perked up at the sound of footsteps coming down the hall towards the grand staircase to the ballroom itself and happily trotted up the staircase to greet the footsteps that she had already identified. Anna and Kristoff had been traveling around the ballroom talking to people as they do as Elsa went up the stairs and saw the couple coming down the hall hand in hand. She smiled brightly as Elena giggled at something Harry had said right before Elena looked ahead again and spotted her mom,

"Well don't you two look like quite the couple"

Elsa said with a lovely smile as she greeted her daughter and the boy she was once rather skeptical of. Harry gave Elsa a respectful nod as Elena gave her mom a little hug,

"Elena, you look beautiful! And Harry, you sure do clean up well huh?"

Harry chuckled and looked down at his suited self while Elena tucked a loose strand of her hair behind her ear,

"Thanks mum!"

"Thank ya Miss Árnadalr"

Elena chirped, Harry said with humbleness. Elsa stood back and admired the two who already did look like they were more than friends due to their closeness, but of course, they couldn't see that. Elsa adored how Elena leaned on Harry ever so slightly, how she could see his thumb gently rubbing her hand, and how he seemed to be getting caught staring at her more than usual with this loving gaze.

Elsa motioned to the teens to follow her which they did, Elsa then stopped them right before and turned to face them,

"Alright you two, link your arms and hold your head up high at least simply for the grand entrance yes? You're the Princess and the Princess's plus one so we must look our best"

Elena slowly wiggled her fingers away from Harry and promptly linked her arm with his. He quickly bent his arm a little to carry her arm properly before they both looked back over to Elsa with their heads held high,

"Perfect! Beautiful, what a well-balanced couple you two make. Now, let's not keep the crowd waiting!"

Elsa turned on her heels and marched forward and back down the steps. Harry was a little unsure of having so many people looking at him, so he nervously tugged Elena's arm a little bit so she'd look up at him which she did. She read the worry right off his face and gave him a warm smile,

"Don't worry Harry, they'll only be looking at us for the grand entrance, after that no one could care less! Remember how you always tell me that you got me? Well tonight, I got you alright?"

Harry immediately felt at ease and got his happy smile back to him. Still a little nervous, he simply nodded his head and didn't say any words in case he would accidentally stutter. Elena gave him a little wink before looking forward with her head held high and walking off first, Harry of course walked with her but she needed to start just due to his nerves.

Elena and Harry rounded the corner to the ballroom and simply walked down the staircase rather slowly, and even without an announcement about their arrival, the room went rather quiet as the two came down the steps. Harry looked around anxiously and saw more and more people turning to stare mainly at him. Of course a lot of the villagers had seen Elena and Harry around together, but they looked like more than a couple of friends at the moment, and now everyone could see it except the two in question.

Elena looked up at Harry and gave him another little wink as they reached the bottom of the steps as a little nonverbal way of her saying he did a good job and was proud of him. Harry smiled down at her and got stuck staring for a moment once again before Elsa took her daughter's free hand,

"Shall we really get this party started?"

Elena looked over to her mom and tilted her head a little bit with a furrowed brow, she was rather confused by the statement,

"What do you mean? Normally you do your whole little ice show thingy right?"

Elena asked. Elsa nodded once and raised her brow a little bit at Elena,

"Don't think I haven't seen you without your gloves on countless times, you've grown out of them which means I think you should help me this year. Besides..."

Elsa leaned a little closer to Elena to whisper so Harry wouldn't hear,

"... I'm sure it'll impress Harry"

Elsa lightly sang. Elena perked up and looked at her mom with a big toothy grin,

"Really? You want me to help?"

Elena thought it was a major privilege and wonder that her mom wanted her to help with the show. More importantly, Elena has never been allowed to use her magic in public before. Of course she did in Auradon, but hasn't dared to do it much now that she's back home. Elsa nodded with a loving smile and looked over to Harry for a moment,

"Will you excuse Elena for a moment? I'll bring her right back but we have a quick show to put on"

Elsa said with a bright smile before gently tugging Elena away from Harry who, to stay calm, simply kept his eyes absolutely glued on Elena despite some local village girls trying to strike up a conversation. Normally he would turn on his flirtatiousness and have a good time, but he was so in love he didn't have the power to do so.

Elsa led Elena up onto the first step of the staircase so they could be a little more elevated compared to everyone else. Anna and Kristoff paused their conversations and looked up at Elena and Elsa just as Elsa softly cleared her throat to get everyone's attention,

"Welcome everyone to our annual Winter Ball! It is so lovely to have everyone in one place again, especially my daughter since as a lot of you know she started her first year in Auradon Prep this year which means she's been away from the kingdom for quite some time. She will be going back to Auradon soon, but she did bring a very good friend of hers with her, so be kind to the unfamiliar face in the crowd because he's her best friend and we will always welcome new faces here in Arendelle. Anyway, every year I like to kick off the ball with a little extra flair, but since Elena has really harnessed her power, she'll be helping me kick us off!"

Elena shyly giggled as the crowd did a little cheer and clapped, the sudden sounds made Harry jump a little bit but he got over it rather quickly and went back to simply staring up at Elena. She smiled ever so brightly at her mom who was still holding her hand and began a little quiet countdown for Elena to go off of, Elena looked over to Harry and gave him a warm and endearing smile before focusing on her power. She swirled her free hand around a few times before going with the end of her mom's countdown and shooting her hand straight up into the air with her moms in perfect unison.

Glittering magic and twinkling snowflakes carried by a cold breeze flew through the air from both the elemental spirits. Elena was so happy that she could finally do something with her magic with her mom, her night was already made by that alone. The glittering magic swirled around the entire room which filled up with gasps as the people all turned to watch the magic travel. Behind it formed beautiful blue ice which simply highlighted the corners of the room. The magic swirled up to the chandelier which lit the room and rapidly spun around it before suddenly dispersing and raining down on the crowd who all looked up to see the chandelier now adorned with that blue crystal ice.

With that, the ball hit off into joyous dancing and cheering, but Harry was stuck staring up at the chandelier as a light flurry now came down from the ceiling. He put his hand out a little bit to feel the flurries land on his hand when his hand was suddenly but gently grabbed. His eyes shot forward to see Elena who had immediately rushed back down to his side and taken his hand which to him, made him feel beyond special.

Elena was glowing with happiness, so of course the first thing she did was pull Harry onto the dance floor and of course, Harry stepped right in and happily took up dancing with her. They danced and danced for a good portion of the night, all while they both wore adoring smiles on their lips.

The night was still buzzing, the room was filled with laughter and beaming smiles as strangers became friends as parties and balls like this magically do. Everyone was merry, if they weren't getting some food or talking amongst each other in comfortable conversation, they were dancing. Plenty of people introduced themselves to the mysterious boy from the Isle who was such a polar opposite from their beloved Princess they simply had to meet him to see why the Princess would choose such a dark horse as a best friend. As long as Harry had Elena right at his side he would talk, otherwise, he would casually excuse himself from the conversation.

When Harry did talk, he would tell riveting tales of his pirate days on the Isle. He still did consider himself a pirate at heart, but he saw his Isle days as a swashbuckling pirate when he truly was in his element as his glory days. He ignored his father and Uma as part of his past as he spoke, he only talked about the good times. Everyone who talked to Harry was very quick to understand how mysterious he truly was. Not just that, he was one of the most "out there" people most of them had ever spoken to. Even a few members of the Northuldra tribe showed up and even they were taken aback by the only VK they'd ever met.

But no matter what Harry would say, Elena would enjoy every minute of him making conversation with not just her, but other people. She saw a sort of charming, sophisticated side she had never seen before. She knew he was charming, but he could make people who would talk bad about an outsider being allowed into the ball become his friend, or at least that's how they'd feel after the conversation. Elena was impressed by how good he was at the conversation piece of it all.

As for what Elena enjoyed most, she adored all the dancing they did. She always adored dancing, but dancing with someone who she had true chemistry with felt unlike anything she'd ever felt before. They went from doing classic dances in Arendelle culture all the way to a simple slow dance, and even Harry enjoyed every minute of every dance he had with her. In fact, they hadn't danced with anyone different. They were both asked individually, but they'd both think about how it could never compare to dancing with each other.

Elena's favorite dance had been the slow dance, all the couples had gone onto the dance floor for the dance all at once. She didn't think Harry would want to do that one so she didn't make the first move. Harry had been watching her so intently all night though, he knew she wanted to dance so this time he asked her for a dance. It was the first time Elena hadn't made the first move about dancing, and Elena felt so special being asked to dance by him, especially the slow dance.

The moment Elena was already cherishing was the one during the dance where Harry had decided he wanted to make this dance a little more special compared to the joyous dancing before. He remembered having both hands comfortably sitting on her waist with her hands on his shoulders, but with Harry's heart-pounding, he had wanted to be closer.

So he decided to be a little bold, he slipped his hands further back and all the way around Elena's waist before tugging her right into him, Elena was pleasantly surprised by the gesture and responded by blushing rather heavily and wrapping her arms completely around his neck. Harry then had moved his head a little to one side and pressed his cheek on the side of her head a little as the heels she was wearing made their height difference look less dramatic. Elena couldn't help but joyously smile and tilted her chin up to rest in on his shoulder before tilting her head a little bit to one side so they could lean on each other.

The moment was beautiful to both of them, it was absolutely amazing, but Harry for one wanted a little bit more than an intimate slow dance this evening. And he had... a tiny bit of a plan. He knew one thing was for sure, he wanted to tell Elena he loves her before they go back to Auradon Prep in only a few days to not allow the risk of Jay coming back into the picture to happen. He had to get it out before then as well, he truly didn't think he could keep his feelings to himself any longer either, all he was waiting for was some sort of moment to tell her just that.

His nerves about it were through the roof, but the wonderful night with Elena was already easing him considerably. Every time he got caught staring at her, it was because he was contemplating what to say to her when the time does come.

Elena had felt warm and fuzzy from the minute they came down those steps together, from that moment forward they didn't feel like friends, to her it felt like so much more. Friends don't normally slow dance with each other unironically or feed the other one chocolate-covered strawberries as they had been doing. To her, she was cherishing this as the night where Harry felt like more than her best friend, all while Harry was hoping this was the last night they would only be just best friends.

He loved doing all of these things with her, but it didn't feel as good as he thought it could. With his words dying to escape his lips, he had to confess tonight, or else he was afraid he would combust or something. Elena was far too shy to speak of her feelings, but Harry was far too bold to keep his feelings to himself, not anymore. So to ease her into such a conversation, Harry did small romantic gestures throughout the night such as feeding her chocolate-covered strawberries and making their slow dance nice and special. It didn't just ease Elena into it, it was easing Harry's nerves for the confession.

Now Harry and Elena had just wrapped up a conversation with a member of the Northuldra tribe, one that was rather tiresome for the both of them. They were already both rather tired after all, all the dancing and the fun they had had really wiped them both out already. Harry pinched the collar of his shirt and moved it away from his chest then back onto a few times to cool himself off as Elena took a deep breath,

"Goodness me, all these layers makes it way too easy ta overheat"

Harry said with a light chuckle as he very much felt rather hot at the moment. Elena giggled and had a pleasant idea,

"Oh! We could go outside really quick if you'd like to cool down. It's completely acceptable to take a break outside mid-party, really clears the head and cools the body"

Elena happily chirped as even she wanted a break from all the people and the noise. Harry could not agree fast enough as he truly wished he could simply take his jacket off, but that wouldn't be appropriate for such an occasion,

"Oh yeh please, if we don't hurry I may faint"

Harry said with a chuckle as he joked, but Elena took it rather seriously and began leading him along to one of the balconies close to the ballroom by the hand. They'd been holding hands nearly all night to stay together as much as possible after all. She turned around for a brief moment to flick in front of his face, a little blast of cold air hit him immediately and cooled his head down despite surprising him quite a bit.

Elena led Harry out to one of many balconies near the ballroom. Distant laughter and music could be heard through the walls, but it was considerably quieter out here. The dark sky was filled with twinkling stars and the moon was nearly right above them which told Harry at least how late it really was for them already. It was brisk, a cool breeze occasionally flew on by but besides that, the starry night was still. Elena took a deep breath of fresh air and took a long sigh out as she got to the railing of the balcony and leaned against it, Harry joined her side and leaned on it too.

The two shared a pleasant comfortable silence for a while as they simply enjoyed each other's presence for a moment. It was refreshing, the cold breeze was just right for Elena and her high cold tolerance. She closed her eyes and smiled as the breeze allowed the loose strands of her hair to float back, all while Harry had looked back over to her and had been stuck staring once again. He loved the way her soft snow-white hair glowed a little in the moonlight, the way she was enjoying something a simple as a breeze, and the way she looked so calm right now.

Harry snapped himself out of his staring and casually looked around and realized, they were completely alone out here. To him, this couldn't be more perfect. The setting, how content they both were, the mood in general, he smiled at the thought that this couldn't be a better moment of pure bliss. At the mere thought of telling Elena how much he loves her, Harry felt his heart beat a little harder and faster, but he also got a little more excited. All he allowed himself to think about was what would happen if she loved him too.

Elena took a deep breath and without opening her eyes and let out a sigh, momentarily distracting Harry from his intense thought processes of how to go about a genuine love confession,

"It's such a beautiful night... isn't it just gorgeous out?"

Elena asked absentmindedly as she took in a deep breath of the crisp winter air. Harry looked up at the sky just as it began to softly flurry, the snowflakes landed on Harry's dark hair and stood out compared to how the snowflakes blended in seamlessly with Elena's hair,

"Oh yeh, the view sure is somethin' too... so beautiful and lovely"

Harry said with a loving smile as his eyes had drifted back to Elena who was unaware that she was the view he was referring to. She smiled a little bit and opened her eyes for a moment just to look at the actual view, but she simply closed her eyes again as it really helped ground her a little bit,

"And it's snowing... goodness it's perfect"

Elena said with a light-hearted giggle, and Harry couldn't agree more. It was perfect, everything was perfect. He knew he could think and contemplate forever, he just had to say the first few words and he knew he could at least get through it. Luckily the cold air was helping him considerably, otherwise he would be sweating from how nervous he was. But the moment was perfect, so as he admired the view, he thought.

He wondered what being in a relationship with her would be like, he smiled at the thought of late-night cuddles and being able to give her little kisses whenever he pleased without getting nervous, being able to go on cute dates and give her all the love and affection she would allow him to give her, he was already thinking of all the things he could give her to make her happy, and the thought of making her happy and finally telling her how he feels about her was his driving force to speak,

"Ellie? Can we... have a quick chat? Now that we're alone and all?"

Harry quietly asked, Elena allowed her eyes to slowly open again. She looked over to Harry with a smile and tilted her head at him,

"Of course, what sort of chat are we having?"

Harry hummed for a moment and stared at her in general, he thought she looked so elegant all done up and such. He never gets to see her as a full-on Princess, sometimes he forgets that she truly is a Princess, mainly because he sees her in such casual wear all the time. Regardless he thinks her casual wear makes her look utterly adorable, like the most loveable thing on the planet to him. But right now he wished he could take a screenshot of sorts, simply to memorize this exact moment of bliss,

"Actually... a rather serious one, one that... that I don't entirely know how ta go about it"

Elena turned towards him now, leaning one arm on the railing and giving Harry her full attention as soon as she heard this was a serious conversation. Harry nervously scratched the back of his neck for a moment before forcing himself to stop so he'd snap out of it,

"Oh, well... how about you just say what you think and I'll translate it?"

Elena spoke with that smile that no matter what the circumstance seemed to bring Harry back down to earth. He nodded a little bit and took a deep breath before turning towards her too and slowly took her hands and gently held them in his, Elena looked down at their hands and felt her face get a little warmer with blush,

"I... I've never.... never had a conversation like this before... then again this whole... thing is unlike anything I've ever had before. I... I guess the best way ta do this... is ta just spit everything out because I have no clue how else ta say this Ellie..... but I know I have ta, I can't keep this ta myself anymore... no matter how this turns out, I'll feel a lot better knowing that... ye know everything"

Elena suddenly felt like this was a very serious conversation, she leaned forward a little with interest and tilted her head at Harry as she was simply hoping it wasn't a bad thing. The way Harry seemed so nervous worried her, but knew if he had to get it out then that's what she should encourage,

"Alright, I'm listening"

Elena said as she tried to not sound so tense, Harry took a deep breath and looked down at his feet. His heart was pounding, he felt like he could faint at any moment, and most of all he felt the butterflies rushing around in his system unlike ever before. Harry took one more long, deep breath before slowly looking back up at Elena and immediately making sure to lock eyes with her, for being in the gaze of her doe eyes was enough to calm him down. He realized that she looked slightly worried, so he knew he had to get on with it to ease her mind,

"Elena.... ye... ye absolutely mean the world ta me. The only reason I am where I am today is because of ya, and ye've helped me in ways I didn't think I could be helped in... Yer heart alone is the most beautiful thing, the way I was so horrible ta ya when we first met and I did that stupid thing that we don't talk about anymore and yet ya still managed ta... ta steal from me. When I got 'ere ya gave me my life back, then the first night of freedom for me was spent making me better... from then on ye managed ta heal me mentally, physically, and emotionally, all from ye just being yer caring self. I've never met anyone more loving in my life... and when it comes ta what ya stole from me.... I have ta admit I didn't think it was possible until I met ya..... but ya stole my heart love..."

Elena slowly relaxed again, her expression softened to one of slight disbelief as she could barely believe he would say she stole from him, but when he finished that thought she felt her heart skip a beat. Harry smiled at her with teary eyes and began to simply gush all while imagining that he was pleading for her to love him in return,

"... Yer my little ray of sunshine, my dearest doe eyes, and ultimately... yer the first and only person I've ever... loved. Ye, are my first true love, and... and I have ta say this, if I had ta stay yer best friend forever I gladly would... but I wanted ta say this just in case there was even a slight chance that ya felt it too but... I want..... I want ta be more than yer best friend Elena because.... I love ya, I love ya more than a best friend should and... I really hope ya love me that much too but if ya don't... I am more than happy ta never mention it again, lassie... I'll do anything ta stay in yer life, and if that means pushing my true undying love for ya down then I will... but if... if ya do love me too... then I want ta be all yers... all yers for as long as ye'll let me be yers at that... if ya do love me too, then I vow that I will be the best I can be to ya and only got ya, it's all I want... ye are all I want"

Elena was rendered completely speechless, frozen and speechless at that. Her eyes had widened ever so slightly and her jaw had dropped a little bit. She couldn't believe what she just heard, not at all could she believe that Harry had just said what he did. All this time he's loved her that much and hadn't said a thing? His kisses were true? Calling her "love" and "darling" wasn't because he simply called people that, all of that was only for her, and now she could see it all.

Everything he had done and said that she dismissed as him simply being himself all because she couldn't let herself believe he could possibly love her too. Then again, she didn't know what that sort of love exactly looked like, but it was all made so obvious to her now, so simple. He'd loved her this whole time even when he didn't know it, and now Elena was in shock that she hadn't known it. Elena's pounding heart skipped some beats as she felt the electric-like feeling of love rushing through her, all while Harry grew increasingly more concerned at her prolonged silence,

"I... I don't know what to say..."

Elena softly spoke, her voice itself sounded so true and genuine as she spoke,

"... there's nothing I can say that would match up to your words Harry... I've never been in such a place before.... you've done a marvelous job of taking away my ability to speak... I wish I-I could give you a heartfelt speech in return but my mind has gone blank.... That was simply so... so wonderful... but there's one thing I do know for sure and I can say with certainty..... I... I love you more than a best friend should too Harry... I-I love you too"

Harry took a double-take and looked at her in slight shock as Elena had suddenly lit up in the most vibrant blush he had ever seen. Her eyes were twinkling with the love he couldn't see before, but from her saying those three words it was like the wool had been lifted from his eyes. The way she was overprotective of him at times, the way she was so nurturing and overly kind to him, the way she gave him little kisses on the cheek, he thought she was being her kind and lovely self or that she was being extra nice due to his past abuse, but that had nothing to do with it. She did everything she did because she loved him, and purely because she loved him,

"W-Wait... y-ye do?"

Harry stuttered out of pure disbelief, Elena giggled a little bit and shyly looked down at her feet with the giddiest little smile he'd ever seen her have before looking up at him again,

"Of course I do.... I was just too... shy to say anything so I'm glad you did. I'm sorry if I'm being a little... awkward, I've never... never been in love before"

Harry's heart was doing backflips, cartwheels, all of the above when it came to freaking out in the best way. Meanwhile, Elena was still a little in shock of what was happening and was still a little blank when it came to any sort of coherent thought processes. She did feel all the butterflies fluttering around in her tummy and the warm and fuzzy feeling though, that was for sure. Harry chuckled a little bit out of pure disbelief and felt like he could happy cry at the moment,

"I-I haven't either, looks like... we get ta teach each other what it feels like, if... if ya actually wanna.... be together that is"

Elena had to resist the urge to excitedly jump around a little bit and smiled ever so brightly before her eyes widened a little bit more out of pure excitement,

"Be together as in... boyfriend and girlfriend? Cause if that's what you mean.... then I'd love to be together with you"

Harry nearly had to pinch himself, he swore he should be dreaming right now. There was no way that the same way she's stolen his heart that he's stolen hers without knowing, and yet there was a way. Because he had, he had stolen her heart without even knowing it, and they both finally knew about it as well. Harry had no more words to say, so he simply unexpectedly pulled her into a loving embrace.

Elena erupted into happy giggles and immediately wrapped her arms around Harry's neck and could finally fall into his arms knowing he was completely ready to catch her which was exactly what he did. Harry lovingly coiled his arms around her and just took a mental moment to truly understand what had just happened. He heard her giggles of pure happiness and felt how much she had fallen into him, and he didn't think it could get much better than this.

After a few minutes of hugging just so both of them could process that they loved each other true, they slowly pulled away a little bit to look at each other. Elena looked up at Harry and Harry looked down at Elena, both of them had the happiest smiles on their faces and they both were a matching shade of red in the cheeks. Both their hearts were pounding, but they were both subconsciously looking for one more thing. And neither of them exactly knew what that was until Elena realized she was leaning forward and up while Harry realized he was leaning forward and down.

But neither one stopped it, they let it happen as they both trusted each other already. All the bond-making had already happened, they trusted each other and were certain in each other so of course there was no hesitation. Harry for one had never kissed someone out of love before, he'd only done so out of lust or even sometimes anger to get someone to shut up, but for her, he seemed to already know how to be as gentle as he had to be. As for Elena, their current position became rather real to her once their faces became rather close. Suddenly growing shy, she also grew nervous,


Elena shyly and softly stuttered, Harry tilted his head a little at her and paused getting any closer to her, but his smile didn't waver one bit,

"What is it love?"

Elena looked at her feet for a moment before looking back up, her smile hadn't waver either, but she did look rather nervous. She anxiously giggled a little bit and looked back up at Harry, looking nervous as ever,

"I... I don't know what to do, I don't know how kissing like this works..."

She said in such a timid voice it was only just over a whisper. Harry cooed and chuckled at the same time as she looked quite worried about not knowing what to do, and she was. She didn't want to mess this up, especially because it was her first kiss and all and yet she was clueless. Harry gave her an endearing smile and knew exactly what would be best to ease her nerves,

"Well... do ya trust me?"

Elena smiled a little bit and nodded rather confidently, so Harry slowly ran his hands further around her waist as a starter. Elena inadvertently gasped ever so lightly at the touch and straightened her posture at it, bringing them even closer. Harry lightly chuckled at her reaction and looked down at her right into her dazzling doe eyes, softly he spoke,

"Now close yer eyes and relax, I'll do the rest darlin' "

Elena lightly furrowed her brow and tilted her head a little, but she trusted Harry with this, she wanted him to be her first kiss. So she nervously closed her eyes and stayed still, waiting for the next move with jittering nerves. Harry smiled at her trust in him alone and gently tugged her forward so she was almost right against him and very slowly slipped one hand away from her waist and brought his other hand further around her, he then used his newly free hand to gently tilt her chin up ever so slightly. He slid his hand from her chin onto her cheek to steady her.

Her heart was pounding, she felt like she was going to jump out of her skin with anticipation and excitement. She noticed every touch, feeling every touch more than she thought she would with her eyes open. She kept wondering what it would feel like, what having his lips land on hers would be like. It was hard for her to control the urge to snap her eyes open and see what he's doing, but she kept her trust placed in his hands.

Harry took a deep breath, mainly to calm Elena down but also to calm himself down. He almost thought this moment would never come, but as he gazed down at her peaceful yet excited self who kept her eyes closed and was obviously fighting back a huge smile it all seemed to hit him. This was the moment he could finally prove to her how much he truly, deeply loves her.

Harry supported her cheek with his pinky under her jaw to help her head stay tilted upwards. Harry began slowly leaning down to her level, the anticipation bubbled inside of her as even with her eyes closed she could feel his presence moving closer and closer to her. Harry tightened his grip ever so slightly around her as he got close enough to her to hover right over her face, his eyes darted from adoring her as a whole to taking quick glances at her lips. Soon his gaze was locked onto her pink, pillow-like, slightly agape lips, slowly he leaned closer and tilted her chin up the slightest bit more, as if Elena could see that the moment was nearly here she brought her arms further around his neck and tightened her loving grip around him.

Harry couldn't wait any longer, neither could Elena as the two had savored the moment as long as they could. Harry allowed his eyes to flutter shut as he knew what he was doing rather well now, but he didn't at the same time. He's kissed plenty of people, but nothing like this before. So as Harry finally pressed his lips ever so gently onto Elena's, it felt unlike anything he had ever felt before.

As for Elena, at the soft feeling of Harry's gentle touch landing on her lips, she couldn't help but lightly gasp at the ever so comforting feeling. It wasn't scary to her anymore, for Harry was so careful, slow, and gentle with her she had no reason to be frightened. The butterflies fluttered with a passion in her stomach while her mind which would normally be racing went entirely numb with the euphoric feeling. As for Harry, he felt like he was melting at the feeling of a genuine kiss. A love-filled one, mutual love at that.

It was so light, both of them felt like they could fly. Time was frozen for a moment or two, they simply took the time to enjoy each other and the love they had for each other. Harry was extra delicate with anything he did, not wanting to bitter her first kiss experience or make her nervous by anything. Without even trying, Elena had taught Harry how to be gentle, and their first kiss was just that, gentle, slow, and careful all while still being just as love-packed.

They slowly broke away from each other, a soft sound of their lips parting was all they could hear. Elena let out a soft breath that Harry could just barely feel on his lips before opening her eyes. Harry opened his eyes slowly, but Elena was even slower at opening her eyes. But when her soft doe eyes did flutter open they immediately locked with Harry's twinkling ocean blues as a slightly amazed smile slowly spread on her lips,

"Wow...... so that's what it feels like"

Elena softly whispered, Harry smiled with her and tilted his head a little bit only to have her mirror him exactly,

"I hope I did a pleasant job for yer first kiss love, does that mean I did just that?"

She giggled a little bit and nodded some, her heart was racing as the moment truly became a reality for her,

"The kiss was wonderful... really wonderful at that"

Harry took a little sigh of relief which made Elena giggle quite a bit as he would've felt awful if he was her first kiss and it didn't turn out well. With both of them made speechless by each other, the two slowly pulled each other into another warm embrace and stayed there for quite some time. That was until they realized they were actually at a ball and should probably head back in soon. But not yet, for right now being in each other's warm embrace was far more important than the ball.

Harry and Elena, both nothing but smiles, walked back into the buzzing ball hand in hand. No longer was hand-holding about easing Harry's anxiety, now it was because they wanted to make it clear that they were together. Elena didn't want to exactly tell her mom yet, she was enjoying the night and neither of them wanted to make the ball all about them, so that conversation could wait. All that truly mattered was that both of them knew how the other one truly felt about the other.

Elsa caught a glimpse of Harry and Elena and rushed that way as she had been getting requests for the duo to do something special all night. Anna trotted behind her sister up to her niece as Elena's mom called out to them,

"Harry! Elena!"

The new couple stopped dead in their tracks and looked over to who was calling for them, both of them were somewhat hoping that Elsa didn't know about what happened on the balcony, not just yet. But from the looks of it, she didn't. Elsa and Anna rushed up to the temporarily secret couple and Elsa immediately grabbed Elena's free hand and began leading the two to a certain grand piano in the ballroom,

"Everyone's gotten word that you, Harry, can play and everyone knows Elena can sing. A duet has been requested all night! You two don't mind do you?"

The two perked up at the idea and looked up at each other for a moment, within a moment of nonverbal communication they both knew they were in,

"Sure! It'll be fun!"

Elena happily chirped. Harry lovingly sighed as he was finally allowed to adore Elena whenever he pleased, so as Elsa got everyone's attention the two who didn't focus on anyone except each other sat side by side on the piano bench. Elena looked down at the basket of music and sorted through it some before Harry leaned over to her to whisper,

"Shall we do a love song darlin'?"

Elena paused and looked over to him before excitedly nodding with a bright smile. She then found the piece they had already done together and showed it to him for his approval. He looked at it and with a loving smile nodded once. Elena happily put the sheet music up for him as he cracked his knuckles and Elena cleared her throat a little bit. They ignored the audience as they all turned to look at them, but for both of them, they were in the dark all alone just as they were all those nights ago.

They were alone in the ballroom again with the moon raining its light over them, everything was still and not another person was witnessing this moment. The buzzing crowd was ignored, they could only see each other as they sat side by side. Harry looked over to Elena and held his fingers over the keys before softly and slowly beginning. Elena smiled at the sound of the piano playing alone and softly waved back and forth to the music to really get wrapped up in it. When her time came, her soft and smooth voice echoed through the ballroom and weaved itself with the piano's sound beautifully.

Elena was almost always looking at Harry as she sang as well, Harry would take constant glances over to her to watch her sing, treasuring every moment her voice echoed through the air alone. When the song was coming to a close she scooted a little closer to him and leaned her head on his shoulder. Harry slowed his playing down a little bit as Elena slowed down right with him to live in the song as long as possible, for the night was so sweet they wanted to live it as long as they could,

"... no matter how your heart is grieving, if you keep on believing~ The dream that you wish... will come true~"



You guys........... this chapter took three whole days to write it I'm REALLY hoping this was what everyone hoped and wished this would be because.... IT FINALLY HAPPENED! The moment you all have been patiently waiting for since the beginning has finally come to you!

The confession has happened, first kiss has happened, and a whole lotta cute shit has happened along with it :D I have never taken a full three days to write one chapter before, I fine tuned this as much as I felt I could since I really feel like this chapter means a WHOLE LOT. I'm a pretty hasteful writer, but I really really took my time with this because I wanted to get it right!

This chapter obviously means a lot, like a LOT, and I seriously would absolutely love to hear every thought you have about it because I guarantee any feedback or comments about this chapter are gonna make me so freakin' happy :D I've never fine tuned a chapter to this degree, so any thoughts you have would mean the world to me if you share them!

And let's be real... Elena and Harry are already one hell of a cute couple XD

Remember to stay hydrated and to be kind to yourself today you beautiful human :D



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