eskimo kisses -yoonmin-

By minhugzz

219K 7.6K 3.4K

Park Jimin the school sexist bully may have the smile of an angel but behind that warm smile is a devilish sm... More

special chapter
special chapter
special chapter
special chapter (pt2)
special chapter (pt 3)
special chapter (pt 4)
special chapter (pt5)
special requested chapter
motorcycle fun

special chapter

1.8K 47 25
By minhugzz

Yoongi POV

(A five part long chapters mini series) ( I want drama I'm sorry hehe)

"I'm so surprised you invited us out to lunch," Taehyung said as I sat in a pizza restaurant with Taehyung and Jungkook in a small booth with Jun-ho in a high chair he is dressed super cute day I take pride in his little outfit.

"You guys are my best friends of course I wanna hang out with you," I said sipping my water Taekook sat across from me I hear Jun-ho giggling as he and Jungkook try to play tic-tac-toe.

"Duh but like I thought the weekends were family day since Jimin works all week?" Taehyung said I sighed and poked the ice in my glass with my straw as we wait for our food.

"They are," I said softly focusing on my water maybe I miss my husband a lot...

"Then where is he? Is he meeting us here cause I wanted him to pay" Taehyung joked I scoffed and flicked his nose.

"Yah! Little cheater" Jungkook said I look over at them and see Jun-ho giggling with a green crayon in his hands.

"Don't pout" Taehyung said I laugh at him.

"He cheated!" Jungkook whined

"How? He's one!" Taehyung said back I see Jungkook frown and throw his blue crayon down.

"I was showing him how to play and I was about to win when he attacked the board with his green crayon," he said I laughed and kissed my son's cheeks he just babbled.

"Good boy that's my son," I said sitting back

"Little cheater," he said and looked at Jun-hi face to face "cheating isn't nice little one it's mean and bad" he added

"Anyways! Where is your husband?" Taehyung said

"Japan," I said hand resting on my chin tapping my fingers why is the food taking so long

"Japan? Why" he asked I sighed

"Remember when I told you Jimin's old boss had a surprise niece like Jungkook age?" I said Taehyung nodded "How she was trying to overturn the will and take Jimin's company" I added he nodded again.

"Yeah, that was a few weeks ago? What's wrong now?" Jungkook said

"Well now she is trying to take businesses he had in Japan as well so they flew down there to discuss I guess he left in a rush yesterday," I said

"Didn't you say she was pretty?" Jungkook said I huffed.

"I saw her once when she came to my house...she looks like Asian Scarlett Johansson" I whispered

"Really?" Jungkook said earning a smack on the head from Tae.

"aren't you worried?" Jungkook said again

"No I trust my husband I know our love is strong we're married and have a son nothing to worry about," I said and gave Jun-ho his pacifier.

"But...with Jimin's past...are you sure-" Jungkook said I cut him off

"Stop right there you will not speak like that about him he would never do that not ever I trust him with my whole heart he is not that man," I said

Taehyung grabbed my hand "hey that's not what he meant okay? We know Jimin we are just worried you will be all alone with Jun-ho for a while" He said

"I'm fine he is coming back on Monday," I said

"Okay if you're fine then we're fine so let's just enjoy our lunch yeah?" Taehyung said

I huffed and nodded the pizza finally came and the conversation changed back to normal we snacked on our pizza while Jun-ho ate some grilled chicken and fruit I packed from him since he can't eat pizza.

After lunch, we took Jun-ho to the park and Taekook pushed him in the swings and got ice cream cones today was a blast.

I just wish that Jimin would call me...

Haven't heard from him in hours

-time skip-

It's night now we got home around 2 in the evening and Jun-ho was sleepy so he napped for an hour while I cleaned and did laundry it's Saturday.

Usually, we spent the weekend all day together in our pajamas eating pancakes dancing to music we take bathes and changed back into lazy clothes and eat snacks and watch movies I love it.

This is the first time I've spent a night with Jun-ho without Jimin first time I've been alone in the house without Jimin.

It's scary

It's now 8:00 pm I made stew for dinner and then bathed Jun-ho and put him into his pajamas we hung out for a little in my bed and I put him into his crib I don't wanna sleep alone but he should sleep in his bed.

I climb into bed and get cozy under the covers the bed is empty and cold I frown and lay in the middle of the bed soon my phone rings I quickly sit up I see the ID and my heartbeat speeds up I quickly answer.

"Jimin?" I whispered

"Hi baby" I hear my heart flutters I have a stupid smile on his face.

"Darling I've been waiting for your call"

"I know I know I'm sorry was a fucking mess I was so busy"

"I know...I just missed you today it was weird without you"

"I know baby I missed you too so much I just got back to the hotel and called you I'm sorry"

"It's weird without you I don't think we have spent this long apart in years"

"Yeah I felt that I miss you guys like crazy"

"How was work? Is she still giving you a hard time"

"Yeah she...she is a real pain but I'm trying to be professional he was her uncle she has rights to things but it's weird...Mr.Kang told me he was an only child like me"

"Yeah just hurry with this mess and get back to me I'll give you kisses"

"Ooh what else baby"

"Eskimo kisses"

"After that?"

"Head pats"

"Aish I'm trying to be sexy here"

"I know hehe"

"Why can we just try phone sex just once I'll rock your phone world baby"

"I hated that pleas never say it again and I don't like phone sex I like when your here to touch me everywhere and kiss me...everywhere"

"You tease"

"You're so whipped I love it"

"Because I love you Park Yoongi"

"I love you too get home quick your family misses you"

"I will don't worry baby I'll always come back to you guys"

"Goodnight my love sleep well and eat dinner okay?"

"Goodnight kitten I will I promise"

I hung up the phone and curled into a ball on the cold empty bed I frown and hug Jimin's pillow close

-time skip-

It's Saturday around noon I'm feeding Jun-ho his lunch which is a mess he got it all over his face and he is having a blast giggling and I follow because he is so cute.

I snap a picture of him to send to his father


look at ur son such a trouble maker like his Appa

my love:
:(( my baby
I miss you both so much it actually hurts
one more day my babies then I'll be back to you


he is messy it's bath time again but we miss you more I'll call you later be safe at work and drink water and eat food don't forget or no kisses 😉

my love:
I promise!
and ur cruel min


-time skip-

It's now Sunday evening yesterday Jun-ho and I went grocery shopping for the week even got Jimin's favorite food to make him dinner when he comes home on Monday I'm super excited to see him my shaking in my slippers my heart is yearning for him his touch his kiss.

At the moment I'm sitting in our living room with Jun-ho he is on the floor playing with his blocks and his Nemo toys while I sit on the couch watching him and the TV.

while I'm watching Jun-ho sitting comfortably on the couch in my silk pajamas the pink ones Jimin likes with fuzzy socks.

Suddenly my phone starts to ring and I jump up I reach over to where my phone is and see the ID name and a fat smile grows on my face

FaceTime call from my love

I hit the green button and answer the phone and I see his face my heart flutters at his face I feel giddy like I'm back in high school.

"Hi baby"

"Minnie! Hi"

"Are you wearing the silk pajamas?"


"Wow so you're just sitting looking like a whole meal and I'm stuck here?"

"Maybe if you hurried home..these pajamas could end up on the floor"

"Yes, we finally having phone sex?"

"Jimin our son is literally in front of me"

"Yah! You should have started with that you brat! No, he thinks his appa is some horn dog"

"Nah he is too busy playing with his toys to care about us right now"

"Let me see!"

I flip the camera to show Jun-ho I call out his name so he looks at me

"Aw I miss him so much give him hugs for me"

I turn the camera to face me again I smile at him

"So I see you are in your hotel room are you in for the night?"

"Well technically I am done with work and I just got out of the shower but Gul-mi insisted we get drinks tonight to get to know each other so I'm getting dressed for that"

"Oh.. you're going out with her.."

"Yeah but don't pout only for a bit then I'll call you before bed okay?"

"Okay I'll wait for your call don't have too much fun"

"Of course baby I'll see you tomorrow around dinner time okay I love you give Junnie a kiss for me and also send me a sexy pic in the pajamas maybe?"

"I love you too be safe and don't drink too much okay I worry about you when you drink no whiskey okay?"

"Yes, sir also was that a no to the sexy pics?"

"I don't know but keep your phone on maybe I'll drop something"

"Ooh I'm excited"

"Okay okay I gotta go make dinner for Jun-ho be safe I love you and goodbye"

"Bye baby I'll call you tonight I promise"

"I'll wait for it darling"

He hung up the call first and I sighed loud placing my phone on the couch I stood up and picked up my baby we walked to the kitchen.

"Whatcha hungry for baby bear," I said then I place him in his high chair and give him a teething ring shaped like a donut.

I look in the fridge and hummed

"Papa is feeling lazy today babycakes so how about baked chicken and rice," I said then pulled out the food.

I start making dinner for us but I have a weird feeling in my chest...

That's something horrible will happen soon it hangs heavy on my chest

But I shake it off and continue to cook dinner

Jimin POV

I arrive at the bar it's some nice fancy Japanese bar in the rich part of town I open the door I feel underdressed I'm just in black slacks and a white button-up long sleeve shirt.

I walk up to the bar and see Gul-mi at the bar and she is dressed very nicely I usually see her in a pants suit so this is different but it doesn't matter I just wanna get this over with and get back to the hotel to talk to my love.

(This is Gul-mi)

I sit next to her she smiles at me a pinkish lipstick on her lips and a strong perfume hitting my nose a floral one like Chanel or something.

"Hello Mr.Park," she said softly.

"Gul-mi how are you?" I said back

"I'm great now that you're here," she said

"You said you want to settle things just between us no lawyers so let's do that," I said she smiled.

"But first let's order some drinks I heard the drink here are amazing let's get a menu then we can discuss," she said waving the bartender over here "Can we get some menus" she added

He nodded and bent down to get some menus we both took them and she hummed while she looked over it.

"How about some Suntory Toki Whiskey," she said

"I don't drink Whiskey anymore," I said "I'll just have a club soda" I added

"Don't be lame it's our last night in Japan let's get something good I'll order for you trust me Jiminie?" she said I blinked at the nickname but let it pass.

She called the bartender over again and order for us both "Two Suntory Toki Whiskeys please" she said I huffed as the bartender took the menu back and left

"Gel-mi let's be serious here I'm willing to sign over the first 5 business your uncle originally gave me but that's it giving you all 12 is ridiculous since half of them were built by me," I said she rolled her eyes

"Stop all this business talk I wanna..." she whispered and gently touched my hand with her fingers "Get to know the real Park Jimin" she whispered I pulled my hand away.

"Ms. Kang I didn't come here for this," I said the bartender placed our glasses in front of us with no ice.

"Don't be a prude Jimin let's drink come on you act as you hate me but I know deep down you like me next to you?" she said and place her hand on my chest then look at her glass and pouted and it wasn't cute.

"I want ice in mine could you go get me some please" she did batting her eyelash at me I rolled my eyes and got up to find the bartender.

What I didn't see when I walked away was when Gel-mi poured a powder in my glass mixing it to make sure I don't see it.

And after I drank it everything went blurry I blackout.

Not remembering a thing.

Continue in next chapter


hello!!! I just ate some yummy food and I'm looking for some drama cause the person I liked dumped me so I'm here to make yoonmin suffer buckle up my peeps

Yoonmin going for a ride

I'm late but happy birthday yoongi!!!! 😇

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