The Girl From The Maze - Gally

By lightswitch22

99.6K 2.2K 152

Every month a new Glader comes up in the box filled with supplies to keep the glade going but what if someone... More

The Maze
The Boy
The Leader
The Meeting
The Decision
The Greenie
The Sleep
The Slammer
The Day
The Night
The Comback
The Cooks
The Late Night Walk
The Stare
The Builders
The Paper
The Notebook
The Story
The Name Wall
The Huddle
The Three Words
The Guilt
The Sting
The Aftermath
The Visit
The Screams
The Sleepless Night
The Thumb
The Punch
The Reaction
The Slicers
The Dream
The Early Morning
The Coma State
The Greenie Alarm
The Young Boy
The Rusty Car
The Uneasiness
The Kiss
The Label
The Leaders Voice
The Anger
The Destroyed City
The Crumpled Brown Paper Bag
The Freeing Feeling
The Wonder
The Race
The Untouched City
The Fast Forward
The Arrival
The New Greenie
The Map Room
The Brew
The Commotion
The Lie
The Space
The Forgiveness
The Heart Beat
The I Love You
The End Of The Night
The Mission Possible
The Promise
The Coffee
The Attack
The Hangover
The Sadness
The Feeling
The Banishing
The Memories
The Breathing
The Day Off
The Rain
The Worry
The Despair
The Rage
The Three Silhouettes
The Gathering
The Other Girl
The Fight
The Run in
The Dead Griever
The Bitch
The Chance
The Dramatic Girl
The New Girl
The Quick Tour
The Spy
The True Story
The Laughter
The Bacon
The Way Out
The Never-ending Night
The Never-ending Night Pt2
The Breakup
The Plan
The Game of Hide and Seek
The Letter
The Other Perspective
The Battle

The Escape

790 15 2
By lightswitch22

We all walked in, the room looked like it had been hit by a bomb, there were people in all black drooped down on the floor with blood all around them. Bits of glass from the smashed windows lay everywhere. As we walked further into what looked like a lab you could see destruction rained over. Everyone who was around us looked dead while every bit of glass was smashed. It looked futuristic and out of place. 

We split up all looking for some sort of answer or a way out. I walked over to some monitors with  chunks of glass covering them, I ran my hand along the key board trying to find the missing pieces of the puzzle. 

Something popped up on a screen at the end of the room, a recording. It was an older woman she had blonde hair slicked back into a bun at the back of her head and she wore all white. She seemed very professional and like she was in charge then she started speaking. 

"Hello, My name is doctor Ava Paige, I am directer of operations at the world catastrophe killzone department. If your watching this that means that means you have successfully completed the maze trials" We all gathered round the screen trying to absorb every bit of information we could. 

"I wish I could be there in person to congratulate you...... but surcumstanses seem to have prevented it. I'm sure by now you must all be very confused, angry, frightened. I can only assure you that everything that has happened to you, everything we've done to you. It was all done for a reason." My brain couldn't proses it while she was speaking, everything they have done to us they put us here in this maze, they have killed out friends and whipped all of our memories. Rage boiled inside of me as I started to listen once more 

"You won't remember but the sun has scorched our world. Billions of lives have been lost to fire, famen. Suffering on a global scale, the fall out was unimaginable, what came after was worse. We called it the flare, a deadly virus that attacks the brain. It is violent, unpredictable, incurable or so we thought. In time a new generation emerged that could survive the virus suddenly there was a reason to hope for a cure. But finding it would not be easy. The younger would have to be tested on even sacrificed inside harsh environments so that there brain activity could be studied all in an effort to understand what makes them different, what makes you different" I felt my heart stop, what the hell was she taking about, studies, world been scorched, the Flare. I thought I knew a lot about the outside world but I didnt even know the beginning of it. 

"You may not realise it but your very important, unfortunately your trials have only just began as you'll no doubt soon discover not everyone agrees with our methods progress is slow, people are scared" People in black armour started to shoot in the background of the video startling me "It maybe to late for us..... for me but not for you. The outside world awaits. Remember" She pulled out a revolver and put it to her head "WICKED is good" She took a deep breath as she pulled the trigger. 

I looked down at my feet to block that image from my brain, what the hell had just happened. We were Immune to the Flare and the outside world has been scorched. Trails, that word popped into my head. Trails, this was all a trail the pain of loosing friends and our home. They had put us through all that just so that they could monitor our brains. An overpowering rage, anger filled me, boiling inside. Why would they do this to kids, we haven't lived out lives yet I mean at the oldest we are 17 and Chucks only 13 at most. Why would you do that, why would you put kids through hell so that you could live happily in your home with your parents and your siblings. Why. 

Thomas slowly started to walk away, I followed where his eyes where and there she was, the woman from the video was lying on the floor dead. Shit I thought in my head. 

BEEP, a loud sound blared from the other half of the room, we all slowly turn around to see doors opening leading down a dark passage way, its our way out. We are finally getting out of this place "Is it over" Chuck asked the question we were all thinking. "She said we were important, what are we supposed to do now" Newt spoke staring out into the dark hallway. We all stared at Thomas, he was our leader, he needed to lead us. "I dont know" A whisper came from Thomas as he looked to the side "Lets get out of here" He spoke loudly. A bit of hope filled me as I knew we were leaving this Godforsaken place 

We started to walk, to our new lives. "No" it came from behind us, I knew the voice. It was Gally. We all slowly turned round as tears filed my eyes. It was Gally but he had been stung. I zoned out of everything, there he was stood inches away from me looking infected, ill. 

He dropped a griever part as I began to walk over to him "Gally.......Gally its Taylor" I got chocked up while trying to talk to him. He looked at me with a look of  sorrow in his eyes. Newt put his arm in front of me to stop me "Taylor he's been stung, dont go any closer" You could tell Newt was just as shocked as I was. 

He started to shake his head "We.... We cant leave" I looked down to see a gun in his hand, he was going to shoot someone. Shit. "We did Gally were out, were free" Thomas took a step closer with his hands in front of him, scared out of his mind. I wanted to run over to Gally and knock some sense into him but also say goodbye. 

"Free.... You think we're free out there. No, no theres no escape from this place" He started to aim the gun at Thomas "Gally we can we escaped, we can be free, we are free. Gally" I stepped forward brushing past Newts arm. Gally turned his head to me and I saw the look in his eye, he didnt want to do this, a tear fell from his eye as he looked back at Thomas. 

Newt grabbed my arm and pulled me back. "Gally.... l-listen to your not thinking straight, your not. Now we can help you. Just put down the gun" Thomas tried to reason once more but I knew there was no going back, I knew Gally was going to fire that gun. 

"I belong to the Maze" Gally's hands were shaking, I knew he didnt want to do this. Tears started streaming out of my eyes. "We all do" Gally said his last words before firing the gun. In the same instant Mihno threw a spear, it hit Gally's chest as a gasp came out of my mouth.

He took a few struggling breaths before he truly fell to the ground. My heart stopped as I screamed "Gally" at the top of my lungs. I started to run towards him but Newt held me back. "Gally, Gally" I just kept screaming his name until I collapsed to the ground. I put my hands over my eyes as I realised Chuck was beside me. 

No, no no no no. My brain thought on repeat, Gally had shot Chuck, no I cant lose them both. Not now. I cant. Thomas was on top of Chuck  trying to save him "Chuck look at me your alright" Thomas spoke through cuss words and long breathes. We all gathered round as I composed myself. 

"Thomas, Thomas" Chuck grabbed Thomas's shoulder. He puled out the thing he had to represent his parents. He wanted Thomas to have it, it was his dying wish. Shit. "No no Chuck your going to give it to them yourself remember" Thomas got chocked up and started rambling on. 

"Take it, take it" Chuck repeated, it broke me more with every word he let out. Chuck was dying, no no no. I cant lose my little brother. "Thank you" Chuck pushed a smile onto his face as he took his last breath. 

My hearing went silent just a faint buzz covering everything. I stood up and ran over to Gally. I tried my hardest to say my last words to him. "Gally...... Gally..... I-" I couldn't get the words out without sobs. My hearing came back a little as I got my words out "I will always love you Gally" I collapsed over him as I heard some commotion behind me. 

There stood some people in black armour escorting us out of the building. I turned to see a bright, blinding light come from where the dark tunnel once stood. They were saving us, I felt zoned out from everything. Like I was watching it through a Tv screen. Someone picked me up and dragged me by my arm away from Gally's body. I stood up and started to run by myself with strength I couldn't have possibly mustered a few minutes ago. 

The sky outside blinded me, I ran with my head down on the sand. Trying not to think about the horrors that I had just witnessed. There stood a helicopter big enough to fit us all. I ran In and was squished into a corner beside a window. I looked out the window as Mihno was beside me. He looked at me with sad eyes, I returned the glance before the helicopter took off and started to fly away. One of the guys took his mask off and simply said 

"You guys alright, your safe now" 

We all looked out the window at the Maze, it was huge. It was a monstrosity. I saw the fires from the Glade as I remembered everyone we had lost. The guard said something that we would soon learn to believe would be extremely true.

"Everythings gonna change" 

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