The Uneasiness

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The dream faded and I was awake once more. I knew it was early in the morning because the sun was just about to come over the Glade walls. I decided I wasn't going to go back to sleep instead I was just going to watch the glade get busier from an outsiders perspective. 

Soon the Glade was busting with people and I spotted The newbie wondering around alone so I decided to go and greet him. "Hey greenie how's it going" The new boy still looked shaken up and scared. "Good" His voice was quiet and shaky. "Your testing jobs out with me today. We are going to try and be MedJacks" I smiled and pointed to the Medical Hut. "What if I'm no good at it" His voice was gaining confidence but was still as quiet as a whisper. "Then you try another job and another one until you find something your good at or enjoy" As if on cue the bell for breakfast rang and I led the way into the Kitchen. 

The new boy sat at another table but I kept my eye on him just to make sure he was ok. "So your going on a run with me tomorrow. Are you exited" Mihno was smiling and I smiled back "Yes" but truly I wasn't. I had been out in the Maze its a scary ass place and I don't want to willingly go out there. I don't trust what he's saying about how we are safe until night I mean we are trapped in a little civilisation surrounded by deadly monsters and massive walls that people have ran for years and found nothing. I don't trust one bit of it but I knew Mihno would stop at nothing to make me a runner so there was no point of arguing with him. 

The Girl From The Maze - GallyWhere stories live. Discover now