eskimo kisses -yoonmin-

Galing kay minhugzz

220K 7.6K 3.4K

Park Jimin the school sexist bully may have the smile of an angel but behind that warm smile is a devilish sm... Higit pa

special chapter
special chapter
special chapter
special chapter (pt2)
special chapter (pt 3)
special chapter (pt 4)
special chapter (pt5)
special requested chapter
motorcycle fun

special chapter

2.6K 71 55
Galing kay minhugzz

Yoongi POV

(2 years after getting married)
(This is a long chapter)

"I'm so nervous oh my goodness I'm so nervous!" I said bouncing my legs up and down on the plastic chair I was sitting in Jimin was next to me he was holding my hand tight brushing my knuckles softly.

"Don't be nervous baby this is exciting!" Jimin said next to me he was cool and calm and collective like always.

"I can't help be nervous what if he doesn't like me? Or doesn't like the clothes I got him? Or doesn't like how I decorated his room? What if he has a cat allergy?" I said nervous Jimin chuckled and kissed my head.

"Honey calm down he's a baby he won't care about his clothes or room yet and he will love you just as much as I do," he said I turn to look at him he has dirty blonde hair now and his jawline is sharp Jimin just keeps getting more handsome.

"I'm scared...Jimin what if I suck at this....What do
we do when he starts asking where his mom is?" I said he used his other hands to hold my cheek and rubbed our nose together.

"Stop this don't doubt yourself your gonna be an amazing dad your already so good with kids it's your job your a nurse for children he's gonna love you and when that time comes we tell him everything how we meet that love as no gender," he said I blink at him my love for the man in front of me growing more every day I pecked his lips.

"You too your already amazing and I already know he is gonna be so spoiled because I'm spoiled and you can't say no to cute faces," I said he laughed and pecked my lips again.

"Your right you two will be my whole life I'll be broke but happy," he said I smiled then I hear the door of the adoption agency and my heart starts pounding.

We both snapped our heads in the direction we see an older woman maybe in her 40s she's is holding a baby boy.

Our son

"Here he is! This is Jun-ho" she said we both stand up and see our baby for the first time we have only seen pictures when we were signing the paperwork it took 6 months to adopt him officially and today we were picking him up and taking him home to be ours forever.

The adoption lady was holding him as we stood in front of him he was smiling he didn't have a lot of teeth he has full cheeks and brown hair.

He was beautiful absolutely beautiful

"Here are your daddies Jun-ho! Say hi" she said still holding him I feel Jimin tighten the hold on my hand.

The baby just as cooed making grabby hands at Jimin so Jimin let go of my hand and she hands him to Jimin.

"He's beautiful wow," he said my heart is melting as Jimin smiles at me then Jun-ho.

"He's perfect" I whispered touching his cheek softly and Jun-ho grabs it with his tiny hand and my heart is pounding.

"He's ours now what a beautiful family you make the Parks!" She cheered and it's true I took Jimin's name and we both decided to give Jun-ho Jimin's sir name Jimin protested a bit but I know it made him really happy.

Jimin held the baby and kissed my cheek then kissed Jun-ho's cheek which caused the baby to giggled and Jimin smiled so big.

I moved to kiss Jimin's cheek "I love you" I whispered near his ear I see him blush a bit as Jun-ho squished his cheeks which made me giggled.

"Let's go home," he said I nodded and Jimin drove us home we, of course, we buckled Jun-ho in his mint car seat and headed to our new home.

-25-minute time skip-

We pulled into the driveway of our new home Jimin always fulfilled his promises he bought us a new home last year when we started the adoption process and it's perfect for us I'm in love with it our home.

"That's the safest I've ever driven" Jimin huffed as we sat in the car I chuckled and undid my seat belt.

"I can tell your sweating," I said

"I had my whole world in this car I had to drive carefully," he said it makes my heart flutter as I get out to get Jun-ho he fell asleep on the way here.

I take him out and hold him to my chest this is the first time I've held him Jimin put him in the car seat I sniff his head he smells like baby powder and green apples which is perfect he's is perfect I kissed his head and bring him inside as Jimin gets his baby bag and locked the car.

I walk inside and up the stairs to his room which took me forever to decorate because I wanted it to be perfect for our angel.

I place him in the crib he is wearing a white shirt and blue jeans it's warm today so he shouldn't be too cold since it's may put I still tucked him in just in case.

Then I just looked at him as he slept with his little mouth parted little fist next to his face cause damn...


Suddenly I feel arms hugging me from behind and a familiar scent hitting my nose.

"Hey" he whispered and kissed my neck I hold his hands that were on my stomach.

"Hey my love," I said he rested his chin on my shoulder.

"He's perfect our son is perfect," he said I nodded.

"He's so cute like literally how can he be so cute! Our son is so cute we are a cute family no one can't touch us" I said he Jimin laughed.

"I'm so happy and my dad is on his way," he said I chuckled and turned around to kiss him holding his neck.

"I can't believe it we have a son we're dads...wait he can't call us both dad that's just confusing?" I said

"Well how about he calls you Papa and he can call me Appa? How's that?" He said I smiled

"Aish you so smart let's make out," I said he laughed

"Don't you remember when I just said my dad was on the way here he is staying at my hotel" he said I smirked and ran my hands down his chest.

"Let's makeout on the couch before your dad gets home like we did in high school," I said he smiled and started to pull me out of the room "Wait! Let me turn on the baby monitor" I said and quickly clicked it on and grabbed the little screen monitor to see him and headed out into the living room where we heavily made out for 25 minutes until Jimin's dad knocked on the door with a bags of homemade food and a bunch of toys and we ate dinner until Jun-ho wakes up and joined us and Jimin's dad didn't let him go.

-a month time skip-

A month as passed and our little family has blossomed I decided to take a year off work which the hospital agreed to so I can bond and take care of Jun-ho and our little angel is such a happy baby he rarely cries unless he is waking up from his nap too early or if he is hungry but overall he is very cheerful and happy always giggling and drooling he loves bananas and apple sauce and he really loves marshmallows and chocolate milk and Jimin bought him a little toy motorcycle that looks like his.

All-day it's just me and Jun-ho and of course, my cat and I love every minute of it we have a routine Jimin and I wake up while he gets ready for work and I make breakfast for all three of us we eat in the kitchen then Jimin kisses us both goodbye he leaves then I bathe us both and get Jun-ho dressed in his cute outfits then we go on with our day we either watch cartoons or movies or play outside I try to teach him things even though he is only 1-year old I try to teach him our names and where his eyes and ears are using that silly song are he learns quickly and claps along as we sing he doesn't speak yet just babbles and giggles.

It's Thursday afternoon I'm trying to change his shirt because he got blueberries all over his yellow crew neck when I fed him to lunch so I had to change him he is laying on our bed in between my legs and he is a giggling mess because his head his stuck in the collar of his shirt.

"Aish Junnie you have to put your shirt on!" I said smiling at him he just kept laughing that I couldn't get his shirt on.

I give up for a second and snap a picture of him and send it to Jimin.

look at ur son such a trouble maker like appa

my love:
my heart :(
I miss you two so much
I'll rush home and kiss you both on the cheeks
my babies 💘

we miss you too :(
hurry home
we love you

-another month later-

"Yoongi baby I think he is good," Jimin said as Jun-ho sits in between my legs on the hotel bed as I apply sunscreen all over his face and body Jimin is standing next to the bed we are back in the green hotel room this time he brought Jun-ho for his first time on the beach.

"He has fragile skin! What if he gets a sunburn on his little body" I frowned apply some more on his tummy has Jun-ho chews on a teething ring laying on his back.

"He's fine hun plus he will be wearing a swim shirt no evil U-rays from the sun will hurt him," he said I huffed and closed the sunscreen.

"Your right you are always right let's go is the car packed?" I said putting Jun-ho shirt on and holding him he tried to eat my cheek biting it a bit.

"Junnie don't eat Papa's cheek," I said and gave him back his ring Jimin chuckled and kissed my other cheek.

"It's all packed and can I eat your cheek or something else maybe?" He whispered.

"Don't flirt with me in front of our son" I joked giving him a grin.

"What he should know how in love his parents are," he said and stood in front of me I smiled and kissed his lips.

"I love you so much Jimin," I said in a whisper I see him blush a bit.

"I love you both so much your my family," he said back I smiled.

We heading down to the beach it's a short drive there and back in the day Jimin and I just walked there.

Once we get there Jimin set up the blanket and umbrella I packed a cooler filled with fruit and sandwiches and chips.

We just enjoy our beach day Jimin and I bring him to the water he just splashed in it and stomped his little feet on the sand chasing the waves I took lots of pictures and sent them to his grandparents and some to Namjin and Taekook.

We get back to the blanket after playing in the water Jimin went all the way in the water while I sat at the shore with Jun-ho making sandcastles so when we returned to the blanket Jimin placed him down I fed him and Jimin some strawberries and cut bananas then after he ate. I just I let him sit there playing with a red bucket and shovel banging them together I focus on eating my sandwich looking at the ocean.

"Have you ever thought we would be back here years later with our son in the same green hotel room?" I said drinking my water and even though my focus is on Jun-ho making sure he is okay that doesn't mean I didn't see my hot-ass husband shirtless with his wet blonde hair sticking to his forehead chewing on his tuna sandwich.

"Even back then I thought about our future a lot we were kids in high school but I thought about our lives together each time you looked at me I just wanted to keep you by my side forever," he said then looked at Jun-ho then me "I'm the happiest I've ever been you and Jun-ho are my happiest," he said and leaned in to kiss me but I lean back and scrunch up my nose at him.

"Tuna breath," I said he scoffed loud and flinched my forehead

"Tuna breath is still not cute" I said

"Why do you keep making them for me then!" He said smiling

"You like them!" I laughed then turned to look at Jun-ho and panicked.

"Jimin! Oh my god He is eating sand!" I yelped and I make a beeline for him he had a mouth full of sand coughing a bit.

Jimin grabs him wiped his hands and takes the big clumps out of his mouth and makes him drink some water I panicked even more.

"Jimin! He can't swallow the sand!" I said panicked and pull him to my lap making sure he isn't choking on the sand he just blinks at me I cup his cheek and he smiles at me and tries to pull my hair I huffed and hugged him close to my chest.

"Yoongi it's just sand it won't hurt him he's okay he probably thought it was food," Jimin said.

"You don't know that! Jesus Jimin not everything is a joke he could have been hurt!" I said kissing Jun-ho's head he played with my tank top.

"Yoongi," Jimin said I looked up at him I shake my head.

"We should just go he had too much sun today," I said and stood up holding him Jimin followed and held my shoulder I just blinked at him.

"Yoongi what's wrong he was having fun it didn't hurt him we were having a nice day look at him he's fine baby let him play," he said I shook my head.

"So you're saying I was killing the fun sorry I was worried about our son" I spat Jimin frowns.

"Yoongi that's not what I meant you know that," he said

"Jimin I'm a nurse baby's aren't supposed to eat sand let's go okay it's late anyways pack up I'll be in the car with him it's past his nap time anyways," I said and grabbed his baby bag and walked to the car leaving Jimin behind.

The drive back to the hotel was short but quiet all I can hear is Jun-ho playing with the toys hanging above his car seat.

We get back to the hotel I move quickly to unbuckle Jun-ho and bring him inside Jimin just brings our bags and leaves the other stuff in the car.

We walk in Jimin places the bag down he just stands in front of me I frown and look down holding Jun-ho tight.

"What do you want for dinner baby I could make something or buy it?" He asked it's only noon so it's early for dinner but I think Jimin is just trying to make conversation.

"Whatever is fine I'm gonna give him a bath and put him to bed," I said

"Do you need help I'll help I don't mind" he said I shook my head

"It's fine I got it thank you though" I whispered and walked to the bathroom the hotel isn't that big so the bedroom and living are connected I walk into the bathroom and close the door there is no tub just a shower so I bought a little tub for him it wasn't that big perfect for him.

I fill it with warm water and put some bubble soap in it because he loves bubbles I place him in it and sit on the bathroom floor with him and wash him up gently.

"I'm sorry if I ruined the fun today now your first beach trip was ruined by me," I said he just played with his rubber ducky.

"Jimin was right I knew the sand didn't hurt you...are you mad at me? I'm sorry your appa is way cooler than me always has been... I won't be upset if you like him more he is amazing I like him a lot too" I said he splashed the water at me getting my shirt wet.

"I deserved that.." I place my chin on the tub as he played with his little boat in the water "Jimin is gonna be the fun parent, isn't he? And I'm gonna be the one telling you to eat your vegetables and make your bed while Jimin buys you candy and toys" I huffed he patted my cheeks with his tiny hands.

"I promise to lighten up and I'll sneak you candy after dinner and we won't tell appa and if we play our cards right we can get appa to take us to disney world," I said he just babbled I nodded and started to wash him again.

"We're gonna make you smell really good for appa he loves clean babies who smell like apples also big question do you wanna wear iron man or spider man pajamas," I said he just kept splashing the water.

"Good choice iron man it is," I said

What Yoongi didn't know was that Jimin was listening behind the door smiling a bit.

I finished his bath and got him dressed I placed him in his bassinet he instantly fell asleep cuddling his yellow dog plushie it was a gift from Jimin's dad.

I slide the door open that separates the bedroom from the living room and see Jimin on the couch he is still shirtless in just his swim trunks I get that it's kinda hot in here he is on the couch on his phone sitting with his back against it.

We lock eyes and he put his phone down

"Is he asleep?" He asked I nodded and went to the kitchen to clean up he watched me with his eyes since the kitchen was next to the living room.

"Baby come here," he said I just keep washing the sand off Jun-ho toys.

"You can go take a shower if you want just be quiet," I said cleaning the cooler.

"Yoongi baby please come here," he said so softly I sigh and go to sit next to him but he pulls me on his lap and hugs me I relaxed in his touch.

"I'm sorry Minnie" I whispered he looks up we locked eyes and he caresses my cheek.

"For what baby?" He said I pout and hold his other hand.

"For snapping at you it was mean and you didn't deserve it," I said he shook his head and kissed my cheek.

"It's fine baby you were just worried about your son nothing is wrong with that," he said

"It's just...I'm worried about him this world is so big and scary and he is so small and fragile I wanna protect him from the world wrap him in bubble wrap and keep him in my pocket" I whispered Jimin brushed his fingers through my hair.

"I understand baby I'm scared too but he is strong little things don't worry too much he's happy and loved and nothing will happen to either of you I'll protect you both until my last breath," he said

"Your amazing you know that? I'm happy I married you because your the love of my life I couldn't imagine doing this with anyone else but you Jimin," I said he chuckled his cheeks a bit pink I look him up and down he is still shirtless abs and tattoos all on display for me to see so I moved my hands down his chest slowly until they reached the waistband of his shorts and untie them slowly.

"You look really hot right now wanna fool around?" I whispered he smiled and held my waist.

"Fool around? What are we in high school again?" He said I smirked I started to kiss his neck.

"I want you" I whispered near his ear and left hickeys on his collarbone he groans softly "wanna taste you" I purred then took off my shirt slowly and threw it to the side somewhere.

He grabbed my neck and captured my lips in a kiss it got hot and messy right away we actually haven't had sex in a week and a half and that's a long time for us so I can tell we're are both desperate because Jimin is touching me all over and it feels to good I grind down against him.

"Mhm I missed your body" he whispered against my lips and grabbed my ass.

"Want you to pin me against the shower wall and fuck me" I whispered hotly near his ear he growled and picked me up bridal style in one easy swipe and walked towards the bathroom he slides it open.

"Shhh! The baby you know how cranky he gets waking up from his nap too early" I whispered he laughed softly and we went into the bathroom and closed the door he opened the door to the shower and just turned it on the hot water coming out he pinned my arms to either side of my head I gasped.

"Shh gotta be quiet kitten," he said voice deep

"Shut up we're both loud" I huffed he just kissed me again it was wet and messy.

"I could make you scream my name" he whispered husky and hot near my ear I whined so turned on desperate he chuckled "such a good boy for me," he said and pulled down my shorts now I'm naked the hot water hitting my skin.

"Do it then" I whispered

-smut skip-

After the events in the shower we washed up properly and left the shower I just put one of Jimin's T-shirts and boxers as he wore shorts and a long-sleeve grey shirt.

It's 3 in the evening and it's time to wake up Jun-ho and I don't wanna deal with cranky Jun-ho so I had Jimin wake him up and change his diaper and into regular clothes while I sit on the couch.

They came out of the bedroom and I see my babies so I make grabby hands on them Jimin hands me him and he sits next to me on the couch and puts his arm around me I kiss all over Jun-ho face he just babbled.

"Did he give you a hard time?" I asked

"No, not really," He said I huffed and looked at the baby in my hands.

"Wow little trader he whines and glares at me when I wake him up," I said

"Father like son grumpy babies," he said I gasped and move away from him a bit.

"Rude no more kisses for him right Jun-ho," I said then place Jun-ho between us on the couch.

"No my son won't do that he loves Appa's kisses," he said and picked up Jun-ho to kiss him but the baby puts his hands up and sticks his hand in Jimin's mouth I burst into a fit of laughter and Jun-ho joins me giggling I move to hold my son proud of him holding him up close to my face.

"That's a good boy!" I said and showered his face with kisses and Jun-ho tries to kiss back but it's all sloppy and with drool.

"That deserves sweets! Let's crack open those baby fruit puffs" I said but suddenly feel two arms wrap around us and we are both pulled into his chest he holds us both close.

"I love you both so much.... so so much this is all I ever wanted a happy family," he said my heart flutters.

"I love you too Minnie thank you for everything you do for us both," I said and kissed his cheek and Jun-ho's left open mouth kisses the other cheek which made Jimin smile.

Our family may be small and different from others but it's warm and filled with love

Because love is love no matter what


FUCK!!! This was so cute omggggg I wanna do more fanfics with yoonmin as dads I love it

Did you enjoy this chapter wanna see more of daddy yoonmin let me know :)

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