The Girl From The Maze - Gally

By lightswitch22

99.6K 2.2K 152

Every month a new Glader comes up in the box filled with supplies to keep the glade going but what if someone... More

The Maze
The Boy
The Leader
The Meeting
The Decision
The Greenie
The Sleep
The Slammer
The Day
The Night
The Comback
The Cooks
The Late Night Walk
The Stare
The Builders
The Paper
The Notebook
The Story
The Name Wall
The Huddle
The Three Words
The Guilt
The Sting
The Aftermath
The Visit
The Screams
The Sleepless Night
The Thumb
The Punch
The Reaction
The Slicers
The Dream
The Early Morning
The Coma State
The Greenie Alarm
The Young Boy
The Rusty Car
The Uneasiness
The Kiss
The Label
The Leaders Voice
The Anger
The Destroyed City
The Crumpled Brown Paper Bag
The Freeing Feeling
The Wonder
The Race
The Untouched City
The Fast Forward
The Arrival
The New Greenie
The Map Room
The Brew
The Commotion
The Lie
The Space
The Forgiveness
The Heart Beat
The I Love You
The End Of The Night
The Mission Possible
The Promise
The Coffee
The Attack
The Hangover
The Sadness
The Feeling
The Banishing
The Memories
The Breathing
The Day Off
The Rain
The Worry
The Despair
The Rage
The Three Silhouettes
The Gathering
The Other Girl
The Fight
The Run in
The Dead Griever
The Bitch
The Chance
The Dramatic Girl
The New Girl
The Quick Tour
The Spy
The True Story
The Laughter
The Bacon
The Way Out
The Never-ending Night
The Never-ending Night Pt2
The Plan
The Game of Hide and Seek
The Letter
The Other Perspective
The Battle
The Escape

The Breakup

420 11 0
By lightswitch22

A group of 3 or 4 boys walked towards us. One of them being Gally. I ran forward and pulled him into the biggest hug thought possible. "Gally...... Gally your alright, your ok" I pulled him in squeezing his chest. "Taylor, move" That was all he said. I looked up to see anger burning in his eyes. He didnt even hug me. I moved to the side of him tears about to fall from my eyes as he walked away. I stood watching him like an outsider. 

He picked up his pace as he got closer to Thomas. I saw his fist ball up. "Gally..." Thomas stepped back a step but Gally swung his fist hitting Thomas in the face knocking him to the ground. I snapped out of my daze and ran over to the group. I didnt want to be near Gally so I dropped to my knees to check on Thomas. "Thomas.... Thomas are you alright" I had my hand on his shoulder as he lifted himself out of the mud. 

The rest of the group went after Gally trying to restrain him while he was shouting "This is all you Thomas, huh. Look around, you heard what Alby said he's one of them. He's one of them and they sent him here to destroy everything and now he has...... Look around Thomas, look around. This is your fault" Gally had lost it, a look of crazy in him like I had never seen. 

Thomas started to get to his feet "Slow and steady ok" I held his upper arm helping him stand. Thomas stood staring at the ground almost out of it. Sweat covered him. He was deep in thought. He looked to the side, at Chucks hand with the stinger in it. He grabbed it off Chuck and held it facing his leg. "Maybe he's right" Thomas looked over at us, "Thomas" Teresa sounded weary. "I need to remember" He looked down. I knew what he was about to do "Thomas stop your not thinking str-" He cut me off, He stabbed it into his leg as a scream of pain came out of him. Shouts emerged from everywhere as we all ran to him. He dropped to the ground and started to almost seize. Shock filled me, he had actually done that. He stopped moving as we all crouched round him "Chuck get the other syringe" Teresa called out dropping down beside Thomas, reassuring him as he passed out. 

Thomas was surrounded by everyone as Gally stood separated from the crowd. I was filled with anger. I stood up and ran over to him. "What the hell do you think your playing at" I shoved his chest "Huh, what sick game are you playing" I looked up at him, he still had that same look of crazy in his eyes. "Thomas did that to himself" Gally stared at the crowd around Thomas. "Hey look at me, look at me now. This is a fight between me and you not what Thomas did" I hit his shoulder as he snapped back into reality. "Taylor, he did this he-" "Enough about Thomas, thats all you seem to talk about. Tell me why you did that, why you ignored me after we had just been attacked. I may sound like an attention seeking bitch but I don't care. You were the one consistent worry on my mind when you ran off. I didnt know if you were alive or dead and when I find out you survived you brush me of like I'm the dust on your shoulder" I was shouting the pain leasing my voice.

 He started to walked away from me "Get back here now.... Gally I mean it" I walked after him. "Gally" he ignored me and kept on walking. "Gally get back here or we are done" I shouted standing still. He paused for a few seconds then kept walking "I mean it" I shouted hoping he would turn round. "Fine thats it. Were done, over, through, What ever the hell you want to call it you selfish backstabbing piece of shit" I stopped in my tracks and dropped to the floor. 

Tears flooded my eyes. Sadness took over as I started to cry. I pulled my knees up to my chest. I wanted to sink into the ground, never to be seen again. My heart couldn't take another loss. My stomach had a bottomless feeling, not one like before, this one hurt causing me physical pain. I moved myself over to the side of the building. Taking gulps of air in-between crying my lungs out. 

After what seemed to be centuries I felt a hand on my knee. I didnt look up. I didnt want to see who it was until I heard there voice "Hey Tay what happened" It was Newts sweet innocent calming voice. I looked up at him and jumped to hug him. "Hey what's happened tell me" he sat down on his knees hugging me tighter. I couldn't get my words out just sobs of heart ache. "Its ok its all going to be ok" He sat his head on top of mine as I started to cry more. My lungs couldn't take all my crying neither could my heart. 

We sat for what most have been half an hour before I stopped crying. We sat against the hut as the sky lightened. It was almost morning. "You wanna tell me what happened now" He sat with his arm around me, his head on top of mine. "Just promise me something" I was quiet my voice broken from all the crying. "Sure what is it" he put his head back against the building. "Dont ever leave me, I can't take more heartbreak" a single tear left my eye as just at the thought of Newt leaving. "As your best friend, it is my duty to make sure that I never leave you or forget you" he hugged my tighter. I smiled for the first time in almost a day. I turned my head so that I was comfortable and fell asleep on Newts chest. 

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