The Bad Boy Is My Baby's Dadd...

By Pink_Crayon

4.1M 144K 39.6K

❝I wish I wasn't so average, I want to be original.❞ A simple birthday wish causes chaos for Terrance J. Arch... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Not A Chapter But A News Update!
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Fourty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Date Night For Cloud & Terrance
How Terrance Met Cloud

Chapter Forty-Five

48.7K 2.2K 669
By Pink_Crayon

The Bad Boy Is My Baby's Daddy

June 15th 2013

Chapter Forty- Five - Terrance Archibald

''I want Cloud!'' I screamed for what felt like the millionth time but Araki of all people were ignoring my pleas which didn't help my given situation. I was scared and in pain and just barely comprehending what the fuck what going on. I knew I was being prepped for an emergency C-section due to placental abruption but I didn't even know what that was and it only made me want Cloud here even more.

''Cloud!'' I screamed again. ''Cloud!''

''Terrance, he's gonna be here shortly.'' Araki tried to sooth but it didn't help me in the least and I let out a cry, trying to sit up and clutch at my stomach but a nurse settled her gloved covered hands on my shoulders and told me to try and relax to which I screamed again in reply. ''Cathy could you set up the curtain.''

I saw the nurse Cathy nod and began setting up a blue curtain just below my chest and it covered the view I had of my stomach which only made me panic more until another short round nurse entered the room with Cloud hot on her heels, he was dressed head to toe in yellow scrub like clothing and I managed to calm down slightly when he took my sweaty hand into his but let out a cry when he leaned forward to place a gentle kiss on my forehead.

''Cloud, it hurts.'' I told him through a whimper and he grimaced.

''He's on Epidural anesthesia—it will be kicking in any moment.'' Araki commented, murmuring something I didn't hear to a nurse.

''It's okay, you won't feel anything soon, baby.'' Cloud whispered, stroking back my damp hair.

''I want it to stop now.''

''I know,'' He said, continuing to stroke back my hair. ''But just think, Zayden's gonna be born today and you're gonna get to hold him.'' The thought of holding our little Zayden in my arms made my heart swell. ''Have you decided on his middle name?''

I nodded, feeling an odd sensation in my lower abdomen. ''Yeah, he's gonna be Zayden Blaize Stryker.''

''It's perfect.'' Cloud told me and I nodded, fully aware that the Epidural anesthesia was kicking in because I now sorta felt as if I was floating out from my body as I stared up at Cloud.

''He's gonna need a blood transfusion.'' I heard Araki say but I was beginning to feel way to tired to speak out and decided to just stay quiet and keep my focus on Cloud who kept his own dark blue eyes on me, talking to me quietly but I couldn't concentrate on his words.

''You're...gonna be such a good daddy.'' I managed to get out, my eyes drooping and suddenly I could see four Cloud's hovering above me, their lips still moving but I couldn't hear any of the words I so desperately wanted to hear.

I blinked a few times, smiling slightly when I felt Cloud's hands cup my cheeks. ''Rex...good daddy, you...can't do this alone...''

''...heart rate going down...'' Araki shouted and it was the last thing I managed to hear before I slipped into unconsciousness.

It felt like decades I was floating around in nothingness and I was cold—so terribly cold. I turned my head every which way, trying to find any source of light to help guide me out from this darkness but it was futile and I was surrounded and all my hope of getting out was steadily decreasing until a sound startled me and I listened intently before the sound once again echoed throughout the darkness.

The sound was a cry of a baby.

Realization dawned on me and I fought—I fought hard.

I willed my eyes to open, to help me escape from this darkness and after a few struggles—I finally managed to blink my eyes open and I didn't even care I was being blinded by the light that shined above me, I continued to blink until my vision was clear and I took in my surroundings. I was back in a hospital room and I felt exhausted and sore but another hoarse screech like cry had my head tilting over to the right where Cloud was seated, holding a little bundled up white fleece blanket.

''Cloud?'' I whispered and his head snapped up from gazing down at the little bundle and I was shocked to say the least at his swollen red puffy eyes. ''Cloud, what's wrong?''

He gave a cry like laugh and managed to give me a watery smile. ''Nothing, nothing is wrong, Rex.''

''Why are you crying?'' I asked, feeling tears well up in my eyes at the sight. Cloud sniffed, slowly standing to his feet and bounded over with the little white bundle.

''Zayden looks so much like you.'' My heart thudded in my chest and more tears fell from my eyes.

''Is Zayden--'' Screeching cries came from the bundle and I choke on a sob, shakily holding out my arms and Cloud gently placed the small bundle down in my arms, making sure I had enough strength to situate the tiny little baby. I gazed down, giving a small laugh of joy at the way his tiny tongue stuck out and the furrowing of his non-existent eyebrows and even now I could feel him squirming around and kicking out his tiny feet.

I adjusted the little light green hat on his small head, taking notice that he was completely bald and withheld a laugh but shushed him when he let out a wail, making sure the fleece white blanket was tightly wrapped around him.

''He's beautiful,'' I breathed, glancing up at Cloud who was staring right back at me. ''Just like his daddy.''

''I don't know what you're talking about, Rex, he's all you.''

I shook my head. ''He's gonna have your eyes and I can already see you in his facial expressions.''

''Nah, I think he'll get your baby blues.''

''We'll have to wait and see.'' I responded, smiling when he wrapped his tiny little fingers around my pointer finger and gave me a toothless smile before giving a tiny sneeze and I laughed, my heart swelling with so much love for this little boy in my arms. A knock sounded at the door before it opened to reveal a smiling Araki and she stepped inside the room, leaving the door behind her ajar.

''I'm glad to see you're awake, Terrance.'' Araki said, coming over to my bedside and cooed down at Zayden. ''How're you feeling?''

''I'm exhausted, truthfully.''

''Understandable, now I hate to lay this all on you right now but I have to inform you of how everything went,'' I nodded in understanding. ''You lost a lot of blood and you needed a blood transfusion. The incision for the C-section looks great but I highly suggest you don't lift anything heavy and you take it easy for the next few weeks. Zayden is a healthy boy with quite the set of lungs on him but you and Zayden both will be kept here for another few days to make sure no complications occur. Also, Zayden is also able to drink formula without difficulty, Cloud earlier today fed him from a bottle and the little mad drank like a champ which means he won't need feeding tubes.''

I frowned. ''How long have I been out?''

''Only a few hours, it just reaching six at night now.''

''It's still the 15th of June?''


''What was the exact time he was born?''

''2:48am.'' Araki said and I nodded, gazing down at Zayden. ''Also, I should probably mention, the two of your families and friends are taking up the waiting room. Should I send them in?''

''Please.'' I told her and she nodded before she left the room and I turned my attention to Cloud. ''No one has seen Zayden, yet?''

''Nope,'' Cloud said, looking a tad bit sheepish. ''I couldn't let a bunch of annoying family and even more annoying friends hold Zayden before his own daddy and I may have wanted the little man to myself for awhile.''

''Cloud,'' I tried scolding but I was smiling and quite happy over his words. ''I...I honestly, just love you, you corny bastard.''

''I know, I love you too.'''

The door to my hospital room opened and the first one through the door was my mother with Gennifer right on her heels, they both bounded over and began cooing over little Zayden and I smiled when my mom tore her gaze away from Zayden to ask how I was feeling and I told her I was fine, just a little tired. Next to come in were Winnow, Lucas, Starr and Eugene, the girls bounding over to my mom and Gennifer while Lucas and Eugene went over to Cloud to congratulate him.

I was happy to see Carmen, Ryder and Wind come in next, though I was pretty surprised when Wind came waltzing in with this monstrous baby blue teddy bear with a bunch of helium filled balloons attached to each of the arms.

''Where did you even manage to get that?'' Carmen was asking in disbelief.

''For me to know and you to never find out.'' Wind replied smugly and Ryder just shook his head, breaking away from Wind to come over and peer down at Zayden, giving the little closed eyed baby a smile.

''He's adorable.'' Ryder told me and Wind appeared right behind Ryder, still holding onto the giant teddy bear and peered down at Zayden as well, his eyebrows furrowing.

''He looks like a live cabbage patch doll.'' Wind stated.

I chuckled. ''When we first met, you called me an anorexic cabbage patch doll.''

Wind blinked at me. ''My words were the truth.''

''Wind.'' Gennifer scolded but Wind only shrugged in reply, setting the giant bear down on one of the many free chairs in the room.

''I can't believe I'm an Aunt.'' Starr gushed, hovering over my mother whom was holding Zayden in her arms, cooing down at the infant.

''I can't believe I'm a grandmother.'' My mom said, happy tears springing from her tear ducts and Gennifer nodded in agreement.

''Though, I don't want to be grandmother, I think I'll get the little guy to call me Gamma.'' Gennifer said, testing out the word.

''I'll be nanny then.'' My mom stated, passing Zayden over to Gennifer who gushed over her grandson, telling him how much she was gonna spoil him.

''Have you decided on his middle name?'' Winnow asked me and I nodded, knowing I already told Cloud so I thought now would be a good time to inform everyone in the room.

''Zayden Blaize Stryker.'' I said proudly.

''He's gonna be such a heart breaker.'' Lucas said fondly, gladly taking Zayden into his arms when Gennifer offered him up. ''Hey there little man.''

''I want a turn.'' Winnow pestered Lucas after a few moments and Lucas rolled his eyes but gently passed Zayden over to Winnow and she gushed to him. I smiled, turning my gaze to Cloud and noticing how he kept his eyes planted on Zayden with caution like he was waiting for someone to drop him and I rolled my eyes, reaching my hand out to take his hand in mine and gave it a tug so he'd come closer to the bed.

''He's fine, Cloud, I'm more than positive everyone in this room has experience with holding infants.''

''Yeah, it's just he's so small, you know.'' Cloud murmured and I agreed; our little Zayden was a tiny one but considering he was born a premature it only made sense for him to be small. Zayden was passed around the room, getting cooed at and he seemed pretty content, not making any type of fuss until Starr held Zayden out to Wind who stared back at his sister like she had five heads.

''Oh come on, Wind,'' Starr insisted. ''He's a very happy baby and your nephew.''

Wind swallowed hard but nodded and hesitantly took my bundled up baby into his arms, clearing his throat awkwardly and flushed red when he realized everyone had their gazes souly focused on him. Wind seemed to just be relaxing until Zayden started screeching out cries and startled Wind because his head shot up and stared at me with wide eyes.

''I didn't do anything!'' Wind exclaimed frantically.

''He's probably just hungry.'' Cloud responded, eagerly stepping forward and gathered our sobbing baby into his arms, shushing at him and waltzed back over and sat on the edge of my hospital bed near me.

''I'll go and get him a bottle—I know where they are.'' Lucas said and I thanked him, watching him leave the room and I turned my attention back to Wind who still looked like Zayden crying was all his fault and I really felt bad for feeling sightly amused.

''Speaking of hungry,'' My mom piped up. ''Terrance, are you hungry? Do you want me to get you something to eat?''

I paused, now only just noticing I was incredibly hungry and I nodded. ''Actually food sounds wonderful right about now.''

''Cloud, how about you?'' Gennifer asked and Cloud only nodded his head, not looking up from Zayden which I thought was truly heart warming. Cloud's love for Zayden was strong and the affection he held for Zayden could be seen in his beautiful dark blue orbs.

''You know I'm kinda hungry too.'' Wind said casually but looking to Gennifer expectantly.

''Same here.'' Starr agreed innocently.

''Well then, the two of you best be hurrying down to the cafeteria to get something for yourselves.'' Gennifer mused. ''Let's get going Elizabeth.''

My mom shook her head but none the less followed after Gennifer.

Damn,'' Wind murmured. ''Now I have to go and get my own food.''

''Uh, I know it's so much work.'' Starr agreed.

''Come on you lazy asses. We'll all head down to the cafeteria for some food and leave the happy little family be alone for a bit.'' She drawled and everyone in the room seemed to agree with her and left, leaving Cloud, Zayden and I in the room until Lucas entered with a heated bottle and passed it off to me before he too, took his leave.

''You wanna feed him?'' Cloud asked and I nodded, happily taking my baby boy back into my arms, holding the nipple of the bottle by his mouth which he latched onto eagerly and his tiny little hands were balled up in fists as he tried to hold on.

''Come lay down with us.'' I told Cloud.

''I don't want to hurt you.''

''You won't.'' I assured him and he nodded hesitantly, removing his shoes and crawled into the hospital bed and laid up against my side, his head resting near mine while the both of us continued to stare down at Zayden whom was drinking his bottle peacefully.

''You know I never thought having my own kid with the man I loved to be possible.'' Cloud spoke, breaking the silence.

''I didn't think so either,'' I admitted. ''This was a wish come true...huh.''

''What?'' He asked, reaching his hand out and stroked Zayden's chubby cheek with his pointer finger.

''It was a wish come true,'' I told him. ''On my birthday I made a wish, I wished I wasn't so average, I wanted to be original.''

''That was your birthday wish?'' Now that I said my birthday wish out loud—it sorta sounded stupid but I nodded with flushed cheeks. ''Thank you.''

I frowned. ''For what?''

''Making that wish.'' He responded instantly, taking his gaze away from Zayden to gaze at me, his eyes shining with so much love as he leaned forward and gave me a gentle peck on my lips, raising one hand up to cup my cheek, stroking his thumb under my bottom lip.

''You don't think it was a stupid wish?'' I breathed.

''No, your wish gave us this little guy and I don't doubt it for a second.''


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