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We walk out of the mine as Jaune, Ruby, and Nora fangirl over the Ace-Ops. The three rush off to meet the trucks that are pulling up with Ironwood guiding the staff on what to do. I look to see my dad rushing to me. "Where were you?" I asked him as he slide on his feet by my side. "I had to help the soldiers at the perimeter to keep the Grimm from flooding into the place. Sorry, I couldn't join you guys." The rest of group that was still around accepted the apology before heading towards the group that peeled off. I sigh as I stop in my tracks and put my face on my visor, we REALLY need to become better at this job. We did jack with our fight against the target. We might as well have been statues.

I feel a nudge on my side and I turn to see Neo, shaking me out of my thoughts. When I looked at her, she did her rather cute smile and ..... C'mon Gen, focus. You can deal with this thing later. I look at Neo as she tilts her head to a direction as to where everyone else is. I realize we are rather far behind. I thanked her and she once again did her smile before racing off to everyone else. I go to run when I feel an... itch at the back of my head. I look behind to see nothing more than the tunnel entrance. I shake my head before heading off to the group.

I get to my group when I hear Ironwood complain about a ... Atlas problem? I look to where he is looking to see a bullhead, with VERY prominent color scheme of white and blue, with the logo of the Schnee family. I look to Weiss as she looks down, as if trying to not be connected with who is on that ship. Weiss sighs before following Ironwood to a landing pad.

The plane landing and even before the door is open, I can tell the person inside is complaining. The doors open and out come... Jacques Schnee. The first few seconds of seeing him, and I can tell he is already a massive cunt. Jacques and Ironwood picker over this whole thing, and I hear that Jacques is running for council? Atlas has a council? Learning new things everyday, no matter how odd. In the middle of her complaining his eye finally see Weiss. He tries to put blame on Ironwood before Weiss goes to defend her actions. The two picker at each other before Ironwood interrupts, mostly to avoid any further delay. Than he says "You know, your mother was devastated when you left. Didn't leave her room for days. You know how she gets when she is ... upset."

"And, not even for a minute you thought of talking to her or getting her a therapist." I said out loud. He turns to me and anger takes hold on his face. Weiss looks at me in surprise, likely not believing anyone would pitch in.

"How dare you speak to me with that tone of voice?"

"Oh. Shut the FUCK up. Piss off with your manipulative tactics, if your wife, if we can even dare call her that with the relationship you two are in, if she is doing that on days on end, why won't get her any help."

"She is a strong woman, second only by myself. Now, I would very much like that you apolagi..."

"Piss off. The only strong thing you are good at is shoving alcohol into your face like a weapon. Fuck off." I say back, sticking my middle finger at him.

He shakes in anger at me, before taking a deep breath, fixing his clothing, again. Before having a small discussion to Ironwood before leaving. I look at Ironwood before saying "I ain't apologizing."

He sighs before walking off. He talks to Ironwood for a bit before entering his bullhead and leaving. Once he was flying off a truck takes it place and out comes... Winter. As if waiting for him to leave. Weiss shares her opinion "Oh, now you show up, Winter. You just missed Father. And Gen ripping him a new one." 

Winter comes closer to us as she says "I wouldn't say I missed hi-". Then a massive mass lands infront of us. Launching my team backwards by a couple of feet and knocking me on my back. I look up to see Penny saying "Surprise" With a holo-message saying "Congratulations" with confetti and a horn. Facing the complete wrong direction of us. She stays for a second before looking at both sides of her before facing us. "Uh, did we not start yet?" as all she said as she realized what had happened. I look at Winter and Ironwood. Ironwood is still in the same position, with wide eyes, completely taken off guard. I look to Winter to see her face palming at Penny.  "Apparently, we haven't." Winter responds, sarcastically. I get my feet back under me as Ruby asks "Start what?"

Time skip 30 minutes

We all line up as Ironwood starts to speak. 

"It goes without saying that this arena holds a significance to all of us. It's only fitting that we should be able to reconvene here. Now. When the world needs to be brought together more than ever, ... the road you traveled from our first meeting hasn't been easy."

That has got to be the most truest line to describe this adventure. A literal train wreck. I turn to my left to right to see Penny bouncing with anticipation and Winter having to hold her still, but not working all that well. I turn my eyes to see Yang next to me, her hand slightly twisting in anticipation.

Ironwood continues "You fought for your school and your friends at Beacon. You fought for the world and the innocent at Haven Academy and beyond. You face down terrors people can't even fathom. That's not the behavior of students." Ironwood walks to the other side before turning to us and in a proud voice "It's the behavior... of huntsmen and huntresses." He looks at Penny as a signal. She accepts this before taking her tablet and coming to us, one at a time and pressing a button. I get a buzz from my scroll. I open to see my student license turn to that of a hunter. I stare at it. A hunter license. A HUNTER LICENSE. I thought the only way I would get this was in my dreams. Penny and Ironwood interact in the background as Ironwood and Winter left. We all get a feeling of nostalgia from Beacon. A Huntsmen license was the entire reason we went to Beacon, now to receive it after all of this. In the words of Weiss "It almost feels trivial now." 

I respond to this with "In comparison to what we have been through over the past couple of weeks, it feels kind of weird to be excited to gain this thing."

We all stay silent as we nod. I lo0ok to Neo's scroll to see she also got one too. I guess Ironwood is big on trusting us. 

After a few minutes and a few bets from Nora, we went to a rather small table with a large white and baby blue cake. Penny uses her swords to cut the cake in perfect boxes. The batter is a mix of chocolate and something else. I didn't grab a slice, mostly cause Nora and Neo fought for the rest of the slices after everyone else grabbed one. It was comedic, I start to walk away when my dad appears in front of me. I shortly shout before relaxing myself. "I have a gift for you, from graduating from student to huntsman." He then gives me a box. I thank him as he gives me a hug. Everyone gathers behind me as I start to open it. What I saw inside, filled me with shock then happiness. I dropped the box as I turn with my gift. In my right hand, the handle for my scrap double barrel shotgun. "I thought I would ever see you again." I say to my gun. I open it and put in two fresh shells in before closing it. Just like old times. Damn, it feels weird to think that. "I got it while we were helping the force in cleaning up Vale." I turn to my father as he continued. "Well, It was underneath the rubble of Ozpin's tower, it being right above the other thing to survive, his chair. Let me tell you, It took a while, even with the infamous Pyrrha at our side. In fact it was her that found the weapon." Jaune immediately took interest at her name, "Pyrrha? She is still alive?"

"Yeah. According to recent reports, she has been much help in clearing out Vale, along side the teachers and Ms. Goodwitch. Some reports say they should be done by the end of the week and students are going to be allowed back into Beacon by next month. It has been a hassle though. Having to remove a giant frozen Grimm dragon." That is most certainly good news. We all go back to where we were. I got a bit more involved, I even grabbed a slice of cake, for like 3 seconds before Neo came up to me for it. I gave it to her and we see the cake is now mostly gone. I look to see Penny open a computer screen with a bunch of missions on it. Once Ruby was told of this, she went completely bonkers. We had a shared chuckle before we here "Hey, you guys smell that?" We hear an obnoxious amount of sniffing as Elm, Vine, and Marrow show up. Marrow continues with "Smells like fresh meat." I couldn't help myself when I heard that.  I started to laugh. Hard. I slapped my knee while laughing, I look to Marrow, saw his face, and said "Are you serious? You fucking serious? We are among the last people you call fresh meat. We are more like .... mmmm Medium-rare. Does that sound good?" I look to everyone else, most either did a nod or a thumbs up. "Yep, medium-rare. Now sit down and quit that analogy."

Marrow seems defeated before going to the mission board and clicking on a mission, all of us raise their hands. I don't as I want some details. And, he does the trick and swap where the mission isn't at all exciting or dangerous and poor Jaune got stuck holding the bag. Before Marrow can laugh, Elm shoves him so hard he is launched towards the center of the ring, his face grinding against the floor. Her mission? A grimm Sabyr is in the Mantle sewers and two of us are needed to "flush" it out. I volunteer. 

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