We Got No One

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"I'm in a Black Mesa facility?" is something I thought I would ever say nowadays. Since Black Mesa's merge with Atlas all their facilities have been turned to an Atlas facility... except this one. This place seems .... abandoned. I started to walk forward, slowly encase any defenses are active or something. I get to the entrance building and the building is definitely old. Rust and mold are all over the walls and floors of this place. Thank god I have a gas mask on right now or I would definitely be infected with ... something. I sigh as I keep on going, maybe there is some useful equipment in here. Maybe even repair my suit. Not like I have many better things to do that are possible. Lets start this adventure off.

Time skip 4 hours

WHY THE FUCK IS THIS PLACE SO DAMN DEEP? I swear at least 3/4ths of the holes I have seen are bottomless. And these catwalks are either really fragile or really strong. I had 12 catwalks break on me as I was walking... ON TOP OF THEM.  What is this section? I look on the label for this door. It says "Research and Development" on it. Could be promising for new equipment. I open the door and walk in to see a massive hallway with doors on both sides, with windows too. I started to wonder about. Seeing some cool things, some more ... redundant. Seriously who would want to make ice cream out of everything and who would want photo realistic cake making machines. I wondered till I got to something that caught my interest. There was a door that has H.E.V. on the door. Opening results in another hallway but much smaller in terms of length. Well, might as well explore around. 

I turn to the first door on the right and I enter to see a .... Mark 4? But, it looks funny. Specifically the helmet looks to be made up of.... many pieces?  It was standing up like it was on a mannequin. I look to its right to see against the wall a small cylinder compartment with a mirror on the wall next to it. Barely big enough for a person to get in. I walk closer and a voice starts to play, but it sounds like it was pre-recorded. I look infront of me to see a hologram of a women in something akin to an HEV Mark 4 suit. She started to speak but the speaker was heavily damaged.

"Hello. And welcome to the next gen-gen-generation of protection in hazardous environments. Say hello to ....(A spot light was put on the HEV suit) The Mark 4 F"

"The Mark 4 F, is design....ign.....ign as the best in both protection and space efficiently. It has many special advances. One such advance is it allows a very large amount of modification to the suit. Rather than having tons of suits for a specific job, one suit can be change and modified with approved parts to suit any job available. From the deep depths of the sea to all kinds of extreme temperatures. And it is very simple to change all of your Mark 4 A's to the Mark 4 F. All it requires is one of these machines and you can turn all your Mark 4's into the newest version."

I look at the cylinder and I walk towards it. A screen on the left side light up with one option. "Upgrade". I press it and a door opens in front of me. Revealing a small area, barely able to house a person inside. I then hear the voice speak "All you need to do is to just step in and wait out the procedure. It should be able to upgrade and repair your suit into its best conditions. Just remember to remove any and all unauthorized things, such as weapons or personal items."

I removed my rifle and crowbar and put them on the ground. I sigh before  removing my gas mask and putting it on top of the rifle. I sigh again before stepping in, a bit awkward due to how small it is. I finally believe I am in position before the inside light green and I feel a pull at the back of my head. Then all I see is white with the sounds of welding and bolting.  Then after a few seconds, the door opens in front of me. The inside was lighting up in green. I slowly step out, inspecting my suit and its massive change. The boots were a lot longer with a bigger rubber bottom. My chest plate is a lot thicker than I think it should be. The under suit is a bit more armored with red lines where the under suit meets the armor. I now have knee and elbow armor with them being orange with a white outline. I check my back and I see two small levers on top of my shoulder armor. I grab my rifle and I push it on the lever and before I know it, mechanisms on my shoulder grabbed it before putting it on my left shoulder. I pulled on rifle and it released from my shoulder. So a mechanical holster for my rifle? Good... I guess. I grab my crowbar and put it back onto my right thigh.  I look around wondering.. where is my helmet. As if to answer that question the hologram began to speak "The H.E.V. Mark 4 F saves the space taken from the helmet by putting it into the chest plate. To put on the helmet, simple look forward for 2 seconds and the system should automatically put the helmet on."

Okay then, wait how does it know what I am doing? No matter. I look forward for 2 seconds and then I hear a lot of clicking as my vision is taken up of metal spreading all over my head before finishing with a hiss. I look around and it feels like the helmet I loss long ago. Man it feels a bit weird going back into a helmet. I look around an notice I have a much more noticeable HUD, like a lot more noticeable with a bar at the top of it. I then see the mirror and notice my helmet. It is like my old helmet but with additional marking, with yellow and black warning strips on the bottom of my chest plate. The hologram begins to speak again "The upgrade also includes new software and hardware such as a more noticeable HUD with the ability to contact people in your squad as well as now their level of aura to know when to fall back. It also includes a built in compass both digital as well as physical on the right gauntlet." I look at my gauntlet and see a compass built into it, so I guess I'll be good against anyone with an EMP. I look to my gas mask and picked it up. It could be useful later on in this adventure. I put it on my left hip, securing it tightly there. The hologram has begun talking again, bloody heck why does she not say everything at once?

"The helmet has the best filters both on and off the market, allowing the user to even be able in a room with a 60% of air contamination. It also includes a built in air tank that will automatically enable when contamination goes over 60%. The air tank has a total of 1000 seconds of air, which will display on the HUD how long the user has left in the tank. It also includes a built in scroll in the left gauntlet as well as a interactive hologram user interface. It shows all kinds such as weapons on the user, health and aura levels, geographic location as well as both a map of Remnant and creates a new temporary map every time it enters a new environment. The user can highlight their selected destination by pressing the location on the hologram."

I look at my left gauntlet and as it says a hologram is displayed in front of me to my right. I press map and I see that Argus is  just south of me. Well, I at least I know where I am. Now to find new weapons for me to use. I open the map and select the way to the armory... which is back on the second level and I am on.... the sixth level. Great. Before leaving, I look down to see a key card completely black. I grab it and it says ... "Master" the rest is eroded.

Time skip 2 hours

I wonder around before spotting the label "Armory" above a door. I go to open it, but it is stuck. I grab my crowbar and start to pry it open and after a while it bursts open. I walk in and it is dark like it was back in that train car. I press the button for the flashlight and a light burst from both my chest and two on my helmet. Well at least I won't look around like an idiot. I look around, there are tons of ammo, pistols and SMGs. I look till I look at the wall, on some hooks is... a shotgun. As if it was like it was destined to be. I walk towards it and picked it up and started to inspect it. It is rather boxy, with some dust on it. It is oddly black compared everything I have seen in this place. I look to see some ammo and I start to load the gun, each shell I felt more powerful until finally. After so long, I grab the pump and loaded a shell. I swear to god, it was the most satisfying thing I have done in my life, second to the satisfaction I would get when  I terminate HER. Well time to head to Argus, I think I got everything I need. But first some damn rest, I am just done with today.

I then hear a massive thud above me. Seriously? Well, might as well have some training. I start to open door our till a ceiling panel crashes down in front of me. I look up to see the wiring in the ceiling being completely exposed. Is this place crashing down on me? Crap. I need to get out of here as fast as I can. I then hear another sound... a sound that gets from being scared to being scared and frustrated. A roar of an Ursa and the response of a bunch of Ursas and Beowolfs. I need to get out of here, fast. I start to head up the levels as quick as I can, hearing the roars getting louder and actually shaking the earth around me. I get to the level with the parking lot and I look through a hole to see .... a massive group of massive Beowolfs and Ursas. I notice my car near the exit, undamaged, with the door in here having been brutally forced open. But before I can see anything else, and eye appears in my face. 'RUN! FUCKING RUN!' every fiber in my body told me to do. Which is what I did, before a par broke the wall like it was tissue paper trying to grasp me. I ran like I never had before, not sure why due to my armory at my disposal. But I only have every dealt with such an amount with either massive fire power or with my team. And with this size of a Grimm pack, what else can I actually do? I ran and ran, as fast as I could through the pack before entering my car and I manage to leave the cave with the sounds of both my engine and the pack behind me roaring.

 I drove as fast as I could, looking through my side door mirrors to see the pack close behind me. I opened my map to see where to go and followed it. I periodically look to my mirror to see the amount of Grimm behind slowly deflate to none. I sigh in relief as my engine roared to continue on.

The Silver Eye man in the Orange SuitOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora