Duel battle

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Time skip 24 hours

I am in our ready section of the arena. We are in here to prepare for the battle.Not going to lie, I am feeling like my body is tingling and how I feel like I am about to go on a roller coaster for the first time. My team decided to choose Weiss and Me to battle. I sigh and I walk into the battle field with Weiss. We get to the middle where we wait for the opponents. Being honest here, I don't mix well. I mean, a Schnee, some one who is rich and grace full. And me, a 13 year old over their head in old tech. I sighed as I see the other opponents arrive. One is looks like a Jazz player, the other a 80s rollers skaters. Weiss is confused due to her saying before on how they are Atlas and should be military like. The Jazzplayer talks to Weiss on how his father was a dust shop owner before the Schnee company forced him out of business. So, someone has beef with her. Great. Then Doctor Oobleck and professor Porin went on the mic.

"Since we have a fighter that wasn't in the first round how about we tell them how much of a fighter he is" said Port

"Very Well. He is the youngest fighter in Beacon at the age of 13. He wears the HEV mark 4 suit armor. The suit is old tech from Black Mesa before being purchased by Atlas. The boy's name is Gen Scott. People might remember him as the post on the internet with him on top of tons of grimm bodies and duel wielding CVFY member Coco's mini gun in his left hand and JNPR's member Nora's weapon in his right hand. His semblance is spectacular by all accounts." said Oobleck

"It most certainly is. It most certainly is" said Port.

I look to see the Jazz guy glaring at Weiss so I say "You got bee-" I was cut off by the girl

"You go beef?"that what you sound like" said the girl in a mocking tone.

"Um... what?"

"Hey why don't you show your face? Is it cause you are ugly or to handsome to be seen. Or are you too shy too show your face?"

"You got beef with Weiss Jazz player!"

"Yeah I got beef. You got beef?" said the Jazz player

"Yeah I got beef. Do you want beef?"

"Yeah I want beef!"

"Alright" I reach into a pocket and grab a small note book and a pen and I ask "So, do you want beef stew or just beef?"

"What?" asked the roller skater

"I said do you want beef stew or just beef?"

"Uhm, I'll go with beef stew." said the Jazzplayer

"Alright, that is a beef stew on the house. Just find me when you two or us win this match. Alright?"

"A-alright" said the roller skater still confused.

Then holograms showing the terrain around us start two show. They have sand and lava on their side. We have a terrain of rocks and blue crystals and destroyed landscape. I get my rifle out and I prepare for battle.

"3" I look around to see the terrain.

"2" I see the Jazzplayer take out a trumpet

"1" I see the Rollerblader prepare to go.

"Begin". The Jazz player or trumpet guy starts to play, making a force pushing us, and the pink girl uses the force and hits me on the chest, loosing me 2 aura hit points. I start to run after the pink girl through the broken terrain. I use every advantage I can get, height, predictions, the whole nine yards. I kept missing while she kept taunting me. She started her attack, hitting me over and over while having a rainbow trail. I get angry and I see her snap her weapon and it glows blue. Instead of standing there, I start to run, I get up on terrain, climbing buildings, jumping off to confuse her. And I land when I hear a smack. I look to see ice on my right leg. I look to see her mocking me as she went away. I get my crowbar and pry the ice off before continuing my failing assault. She freezes my left arm and kicks me into a wall. And she says "You should cool off, get it? Cause your angry." I stare at her as I grab my crowbar and pry the ice off before I ran off to her. I get to the center again and the pink girl is still dancing around me and I see a giazer of lava. I see the trumpet boy still there and I see Weiss, covered in black stuff. I turn to see she is out of aura, and the boy is close to running out. I am then kicked and launched into the lava. I come out the other end and I try to attack. Again I am launched through a building and I climb out. I look up to see I am almost out of aura and I see the both of them about to finish me off. I then felt a spark in me. A spark that turn in to a inferno, as I stood up.

Third POV

Team RBY is expressing one similar emotion, defeat. There is no way Gen can take the two of them on with such low aura. Neon and Flynt do their technique. Flynt launches Neon to Gen at high speeds. Both cocky they would win. What a mistake. Instead of a victory is what everyone heard. They heard a loud smack. Everyone look to see Gen who had just launched a punch on Neon launching her behind Flynt. They look at shock at him as they heard Oobleck yell out "H-his Aura, IT is back to GREEN!". Everyone looked to see he is telling the truth, it is back to green and the number below is rising. Neon is looking at the now fully restored Gen as Flynt looks in shock. Gen grabbed something behind him, he grabbed it and it was a double barrel shotgun, made out of junk. Flynt and Neon started to laugh when Gen launched at them, infront of FLynt and aimed it at his chest and fired. It launched him out of bounds of the arena. "Flynt is out" said Polt. Neon looks ahead as she realizes what is in front of her. She started to run, but she was kicked back to the center by Gen. Neon got up and was punched over and over again by Gen. Hitting her face, stomach, legs, arms, getting her down to low-yellow zone. Neon can barely get up when Gen shoves his shotgun onto her gut and fired. Making her aura total down to zero. Gen looked around and made his arm into a position that screamed 'did you see that, are you not entertained?'. Team RBY and everyone else watching was shocked by what had happen, how some one was able to regain all of their aura and defeat two Atlas trained students and his visor glowed with orange. Then Polt and Oobleck yelled "Team RWBYS is the winner!". Everyone cheered, and clapped. Gen goes to Weiss and gets her to medical attention. During all of this Cinder is getting frustrated due to the power Gen had. The 'pest' she called him is a problem if handled correctly. Gen then went to Flynt and Neon and help them to medical attention as well. Gen looked around before thrusting his fist into the air. Inside, he was shocked how he survived the ordeal he did, and how he manage to get so few aura points without being considered out. If there is one thing he is sure of. Is that he no longer has good luck on his side.

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