The Docks

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I look around and I see a sign being put up saying "Welcome to Vale!". Nice thinking, it's old but classic. Weiss started to talk "The Vytal Festival! Oh this is absolutely wonderful!"

"I don't think I've ever seen you smile this much Weiss. It's kinda weirding me out..." said Ruby

"How could you 'not'smile? A festival dedicated to the cultures of the world! There will be dances, parades, a tournament! Oh the amount of planning and organization that goes into this event is simply breath taking."

"*sigh*You really know how to take a good thing and make it sound boring" said Yang

"Quite you" replied Weiss

"Since when was a Schnee ever fun?" I asked

I got a couple of chuckles from Yang and Ruby, a giggle from Blake and a glare from Weiss. We kept following Weiss as we get to the docks. "Remind me again why're spending our Friday afternoon visiting the stupid docks?" complained Yang.

Ruby followed up with "Ugh, they smell like fish".

"You don't say I thought it smelled like chocolate and strawberries" I said to Ruby. Ruby giggled and Weiss stated her reason to go here "I've heard that students visiting from Vacuo will be arriving by ship today. And as a representative of Beacon I feel as though it is my solemn duty to welcome them to this fine kingdom.". We continue on as Blake says the real reason we are here "She wants to spy on them so she'll have the upper hand in the tournament." Weiss rebutted "Ah! You can't prove that!". I'm going to remember that statement. Ruby makes a noise, we look to where she is looking and it is a crime scene. We walk to it as Ruby asked "What happened here?"

Detective 1 said "Robbery. Second Dust shop to be hit this week. This place is turning into a jungle."

"That's terrible" said Yang

"They left all the money again" said the other detective. This caught both Ruby and my attention as we listen in to what the two detectives are saying.

"Yeah, just doesn't make a lick o'sense. Who needs that much Dust?"

"I Dunno, ya know what I mean?"

"You thinking the uh, White Fang?"

"Ya I'm thinking we don't get paid enough"

I then listen to Weiss as she says "Hmph. The White Fang. What an awful bunch of degenerates."

"What's your problem?" Blake asked in a different tone then monotone. 

"My problem? I simply don't care for their criminally insane."

"The White Fang is hardly a bunch of psychopaths. They're a collection if misguided faunus. "

"Misguided?! They want to wipe humanity off the face of the planet!"

"So then they're 'very' misguided. Either way, it doesn't explain why they would rob a Dust shop in the middle of downtown Vale."

"Hmm. Blake's got a point.Besides, the police never caught that Torchwick guy I ran into a few months ago...Maybe it was him" said Ruby

"That still doesn't change that the White Fang are a bunch of scum.Those faunus only know how to lie,cheat, and steal."said Weiss. As Weiss says this Blake looks more and more pissed."That's not necessarily true." Said Yang. As if to spite what Yang said we heard "Hey!Stop that Faunus!"

"You were saying Yang" I said as I ran to the direction of the voice. We see a faunus, I assume a monkey faunus due to his tail and his jumps and how he hanged on light post from his tail.The guy ate a banana upside down and threw the peel at the face of one of the detectives. He then began running again, he jumped to where we were and ran past us. And as if time slowed down as he winked at Blake and time resumed and he passed. Yang broke the silence with "Well Weiss, you wanted to see the competition and there it goes."

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