Plan Out

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Thoughts run through my head as I begin to try to think of ways to both save Penny, get everyone to safety.... then complete my mission. After asking around, I learn of a few things.

Turns out Weiss' Father still had that private Air ship on hand, turns out it's rather roomy with more bottles of wine than a Grocery store, so that's an available option. Also, Blake has experience with breaking into Atlas security due to her White Fang past, that's a wound that better left alone but it could be of some help. Thoughts run through my head as the expected time of Pietro, Maria, and Neo's arrival soon comes, we deal with the occasional Grimm, that appears out of no where, but we seem to be in a safe location. For now at least. 

I converse with Weiss' family, mostly to pass the time. Turns out, no, the guy with changing eyes isn't a part of the family by blood. Could have fooled me, I apologized and later thanked him when it turns out he gave me first aid when I crash landed down here. Its... odd seeing this, seeing people who I knew for a fact would be snobbish be....some what humble. Well, the brother is still snobby but less than when the party I scoff at the thought, it wasn't really a party, more like a circle jerk that caught everyone by their pants down when shit went wrong in Mantle. Fuck, how long ago was that? Like.... a few days at can't be a week ago as it's still a recent event... Just how long ago was it that it was a normal day?!

I put a hand on the front of my helmet as I try to calm myself down, let's just focus on one thing at a time. Penny needs help. Who can help Penny? Pietro. Where is Pietro? On his way here. Can he fix her with what he's got in that advance as fuck walking chair? Maybe, if not, then do something incredibly stupid to do so, and.... how to do THE task? Wait for the proper chance to do so. 

I hear a noise and I look up to see two beowolfs just pop in out of no where in a red flash, I dispose of them quickly as I pick up the disinfecting wipes from the closet and leave. Wrong place wrong time, suckers. I take the wipes and begin to clean both Penny and myself, a majority of which come out as neon green with a mix of dirt in it. "Th-thank you Gen" I hear Penny say to me as I clean her face. "It's nothing, just something a friend would do", I smile at her, before realizing she can't really see it so I just kept cleaning her up. 

The sun was starting to set when I hear Ruby yell out "He's here!" which is immediately covered by Yang blasting a Ursa along with Ren and Blake. Overall things have been...... quite pleasurable (don't ever say those words), with us having to deal with the few grimm that teleport in on occasion. We all get over to Ruby as we see the flying car about flying over to us, as it gets closer, I notice a few things: it's front and sides are damaged, burnt maybe, with lots of dents, poor thing was shaking like a dying animal. I knew when I noticed that, one thing is for sure, that thing ain't gonna be taking off without some assistance. It slowly lands as the roof opens, revealing the three passengers, Pietro, Maria, and "Whoa Neo! Wai- oof!" I yell out before getting hugged hard, how the hell she has that kind of arm strength, I don't know. As I have my ribs crushed, Pietro goes over to inspect Penny, well more like hugging her tight, being so worried about her..... is that how my dad would have felt if he was there at the beginning of this? 

I give Neo a hug back, mostly to get pay back for making my ribs into short ones as the others head back inside. "Jeez, what kind of ice cream do you eat? Proteins ones?" I say as I look at Neo.

Neo just pouts adorably as she punches my shoulder. " I thought ice cream softens the body, yet yours feel like a brick wall". She does it again, this time softly blushing. I laugh a bit as we begin to head inside. We see Pietro tapping some buttons on a hardlight screen, I think it's called anyway, and I can tell even without looking at him in the face, he was growing concerned. I raise an eyebrow as the screen flashes red before going back to it's normal green. Jaune fulfilling his roll of a IV stand as he stays connected with Penny, though I can tell his aura isn't gonna replenish in time to suppress Penny's virus. 

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