Trail Blazer

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I kept on moving forward, each step causing me to become more and more stressed as I move on. As I get to the wall, I begin to hear gun fire. Looks like the excitement here isn't over yet, I enter a nearby apartment complex and begin to climb the stairs to the roof to look over what I am dealing with.

At the top, I look over to see..... jeez is that what Ironwood considers "food supplies"? Most of the farm lands is just coated in bullet holes, craters, dissipating Grimm bodies ... and blood. Sure, Atlas might be able to fix it, but something tells me they won't exactly have that much time to do so. And it's bloody massive as well, might take a month just to get the soil ready, and more for crops. Alright focus, I need to get to the portal. I lean against a air conditioning unit as I think.

Do I hotwire a car and jump over the wall?.... It's a decent idea.....if only I can hotwire a car. Jump over the wall? Maybe, but as soon as I land, I will be attacked by both Grimm a- BANG -nd Atlas troop. Ironwood is now both completely delusional and justified in what he's doing, and has likely increased the bounty on me for my actions with their robot way I am getting heading to him without getting a express delivery of death. Go through the wall?..... I ain't Yang so that's a bust. 

I put my hands to my head as I struggle to think.....I then notice it.... the portal. A swirling vortex of sorts that at the edge of the farmlands.....I can barely notice the swirling.

Alright, according to Black Mesa, protocol to close portals is to close it on both sides, it's likely they can figure out how to close it. But, someone has to close it on the other side, an-

I feel a vibration from my scroll, I checked to see it's..... my team trying to contact me. I stare at it as I look at the portal....

This is it huh?

I sigh as I take a few steps backwards.  

"This is gonna hurt isn't it?" I say to no one. Before running forward.

Time skip: 15 seconds later 

"YES! YES IT WILL!!" I scream as I run to what little cover I can find, turnouts Atlas likes to make sure it's prisoners are in pieces before picking them up. Another explosion happen to my right as I jump behind a tractor, kicking a beowolf out of the way and into another explosion. 

'Why are you doing this you idiot?!' I can practically hear everyone on my team screaming at me with that. I shield my visor with my arms as shrapnel smacks me. I struggle to stand up before once again moving, dodging explosions and getting hit by bullets. I feel my scroll vibrate again, that or the explosion next to me is causing the vibration, I can't really tell. 

They make this shit seem easier in cutscenes, bu- "GAHH!!" I was suddenly launched by a explosion that happened right behind me, launching me forward. I roll and tumble as more happen around me. 

I slowly get my limbs back under me as I look around to see a lot more grimm appearing than usual, great. I take out my shotgun and begin to open fire at what ever is infront of me as I began to run straight towards the portal, mostly killing what's in my way, other times knocking them away. 


I jump on and off of Grimm as I kept going, the explosions kinda adding un-needed, and unwelcomed reinforcement to keep going. I can feel sweat coming down my brow as I just kept going, my gun's barrel beginning to glow red hot. The Grimm around me has stopped focusing on the Atlas wall and onto me. I can see the rest of the portal now. It's..... bigger than I thought it would be.

Instead of the size of a beach ball.... it's the size of a fucking house, and it keeps getting bigger! I can feel my dreed now resting on my back as I soon realize I am almost there. I land on the ground with a thud! Wait a thud? I look down to see a shiny black material on the ground near the portal, it felt.....familiar? I then hear the growl of the grimm behind me and I fully booked it, the explosions begin to fade as well as the growls as I get closer. The last thing I feel is the vibration from my scroll.... before I jumped in.

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