This Is How It Ends

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Well all headed inside to regroup, well what few is here to actually regroup to. I watched over Penny as I tried calling Pietro, over and over again. I kept getting nothing, I called Neo too...but I got the same result. Then I heard Blake cheer in excitement, the others were alive! Holy shit. We can finally reunite properly. Weiss gave them their all we can do is wait. I kept calling Pietro and Neo on my end...still no result. I walk outside to give Ruby a turn with Penny as I kept calling. I look to see the top of the ash cloud...spinning? Maybe the winds up there is causing it to do that....not sure how, but it's a good enough explanation to me. I keep calling as I get increasingly anxious.

Finally, after many calls I get in contact with Pietro "GEN? Thank god your alive"

"Pietro? Holy shit I thought I would never get in contact with you again! What's the status of Neo and Maria?"

"They are all right, how's my daughter?"



"She's not good. Something is wrong in her software"

" What has she done so far?"

"Well...apart from pushing everyone in her way.. she's been trying the winter maiden vault....before self-destructing... according to what everyone else"

"Oh no... this is her software?"

"Yeah...seems like she's able to resist it...for a time. As for now, she's currently asleep. But it is unknown what will happen when she awakens."

"sighs You know how she has that backpack in her back?"


"I installed a sort of...valve behind all of her swords...incase of something like this"

"How do I use it?"

"It's hard to describe, but you have to pull it out a bit, turn it till it's arrow is pointed at the second symbol from the bottom. It should put her into a coma like state"

"All right...I'm guessing you know how to fix this...right?"

"If I have the right equipment...I should figure out what the issue is...but where exactly are you?"

I open my mouth to respond....but then I stop. How do I answer that? For all I know this call has long since been tracked and compromised. I stare off into space as I think. What do I do? I look at everyone else....well might as well risk it.

"We are at the rather comedically large house with odd symbols that often is known to run down the family" 

"...oh I think I know where you are....[Neo...heads towards ...... alright] We will be there soon. Just remember what I told you"

"Aye" I hang up as I walks towards the others.

"So..we got Pietro, Maria and Neo heading our, maybe we can figure out what's wrong with Penny" I say as I look over to her sleeping form. This seems oddly...peaceful, might as well enjoy this as much as I can. if jinxing me...everything started to go heavily wrong. Out of no where my suit starts screaming at me "Warning Resonance Cascade detected! Seek a place of shelter, Now. Seek a place of safety, Now. Do not go outside, arm yourself with any weaponry"

What? What is a resonance cascade? I walk outside and my eyes widen as the swirling dust seem to have increased in speed and starts to glow a bright red. "Oh..fuck" I say as suddenly the P.A. System and all screens in the city, including scrolls start to play the same message my suit is saying. What ever is going on, this aint gonna be good. Yang calls talking about the warnings, asking what the hell is going on. Then then a massive explosion happens at the center of all of that ash, revealing a black and red circle, completely out of control, red lightning sparking and hitting around. I opened my scroll to try and contact Yang when I see an instruction manual instead, I skimmed it a bit and.... "This is her proper invasion" I said in open comms. I get a bunch of confused and exasperated responses... I then hear a loud noise next to me. I look over to see a small red and black circle which is quickly replaced by a...beowolf! I quickly aim and fire at it, forcing it to the side where I fire again, killing it. I then hear more noises and I just see a bunch of small circles form then being replaced by Grimm...fuck.

I run back inside to take cover I try to tell everyone what is happening, only to have a portal open right next to use, spawning an "GOLIATH!" I scream as we all get ready for battle. It immediately charges at us. We fire our weapons at it, it seemed to be barely doing anything as it stomped around, trying to kill us. After firing a couple of rounds into it and cutting deep into it, it rams its self through the front door, completely destroying it. Ruby manages to finish it off before it could keep stomping about. Of course, several more grimm begin to charge at us, we had to hold the line as Weiss's family dragged Penny to a safe location.

Honestly, this is a lot easier than what I had to deal with in the past 5 hours ago. After a couple of minutes of non-stop firing I spot a bunch of Schnee ships flying off...and guns begin to fire dangerously close to them due to the flying grimm attacking them. At least Ironwood still has a heart...ish. In a few moments of silence, we spot Yang's group, glad to see everyone is still alive...Oscar looks like shit and......! I immediately draw my scrap shotgun and aim it at Emerald. No way we gonna do this shit again.

 Immediately Oscar tries to go on about second chances on me. Right, we like to say that, but I gotta ask why we give them to people who have done so much wrong? But... I have to holster it, I was outnumbered anyway. During this moment of calm, we all regrouped and rested a bit. Jaune and Pyrrha hugged, so did Blake and Yang. I then realize that Sun had gone missing, turns out he stayed behind in the crater to boost moral. So...he's probably long gone now. My dad showed up and sat next to me and we had some small talk. Sometimes, I wonder if being a femboy actually helps my dad in combat, considering his smaller frame is a lot harder to hit. I sighs as I open the manual in my scroll again and keep on reading it, trying to find a solution to this "resonance cascade" as it calls it. Turns what Black Mesa has a lot of experience with this kinda thing, with the first emergency happening in a place called "New Mexico".....the fuck is a "New Mexico"? Never heard of that before. I kept on reading and it turns out there is a way to close it...but it aint pretty or easy. I keep on reading one part of it over and over again.... the scariest and most challenging thing I am ever gonna have to do. I look over my suit as I tried to figure out how to ask to do what I need to do.

I need to get to that portal.

The Silver Eye man in the Orange SuitWhere stories live. Discover now