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Yang and I drove our respective vehicles till we got home. I said I got into a grimm attack during a drive. The others accepted this except Yang, Qrow, and Oscar/Ozpin. I sigh before heading to my room. I sit on the bed and texted to Yang

"Hey. Can you get Qrow and Oscar into my room?"


I'm not even sure if she is mad or not. I go to the windows and closed all the blinds, grabbed a towel from the bathroom, and waited. It was 3 minutes till Yang, Qrow and Oscar/Ozpin walked in. "Hey" was all I said before dropping the towel and putting it under the crack of the door. I turn to the others and asked "Yang, would you kindly say what happened earlier?". Trying everything in my power not to lean on the door and seem depressed.

"Oh. So that's why you asked us here. Okay, um .... Haven is going to be attacked by the White Fang in two days. Cinder and some allies went to Raven for assistance in getting Haven's relic. and Raven .... agreed to do so under the condition of you dying."

"Why am I not surprised" replied Qrow.

"I think it is likely that it will happen at the same time as the ambush as it has the most amount of force at one time. And due to the Vale incident, I highly doubt you would survive if all of them are on you at once Qrow."

"Geez I know you care about me kid but I think that is a bit much. Don't worry about me I'll be fine" says Qrow as he then drinks from his flask again.

"Thank you for bringing this to light. The question is what to do with such info" said Ozpin.

"Personally, I think we should keep it silent. We have info on their plans it be stupid if we made it obvious that we know. It could make them change their plans making the info worthless." I said glancing to Yang since I knew this was something she would do. She got the clue as she looks away while rubbing her neck.

"I couldn't agree more. Now do we have any suggestions?" said Ozpin.

"Well, when Qrow gets invited to Haven we all go and we carry our weapons, which should be easy as we are "huntsmen" technically. Say Qrow what special thing can Raven do?" I asked.

"Well, its in her name. We can turn into birds due to Ozpin. So just look for any birds that are out of place and you would be good." said Qrow setting his flask on the nearby nightstand. Which has its front left leg give out and stub his toe. He quickly reacts by launching back into the wall while holding his left foot. Yang had to stifle a giggle, I went to the table to fix it, while Ozpin just smiled at him.

Time Skip 1 hour and 45 minutes later

We had started our trek to Haven Academy, I look around left and right looking for the threat. Constantly checking if my Aura is still holding, checking my rifle for any damage to its innards, etc. I can't help but have a feeling today, shit is going to go down. 'Mistral is going to fall just like Vale' is a thought that never leaves my head as we walk in silence. Neo walks over to me and puts a hand on my shoulder. I look over at her before softly saying "I'm a tad bit worried... you know. I just can't shake this paranoia off. Never a bad idea to be as prepared as possible.... r-right?". Neo nodded softly before continuing on in front of me.

We enter the academy, still in a group formation, with Jaune and I being in the far back. Lionheart greets us, wondering why there are more of us and why we are carrying our weapons. Qrow remarks that we are huntsmen and ask about the council. I stop near Yang and I look to see her looking up. I follow her head and spot a ... bird? On the railing on the third floor. "Mom" was all Yang said before Qrow fires at the bird... or the railing it was on. The bird takes off and flies behind Lionheart and out pops Raven. Raven looks at us, Nora in disbelief they can actually do that transformation. Raven takes off her mask and remarks "If you're going to shoot me, shoot me. That was insulting". I raise my rifle before Yang puts a hand on it and pushes it down, I turn to her shaking her head. We follow Raven as she keeps on remarking at Qrow as she goes down the side stairs. Qrow looks at Lionheart and asks "Leo... What have you done?" in anger. Before Leo can get a word or a syllable out other than "I", Raven interrupts with "Leo did what any sane person would in his position... he looked at all the information he had in front of him, assessed the situation, and made a choice". Yeah a really good choice. "And it seems you all have too" Raven stated looking at Yang. 

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