All Out

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I fall through the elevator shaft, the lights around it flashing by me. I can see in the light the number for the floor. 






I start to slow down once I saw floor 200, I activate my thrusters as I grab onto the wires. Sparks fly as I start to slow down. The movies made this alot easier than it actually is. I can feel my arms warning me that they might get ripped off as I hold onto the wire. 

I finally stop and I turn to see which floor I am closest to. 


Shit. I look up to see the floor I need to be at, but its too high for me to climb up. Fuck it. I prepare myself as I jump to the door, and started to pull it open. It's a lot weaker than the top service elevators, but still a bit of a challenge. I climb in as the door closes behind me. I look at my suit to see my gloves having burn marks. I look at my thrusters to see they are practically glowing from heat. I look around to see that its the... R&D department. But, completely empty of people. I look around till I spot an HEV changer. I turn it on, but it doesn't respond. Great. I look around till I spot some tape on the table. I guess that will have to do. I grab it and start to wrap it around my damaged gloves. I guess it will have to do, until I can get a repair. I look out the window to see the Atlas city. Great, now a place that seems calm is now seem dangerous. I sigh before realizing something. I open a window and look out to see there is a small line where I can put my feet and hands on. 

This is the worst idea that I have ever acted upon. I mean, it is hard as cement to grab onto something when you have tape on your hands. The wind is as cold as the Tundra out side of Mantle.  Then as I got to floor 131, I see above me a tornado of Snow and cold. Alright, I need to find out what is happening. I climb up with some help with my thrusters, now a bit colder due to the wind. I spot Winter and Penny. "Penny?" Penny turns to me and hugs me before turning back to the tornado. "What is that?" I ask.

"That's the power of a fully realized maiden." Winter says, mostly to Penny. She turns to me before saying "We were attacked by Cinder." Mother fu-. Winter tries to go into the tornado, and recoils back when her glove practically melts off from the cold. "It's too cold." She turns to us.

"We have to do something."

I look at Penny as she looks at herself before charging right into the blizzard. I try to follow, but I immediately recoiled by the cold and my suit piped up "Warning: Extreme Temperature drop detected. Seek immediate shelter."

"Penny!" Me and Winter yell into the tornado.

I then get a call, turns out Pietro can bypass whatever Ironwood did, and reconnected out communications. Turns out they got Weiss and are heading towards Maria to leave the tower, they wanted to pick me up, but a massive surge of wind and cold forced them back. After a few seconds the tornado stopped and me and Winter peek in, only to have out attention be grabbed by... CINDER! We jump down when we see her try to use her Grimm arm to Penny and the Winter Maiden, I assume anyway. Winter cuts off her arm and she recoils back. I turn to see Penny trying to do something to the Winter Maiden's body. I then head Cinder screaming as her arm starts to "regenerate" but it seems to be alot more painful than I think it would be worth. She looks at the two of us and immediately starts her attack on us. We start to attack as well, but she started to single out Winter, and before I could stop her. She launches Winter into the wall and runs to stab her. "Winter!" We here from Weiss. I turn to see her already stabbing her in the stomach. I grabbed her by the stomach and threw her away from her body. And started my assault on her, mostly just to vent the fire in my soul. Before I can continue, both of us spot a snowflake pass by. We turn to see Penny having green fire in her eyes. She became the winter maiden. Cinder screamed in rage as she summon a sword and tried to stab her. I ripped her around and started to continue my assault as I kept venting frustration and anger till all I saw was silver.

Third Person POV

Penny, Ruby, Weiss, and Winter all stare at Gen as he continued to his beatdown on Cinder. Every punch having more speed and force than the last. Before kicking her to the wall. Cinder uses her Grimm arm in an attempt to push him away. Gen grabs it and pulls. Forcing her into his boot. And he keeps pulling till.


Cinder's Grimm arm from the shoulder down is ripped away. Gen inverts it and starts to slash her with her own arm, before it dissipates into air. Gen keeps landing punch after punch on her, Cinder tries her best to throw him off. But, nothing budges him. His visor now glowing a blindly orange. He lands one last punch before backing up, and charging one final attack. Cinder tries to regenerate her arm in the mean time. Only to get punched in the gut, hearing a loud crack in her ribs before being launched through the wall. She looks off in the now created distance at Penny and Gen and yells 'NOO!". Gen responds with an incoherent scream that eventually turns into screech as the world suddenly becomes dark for a second. Then... all of Atlas and Mantal turn to Gen as he gives off one final scream, releasing a massive silver blast from his body. It spread all though Atlas and Mantle, covering it in silver. This launches Cinder even further back, forcing her to fall into the edges of Mantle.

When the silver light finally dies down, Ruby and Weiss go to Gen's side. Gen falls to his knees and begins to breath heavily. He slowly gets his feet back underneath him and turns to Winter. Before they could say anything. An airship pulls into the whole in the wall, Yang opens the door and tries to say something. But, Gen is already walking to her,  before saying in a low, gurgling voice "took you long enough." before walking into the airship. He went to Jaune asked for some help. He sat on the ground and Neo sits next to him and Jaune used his semblance to help him heal. Maria asked "Which one of you caused that massive burst of light?" Gen raised his hand.

"And who was screaming like a banshee as well?"

Gen raised his hand again.

"Well, lets get out of here while we still can."

Ruby pipes in with "No. We still have to save these people."

"Whatever you say." Before heading down to Mantle. 

Gen looks up to see a black cloud on the Horizon, and senses a familiar being. And his last moments of consciousness he says "SHE IS HERE." Before going limp.

The Silver Eye man in the Orange SuitWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt