One v One

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I am walking to the outdoor shops and got a beef stew from the same place as we did to get noodles. I have it and stored into my hand and I walk around waiting to see Flynt. I keep walking when I see him and Neon walking with their team. I walk to them and I tap on Flynt's shoulder. "Yeah? Oh. Hi. Good match by the way." Said Flynt. 

"Yeah. Also, here the beef stew." I said as I passed it to him. He grabbed it and he opens the box and he starts to dig in. "Bye" I said as I walk off. I walk as the rest of the duo battles kept happening. I get to our dorm and everyone is watching the matches on the TV. I sit on the window still and I ask "So.... Who is going to the one on one match?" I asked.

"Well... I think it should be me." Said Weiss

"Well, you did get defeated by yourself by using the environment to try to defeat Flynt." I said.

"Well, I think it should be me." Said Ruby.

"I don't really know, since you don't have much combat experience. And, this is real people, not Grimm. I think it should be me." said Yang.

"Yang. Yang. Comrade. Really? I mean you could be it due to your *ahem* features might distract any guy for a while" I said. Yang blushes before smirking and saying "So are you distracted right now?"

"Not really, I mean after living with you for a while, looks and features do become mundane over time." Yang looked disappointed but nodded. "So should it be me then?" said Yang.

"Well, your semblance is meant to tank damage and launch it back like a trampoline. Mine can actually trap people and do damage if they hit me." said Blake.

"Blake, that takes dust, and even then it seems to just avoid hits, but people still know where you are." I said.

"Well, what about you Gen?" asked Ruby.

"I'm not really sure. I mean I have less combat experience then Ruby. I don't want to be a hypocrite and even then. I think I might fail." I said

"Yet, you are able to take down two Atlas trained students all on your own. And, you have the ability to refill your own aura." said Weiss. Oh Fire truck. The others are agreeing. Quick think of something. Something. "I don't have that good weapons."I said. "Well, you have 3 weapons, so you have less of a chance of being disarmed." said Blake. Oh come on. I did a legit point, and they added a positive thing to me having to do it. Well I guess I have to fight for our team. Something this is going to be the biggest cuck to either my enemy or my team. Great

Time skip 45 minutes

Well the one on one battles. The ending and most intense moments of the entire tournament. Like any other tournament. Oh boy, this not going to go well. I walk to the center of the arena where the other people who are representing their team in the one on one battle. I get to the center when Port begins to talk "Now, for the moment you've all been waiting for: The one on one finals!"

The crowd starts to cheer and clap. I am just standing there like a complete bofoon while the others look like they are about to fight here and now.I look around when Port continues with "Barty, why don't you explain the rules?". Then professor Oobleck begins to speak "Uhh, it's quite simple Peter," So that is their names. Ok then. "Instead of a bracket system, each round of the finals will be randomly determined immediately before the match takes place." So a randomizer then a fight. OK then. I just hope I have time to pre- "Much like any good hunt, there will be zero time to prepare.". OH FOR FIRETRUCK SAKE. Are you kidding me no time to prepare. Guess I have to make do on what I have. I then heard spinning. I look up to see panels with two boxes spinning around. It goes on for a minutes, I guess to add suspense before the first one lands "Mercury Black". OK first guy, his opponent is "Gen Scott". ME! FFFFFFFFFUCK!.  Then Port announces "Gen Scott and Mercury Black". I start to panic as I look left and right before I hear "Break a leg GEN!" I turn to see it was Ruby who yelled. Never in my life will I ever think I can get this screwed over. I then hear Port announce "Would all other combatants please leave the stage.". I stay silent as the others walk by me, Sun punching me in the back gets me back into motion. I step to the middle when the floor around the center retract and a circle of metal rises with lights on it. I gulp as I hear "You are going to have a bad time!" I turn my eyes to look at Mercury but staying silent. I start to step back as Port counts down from THREE! Not enough time. I look left and right and I then hear "FIGHT!" yelled by everyone. I see Mercury start to kick me. Me being me. I ducked and begin running on the edge of the arena . Mercury is confused by my actions till I jump back and almost fall off the arena on purpose. I look to see Mercury about to abuse this window I given him. I then roll underneath him before I fire my shotgun at him. He is launched off the arena before using his weapons to get himself back in. I start to use my rifle to shoot at him. The stress is real, considering I am both aiming for him and trying not to run off the edge. I am then hit by him and hit the ground skidding to the edge. I get my crowbar and I latch onto the edge of the arena. I turn around to see the abyss beneath me. I then start to get back up and I see Mercury about to round house kick me. I can't dodge it, but I can use it. I move my body in a way and he hits me, back to the center of the arena. I have my crowbar in hand I know I have no choice but to attack him in close range, his preferred range. He starts shooting at me, I dodge as he begins spinning around like a top before I notice are circling the arena. He then runs up at me and kicks me in the stomach. I kneel as he kicks me down to the ground as I look up the projectiles around the arena then start to head to me. I activate my semblance and boy do the hits hurt. After 4 seconds the projectiles have all damaged me. I start to stand up and I see my aura close to the red. I get up and I see Mercury with his back to me. Screw it. If I go down, I am taking as much of his aura with me. I ran at him with my rifle. I kick him in the balls and he kneels. I grab his head and aim my rifle at his chest and activate Swansong and I said "Nice try comrade. But, like assassins say "say goodnight". I then hold the trigger, hitting him over and over, he tries to fight, I just kept holding him till he reached about a point before the red zone. I stand up, I grab my crowbar and I said "Stay DOWN!" Before I swing it at him, knocking out his aura and alerting the buzzer. I stood up and I look at my chest with some scratches and I turn to see my back with a dent. I turn back and said "Look mate, I have no idea I did this. But, hey beginners luck was on my side this time I guess. Maybe another time". I start to walk off before I hear "There is not going to be a next time orange tin can." I turn to see Mercury about to hit me. I was about to do something when I turn and saw the TV. He was standing there with his hand in a position for me to shake it. I look back and his form is .... disintegrating and he is just there with his hand raise. "Sorry, sleep derivation is getting to me. Nice battle." I said as I shake his hand and start to go back to the lockers as I hold my head. I turn to see him attacking again, before I did anything I said "And, why do I constantly see you attacking me. I must be really out of it." I go to the lockers and head to the dorms as my teammates congratulated me. I get in and before I do anything, sleep got the better of me and I fell on Blake's bed before falling on the floor, then I am out.

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