Infinite Stratosphere

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We manage to get to the Amity colosseum, I patched my wounds in Neo's Airship. Much to her delight and dismay and I put a bandage on my wound. I stitched my suit with the medical needle and thread as well as staples in the med-kit. Overall, the pain is coming back but I can manage.

We set up a few bombs in the dust mine beneath us as a way to make a form of thrust to get to the stratosphere, how exploding a whole dust mine won't blow us up in the process is unknown to me. Well, Pietro ran the math and the colosseum should be able to handle the explosive forces. I sigh as I prime another bomb and put it in place, next to a vine of dust to help the explosion happen all at once. I move to catch Neo as she jumps down from the second floor, having placed her bombs. Yeah, she wanted to help out on this one, It definitely helped as we got it done in about ten minutes.

We got ordered to head back up and so we did, Neo hold on to me tightly as we flew up. Honestly, kinda liked it. Not sure if that's creepy or not but, oh well. I drop off Neo as I walk to Pietro "So, is this likely to actually work doctor?"

"Me and Penny have ran through the calculations, there is a low chance of it blowing through the dense bottom of the colosseum"

"Don't worry Gen, everything is bound to be fine" Maria said chiming in. "And besides if we do die, well we had a nice run"

Great, I sit down as I look out into the horizon, I hope my team is doing alright. Considering how separated we are. I felt Neo hug me as Pietro prepares the detonation sequence of what is below us. Might as well enjoy what is likely our last moments, I go to hug Neo back when I heard a massive blast below us. 

I run over to see a ship float through a flaming hole. Oh for fuck sake. I spot Cinder jump off of the ship and Penny jumps to confront her. I land next to Penny as we prepare to fight. Of course, having to deal with their banter. Why does this happen so often? I aim to fire, then I hear a massive explosion.

Immediately all of us are forced to the ground due to us accelerating up, I guess the plan worked. I try to stand up as hard as I physically could, but I was barely able to move an inch upwards. I look to see Cinder preparing a bunch of glass spears around her, preparing an attack. Great, this is just great, the one person I don't want to be here is fucking here. 

Slowly, the acceleration slowed down and we could stand up. A second later I had to raise my arms to block a barrage of glass spears being fired at both me and Penny. My aura was taking on more punishment than it should. I run to cover as I fire at Cinder, a few of my bullets hit, but most miss. I get to cover to recover than I notice Neo infront of me, charging at me? She then starts to attack me! I go to block the hit but it quickly is replaced by Emerald attacking my with her guns. Fuck, she's here too? I knock her back with a kick her in the stomach. I reach for my shotgun, only to get kicked in the back. I turn to see Mercury behind me. For fuck sake... I struggle to stand up as I get shot at by Emerald. I aim to fire at Emerald, before Neo comes and drop kicks her ass.

"Damn, nice job" I say to Neo as I do a thumbs up, which is cut short by another kick to the back. Right, Mercury. Somehow, I completely forgot about him. I get my rifle out and begin firing at Mercury, finally putting up some sort of a fight at him. I am hit by a sudden hit of fatigue, but I refuse to stop.He and I exchange fire and then, as I was firing I heard...clicking?

I look down at my rifle to see...I'm out of AMMO! I look at my aura gauge....0. Oh alright.. 0! "Fuck!" I scream as I run off to cover. Having to swap to my combat shotgun, as it still has rounds left. I manage to get to cover as I swap to my crowbar, not the most ideal aura, no ammo, and weakening stamina. Perfect....just flipping perfect. I struggle to catch my breath as I am suddenly kicked in the jaw. I look to see no one there....right Emerald. I get up start running for my life, for real this time. I take as many twists and turns as I can, the thing with my takes an eternity for it to be fully reform. I keep moving, my actions sluggish as I climb up and down the arena's very few and remaining seats and platforms. Struggling to keep my feet underneath me as the lack of oxygen and fatigue hits me hard. I am then tackled to the ground by the invisible forced and am pinned. Shit!

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