We Are Leaving

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We managed to sneak past Central Command and got to the secondary terminal. Never thought a cup of coffee could bring so much chaos. 

When Ruby used her semblance on us. All I saw in the in-between being in the door way to past Central Command was flashing red before appearing. Everyone was a bit out of breath, except Blake, who looked like a 5 year old after riding a rollercoaster. I was surprisingly fine. It ... almost felt like nothing. 

May stayed behind to acquire an airship for our escape.

We entered a long hallway with a big bridge over another massive pit. Where too? No clue. On the far end is a door with an electric field in front of it. Penny plugged into the console and turned off the field. The door started to open and we take out our weapons, incase we need to take out any threats. 

The door opens to a dark, empty room. The only lights being of the monitors and consoles in the room. The overhead lights slowly turn on before basking the room in light. It was completely void of life. This place is highly confidential, almost no one knows this place even exists. The door behind us closes and the electrical field reactivates.

I follow Penny as she sits down at the main terminal. She goes blank for a second before turning more robotic and with the voice of ... Pietro coming through Penny. He goes on to explain that with the terminal and his know how, to allow a green light automatically. Which allows us to launch Amity to the atmosphere.

Then Pietro revealed a bombshell to Penny. She should fly off with Pietro and Maria on Amity Stadium. As a way to completely prevent HER from getting the relic. I mean, I guess that's a good idea. But, this is Penny, she wants to help. No. Wait, if SHE gets HER hands on Penny, It is another step into the direction of our extinction. But, she wants to help us. I facepalm as I begin to internally argue with myself. This is something I hate the most. Decisions that have choices both in grey. Mostly due to regret about what the other choice could have brought.

Penny represent my sentiment with her saying "I guess we all have to do some things we would rather not". As the forcefield goes down and the door begins to open.

I often wonder sometimes if every time we do anything, there are going to be a insane amount of ways people are going to try to stop us.

The door opens and I take a step back before grabbing my shotgun and priming it. Right in front of us is the remaining members of the Ace-Ops. 

How many times do we have to do this shit? At this point, it's getting old.

I spoke first "You assholes again? Wasn't the first time enough of a lost for you?" while pupping my shotgun.

"We were holding back" said the wolf faunus. Trying his best to save what little reputation they had with us.

"Yeah, look where that lead to."

Vine walked forward and attempted to convince us to give up Penny, as due to HER now on our doorstep. Things have changed. Penny denied the change, due to Ironwood's plan for Mantle.

Then I heard something that pissed me off. Elm spoke up with "... Winter's in critical condition because of you."

And Harriet followed it up with "And you repaid her by stealing the power that should've been hers."

Are... are they serious? CINDER WAS RIGHT FUCKING THERE. IF PENNY DIDN'T GET POWER, THAN CINDER WOULD HAVE IT! ATLAS is really struggling to be the good guys in this scenario. Penny tries to refute this and explain her actions but gets cut off by more bullshit guilt tripping. They really need to take a lesson on what it means to be a hero. Then I heard this from the wolf bastard.

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