The Dance

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We are in a area and we Weiss came over and asked Ruby which table cloth to pick. I decided to leave and go back to the Dorm. I keep comparing and contrasting Cinder and the fire lady. They are clearly the same person, I finding similar in body frame, skin tone, eye color, and hair. Then Weiss came in and asks me one question "What size of shirt are you?"

"I am a adult medium size" I said. She left and i kept looking through the pad. And I kept walking around in circles looking at my pad. I heard a knock. I pack my pad the middle of Ruby's bed. I open the door to see a girl with red eyes "Can I help you?" I ask. "Yeah, your Gen right?"

"Yeah, though I can be called Gen, Orange, or any rude words. Yes."

"Ok, can I come inside"

"Yeah give me 3 minutes"


I close the door, I locked the door, I grab my pad, I put it into a bag, tied it,and put it into a box and locked it with a combination lock, and put it into the under side of Ruby's bed under the pillow to make a bump to seem as Ruby has more pillows. I then open the door and said "Come on in"

She walked in and I sat at the window still, she sit on Weiss's bed. "So what is your name?" I asked

"Emerald Sustrai, please to meet you."

"Same here"

"Look, if you want me at the dance, just know that I am just going to be there for the punch and food."

"I wasn't going to talk about that"

"Then what do you want to talk about?"

"Well, I was going to ask you if you are going to the dance?"

"Didn't I just answered that question not 3 seconds ago"

"Look I have what I need, do you want to say anything to me?"

"As a matter of fact there is. Look at the wall, now back to me, look back at the wall, back to me. I am not a wall, I am standing up, look at the floor, back to me. Where are you, you are outside of the dorm, and I am closing the door". I close the door and locked it. I walk to the window still and sat on it and contemplated what just happened. There is a chance She is working for Cinder or not.I sit down and then the door opened and Weiss walked in. She look at me and passed me a tuxedo and asked me "Shoe size?"


"Okay! Say, who was that girl with green hair?"

"She is Emerald and she wanted to talk to me for some reason."

"OK, also you are not wearing your helmet at the party"

"Yes I am, and I am going to make it work"

"I doubt that"

I grabbed the tuxedo and went to Vale. I ordered a tuxedo in my size in orange and black with my symbol a orange Lambda in a gear. I had to wait for a day, and the Dance is in 2 days. I get back to the Dorms after giving them my contact information. I get back to the dorms and I start to draw on the board and I wrote till I had to go to sleep. I hope I do good.

Time skip 2 days

I manage to grab my tuxedo and gave it ballistic weaving and armor underneath. I had my black gloves with the Lambda symbol on the back of them. I change in the bathroom and I put my helmet on. I walk to the entrance and I see Ruby trying to balance on heels in a dress. I help her to the door. I went to my locker, grabbed my crowbar and my SMG and put it into my suit. The crowbar on my thigh. I open the door to see Yang manning the invite list.I walked in and I see Blake and Sun together. I walk around till I am at the snake table and start eating and drinking. Then I see Jaune walk in a dress and start dancing, I smile at them and I look up to see Mercury and Emerald and I hear them say "It appears all the dancers have partners." said Emerald. I see Ruby leave and I had my fill on the snacks and I go to leave. I walk to her to see some one running on the roof tops, I start to record. "Ruby"

She turns to me and says "Did you see that lady running on the roof tops?"

"Yes, and she is heading to the CCT tower, get your weapon we got to move". I start to run to the CCT tower. Ruby is behind me with her weapon in hand and we see tons of bodies all knocked out. We get to the elevator and see it go into one of the floors. We get into the elevator and we ride up. I get my rifle out and I look around and I hear Ruby stumble a bit before saying say "Is anyone there?". She walks forwards and says "Hello". Then this girl stands up and turns around. It's Cinder, I might be a bit dumb but I can fit in the details due to context clues. I continue to record as she turns to look at us. Ruby asks for her to take off her mask and Cinder takes out a capsule and fires crystal projectiles at us. Ruby shoots at her and her clothing starts to glow and she stops the bullets in a similar manner to the fire lady did. I ran at her and she forms a bow and fires a arrow. I activate Swansong and ran right through it, and I tackle her down and I pin her down, I hear the elevator ding but I looked to see Iron wood. Then the girl launched me off her. I stood up and jump past her, as I am jumping past her right, she looks at me in shock as I snap a photo before falling on my side. I look around to see her gone. 

Cinders POV (Before Ruby and Gen arrived)

I did it. I knocked out all the guards and I start hacking on the main console when I hear Emerald say "A party guest is leaving"

I ask "Which one?"


I finish the hack and I hear Mercury ask to intervene I simply say "No. We're done here". I stand up to go leave and I hear the elevator ding. I hide as I hear a voice say "Hello?". I kept hiding, till I heard her step closer to me. I smiled and turn to her and I instantly frown as I see not only Ruby but Gen too. Ruby asks me to take off my mask, I grab one of my capsules and launched crystals at her. She destroyed them and starts shooting me. I just blocked the shots with my hand till Gen rushed to me. I form my bow and I shoot him in his heart. He just RAN through it! And he instantly pins me to the floor while trying to take off my mask. Then the elevator dinged again and Iron wood steps out. I pushed the distracted Gen and make a run for it and in slow motion I spot him on my right and then time returned to normal, I quickly change my clothing and ask Emerald "May I cut in?"

Emerald says "Of course" 

"And how's your night been?" asked Mercury

"Hmm, a little more... exciting than expected" I said

"Should we be worried?"

"Hardly. They'll be scratching their heads long after we've finished what we came here for." I said

"So then, what now?"

"Enjoy the rest of the night.After all,... it is a party"

The Silver Eye man in the Orange SuitOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz