The First Fight

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I am sitting on the sidelines of the first battle for our team. Due to the restrictions with the battle, I had to stay behind but, I can be in the duo battle if we win this round. And that possibility would happen I believe that would happen due to them handing the other team butts on a shiny diamond platter. I mean they did get hit, but they looked like they were dodging about 85-90% of the hits to them. Doctor Oobleck and Professor Port say the rules to anyone that just joined in. To make it long story short, this battle is about skill, age and school year is irrelevant. It goes from teams of 4 to duos to one on one matches. The other team is despreat but, the training we did and out skill we beat them. I store my popcorn bucket due to there being a sale to keep them to get cheaper pop corn. I get outside and I get into a bullhead with my team to Beacon. Ruby is cheering that they won. And she kept doing so until we got to a market place. She did one more cheer before saying "Is any one else starving?"

"I may have worked up an appetite" said Blake. We believed her if it weren't for her stomach growling like a Ursa. I swear I thought I saw a few grab their weapons before realizing where it is coming from before laughing about it.

"Gee, if only there were somewhere on campus to get food around here. Oh wait." Weiss said sarcastically. I decided to follow up with "No Weiss. I thought we had to go to Atlas to a restaurants with appetizers the size of your nails."

Ruby didn't get the sarcasm and said "It's okay, Weiss. I forgot about the fairgrounds too."

"I was being facetious" said Weiss. Wait, is that a fancy way to say they were being sarcastic? Wow, Schnees always use big words.

"Wh-Well, if you were hungry, why didn't you say so!?" said Ruby.

"C'mon! I know just the place" said Yang. We follow her as we get to a stand. When we hear "Hey! Might be hard to eat without this!" I turned see Emerald holding a red wallet. I then see Ruby pancaking while looking for her wallet. 

"Ha ha ha, good to see you, Ruby, Gen." said Emerald. Emerald gave the wallet back to Ruby and Ruby thanks her and Yang also says hi. We leave to the stand after saying goodbye. I didn't say more than a "Hi". We left and we sit at a stand. I get a medium bowl of noodles. Ruby, Yang, and Weiss get big bowls. Holy crow. They are the size of my head. And Blake got a big bowl full of fish. A bit cutting the edge of hiding your faunus nature Blake buddy. I pay for my meal while Weiss pays for everyone else. I begin to eat before I hear a twack. I look to see guy running the stand pointing at a registered that says "DECLINED". Oh fiddlesticks. Blake looks at the bowl before trying to take it before it is taken away and she cries. Weiss is confused saying how she didn't even dip much into her allowance. I continue Pyrrha comes over offering assistance. And before I know it, there 10 bowls left by them. I just sat there drinking some water I ordered. Then Jaune complains how he feels like he is going to barf. And Nora goes on a tangent on what could happen if they lose. What happen for this child to say such negative things about themselves while keeping a happy tone is odd, but intrigued. I think I felt my irises narrow due to how dark she went. In fact I think I heard it from my team too.  In fact I think I saw her going into gray scale as well. She then beings to cry for a while. My team and Team JNPR continue to talk till they were called to the battle field. Well, lets see how this goes.

Time skip 36 minutes

They won. They actually won. I am surprised they won with how much they ate. I thought for sure Nora would throw up. Jaune would have thrown up when they got on the stadium. Then Sun's and Neptune's team got into the stage. Weiss got pissed due to him flirting with his enemys. The first guy lost his aura points by a nut shot. And they won. THough Neptune seemed scared of the water. As we go to leave, I see Weiss look at something. I look up to see a Bullhead fly by. She then continues on. Who every she thinks is on that vehicle. I just hope they are sane.

Time skip 48 minutes

I am running after Ruby who is running after Weiss. Ruby is asking who it is when we see the Bullhead land and we hear Weiss say "Winter". Ruby connects the dots and says "Your sister?". Weiss yells out and Winter notices her and us and walks to us with robots in tow. She stops in front of us and Weiss says "Winter! I'm so happy to see you! Oh, your presence honors us." 

"Beacon, it's been a long time.The air feels ... different." said Winter

"I mean it is fall so it's probably colder... Ahh!" Said Ruby before being hit by Weiss. She falls on me and I help her stand. "So, what are you doing here?" asks Weiss.

"Let me guess Classified/Classified" both me and Winter said. Winter stops and looks at me. Her face changes to that of disgust I said "What. What is that look of disgust on your face? You thought I didn't see that?" Before I know it I get hit in the back, luckily I activated my semblance. Weiss hits and she hurts her hand. She soothes the pain with her left hand as she says "Oh, right. Anyway, how long are you staying?"

"Classified" said Winter again, sounding annoyed

"Of course" said Weiss.

The two started talking. I lost introst when I heard a smack. I look to see Weiss holding her head as Winter is saying "I don't recall asking about your ranking. I asked how you've been." 

"Gee, talk about tough sibling love." I said. I look forward to see Winter glaring at me before continuing. "As I was saying, Are you eating properly? Have you taken up any hobbies? Are you making new friends?"

"Well, there's Ruby and Gen." said Weiss pointing at us.

"I see. So this is the leader you wrote of. How appropriately... underwhelming." Said Winter looking at Ruby.

"And this is the outdated team mate you wrote of?" asked Winter. I turn to see Weiss blushing in embarrassment before I said "Yeah, I also respond to any and all insults my way. Also, Weiss. Is that the best you have to insult me? That is just poor class." I said shaking my head. I look to see Winter confused on how I am OK on with the insults. Winter then says how well it was for both of us to be friends to her. We sat their as they went to Beacon. We then turn to see a crowed. I look to Ruby who nodes and we walk into it. We get to the front to see Winter fighting some guy. Ruby looks forward and says "aaaat is my uncle!". Wait her uncle? "Kick her butt, uncle Qrow!" yelled Ruby. Weiss also rooted for her sister. They went all around the place and destroyed some property. Then we see Qrow turning his sword into something as I see Winter about to launch herself at Qrow. I turn to see Ironwood running over. I turn to see Winter launched, she went on full speed. I then activated my semblance and I ran into the battle. The I slid in between them and her sword broke on my chest. She stares at her sword before looking up at me. I grab her sword and removed it out of her hand and launch it to the side. She backed up and stared at my chest looking for any holes. Before she can use her hands to know what damage when Ironwood ordered her to stop and leave the area. I turn to see Qrow still there. I turn and I said "So, your Uncle Qrow? Ruby is over there." I said while pointing at Ruby. I then see Ruby run at him and tackle him. He started talking to her and I decided to head to my dorm. I wanted to sleep, I have a match tomorrow.

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