City 13

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We stay silent as the radio keeps telling us to identify ourselves. We agreed to ditch the airship and go on foot. We land in an abandoned lot and I drive my car to a parking spot fairly far away from the ship. I paid for the spot for the next week. Should be long enough to get a job and keep paying it. I run back to the others and before I can say "Hey" Yang kicks a drone that was looking at her into the street. It tries to reorient itself before getting smashed by a truck. I look to Yang and say "Yang, can you not destroy something for a single day?" Yang just  shrugs and says we should hurry up on where we are going. I notice just how out of place we are. 

The streets are dark with a few street lamps, the people here wear dull clothing with fading hair colors. The streets are walked on, both on the stale and aged brick side walk and on the cracking streets. Squads of both robotic and human atlas soldiers patrol the streets as we walk around. "You know, Qrow, you say to wander around Mantel to give us some time, but we stick out as much as physically possible". I hear behind us some soldiers saying that they have found an airships landing location, no doubt it's ours. We wander the streets as we see people in poor conditions. Maria starts to speak "You have to remember the kingdom had just lost the Great War. The people of Mantle needed a sign of a brighter future, and that sign was Atlas. After all, a home in the clouds is about as bright as it gets."  Me, Neo, Nora, and Blake spot a truck with a sparse number of both human and faunus miners. All dirty and miserable. Nora retorts with "Unless you're the one having to look up at it." Neo nods in agreement at her statement. Blake then says in a condescending tone "This whole city, it just seems awful." In response a drunk guy with glasses comes out and says "Yeah? You don't like it here? There's plenty of space out in the tundra." We look to see a flask with alcohol splashing around in his hand. Blake tries to apologize but the drunk interrupts her with "Atlas is the greatest kingdom in the world, all right?" Ruby and Neo try to defend Blake, one a bit more physical but both me and Blake hold them back. Then another guy on the stairs continues with "The embargo- uhhhh-the embargo's got us in a rough patch, but it'llllll blow over, you'lll uhhhh seee."

"We try and help the other kingdoms, and this is what happens? I say let 'em rot!"

One again Blake tries to apologize for her comment. The drunk guy spits into the street water and responds with "Stupid Faunus like you wouldn't under-" But, before he could finish, a black .... glyph was it? I think Weiss mentioned that was her semblance... formed under the guy and launched him into the air and into the nearby dumpster. We turn to see Weiss aiming her weapon at where the drunk guy once was before saying "It was worth it." We then notice some robotic atlas soldiers so we book it back to the group. The guy one the stairs telling us to wait, but his voice soon finds it place in the quiet of the city.

We spot the rest of the group entering a place with no signs, in the distance down the side walk is a girl inspecting her cybernetic arm. Guess this is the place then. We walk in as Maria says "I didn't think I'd need to introduce one of Atlas' finest minds."

Yang responds with "Working in a place like this?" As if to answer her a wood panel from the ceiling come loose and ... smashes into me in the head. The panel, remarkably, still in one piece. A few of the others either cringe or giggled a bit.

Maria answers Yang with "He likes to keep a low profile. Something I have come to realize none of you know anything about."

"Maria, you are talking to a man in a bright orange suit, a girl with yellow highlighter hair, a girl with silver eyes, a black haired faunus with no grim or dirt on her, a woman in a white dress with a red scarf, a person in traditional white and gold armor with a black and orange hoodie, a girl with a pink grenadier weapon with a blue and pink bomber jacket, a farmer boy, and a guy with black and pink gradient long gloves. Low profile has long since been out of the game since we have even entered Beacon. The only person that somewhat fit in is Qrow, and that is debatable."

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