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I wake up really early, like it still looks like it was night. I look around before noticing on the top left of my HUD that it was around 4 AM. I look down and notice a ... blanket around me. I then notice a weight on my right shoulder, I look to see it is Neo sleeping on my shoulder. I opened up my scroll and notice I have access to the some video sharing services. I started to watch some videos, with audio playing in my helmet.  By the time it was 6 AM, everyone started to get up. With Neo being the first one up, noticing me just staring at my scroll. She looks to see some video playing. I then notice her staring at my scroll, before I put my hand on her head and started to pet her head. She enjoyed it, nuzzling against it harder. Everyone started to head downstairs and Jaune's wife , Terra, and Saphron cooked breakfast. Everyone started to get ready I look to see everyone preparing their weapons, Neo practicing her soldier disguise, I look to Blake who took off her jacket. I asked her why, she just responded with "It would allow me better movement. And I think I look better without it." "Okay then... Good luck" I respond.

"Thank you". We started our plan at around 9 AM. Me, Neo, Ruby, and Weiss are in the car (Neo on my lap, while Ruby and Weiss are thin enough to sit on the same seat. Yang got her bike with a ... flat bed trailer? I didn't question it before we drove to our locations. The tension was excessively thick as we drove to our location. We got to our positions and we parked our vehicles into the tree line. Neo and Blake get on Yang's bike, with some hesitation from Yang before driving to the tower. Now its just the waiting game, and waiting for the signal. Ruby looks at her scroll and after a while calls Blake to act, and she .... repeats herself? "What wrong Ruby?" I asked worried.  Ruby looks at us before calling Yang and asking what is wrong. "Ruby, what exactly is wrong?" I ask again in a more worried tone. She looks at us before saying "Blake isn't responding." We all turned to the location of the tower, all with worried spray painted on our faces. I look to Ruby who is having Weiss complain about Marina's attitude. Then we heard a thud we look to see a ... MASSIVE ROBOT! Standing up in the sea. She started to talk through a speaker calling us roaches attempting to sneak into Atlas. Before aiming a massive cannon at the air ship Weiss and  Maria are on. 

She shoots a missile at them, trying to down the ship. I hear a sniper shot, I look to see Ruby had just shot the missile down. She turns us, raises her "cannon arm" as a chamber spins before stopping and aiming at us. I turn behind us to see Weiss jump out and raise a stone wall infront of us. And not a split second later, it gets hit by a massive blow of ice dust as ice spreads from outside the make-shift wall. "That was close" Oscar says in a panic voice. Weiss and Ruby go to the wall before facing us. Ruby tells us "We need to figure out how to stop Cordovin and protect the airship until we do."  Jaune comes up with a plan to make us ourselves as more targets for Cordovin to focus on, basically distracting her to avoid targeting the airship. Oscar would go along with Maria in the airship to find a weak spot. Qrow would turn into his bird form to assist in both fighting the bot and finding a weak spot. We got into position, waiting for Jaune to signal us when to go. He look to all of us before screaming "Now!" We charged in our way. Qrow and Ruby going above the wall as one target before splitting up. Jaune, Ren, and Nora to the right of the wall and me and Weiss to the left of the wall. Ruby shot a round into the windshield of the robot, creating a crack. I follow suit by shooting the crack to get it to expand. Cordovin goes to shoot me with her cannon before getting hit by Nora's grenades. Then she fired her second volley of grenades, this is when she raised her left hand and .... a hard light dust shield forms in front of it. The grenades hit it but do nothing, not even exploding on contact. She starts to laugh through the speaker before mocking us with "Surely you knew Atlas was the father of hard-light Dust, or do lesser kingdoms simply lack proper education?" I swear if I didn't know she was part of Atlas, I would think she is a cartoon villain.

 I look down to see that Ruby and Weiss has started to jump on ice platforms to the robot. She raised her cannon at Jaune's group before firing earth dust at them. Jaune turns on his radio and tells us that she just activated her shields. Oscar acknowledges it and tells us to find out where it is generating the shields. Ruby joins in saying "You know, in video games, the weak spot's usually on the back of the giant boss." Weiss joins to try to tell her this isn't a game and to take this seriously. Ruby tries to retort but has to cut herself off to warn Weiss of an attack. Qrow joins in saying that we that until the shields are dealt with, the only way we can damage it is with melee attacks. I then hear Oscar scream "Ruby, Move!" I look to see Cordovin fire missiles at both Ruby and Weiss almost point blank. A massive splash of water take their place before popping out is... a white and blue glowing ... bug? With Weiss and Ruby ontop, unharmed.

The Silver Eye man in the Orange SuitDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora