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It has became night on our way to Atlas. Everyone else has the occasional banter to attempt to remove the dead air between us. I look around to see everyone just chatting to one another or staying silent. I suddenly realize just how out of place I am with everyone here. I mean, everyone here is in some clothing that looks comfortable and allows easy access to movement, and here I am... in a clunky, bulky suit of armor that looks like I could barely vault of a simple obstacle. Jeez, do I even belong here? I sigh as I look to my right, I see Neo staring at her bandaged hand before sensing me looking at her. She looks up at me and I say "I'm ... still sorry for convincing you into this... maybe you would have been better off alo-" Before I get a chance to finish, Neo hugs me as tightly as she could. I hug her back and we stay like this for a while. We release each other and I look around to see everyone staring at us. I look to the side and I am sure that Neo is also blushing. Yang calling us love birds, further causing us to blush. I look to Blake and I decided to ask "Blake, I know that this might not be a good time but, what happened to your hair?"

"Oh. This? Well, when Neo and I got to the tower to do the plan, something was wrong. All of the guards were knocked unconscious, but the tower was not deactivated nor damaged at all. It confused both of us, Neo was fully disguised and everything. We thought that this was going to be a done deal. I decided that we should just carry out our mission, but then... he showed up."

"Who is he? If you don't mind me asking."

"Adam, Adam Taurus. The leader and an old friend of mine back during my White-Fang ... days. He... had been stalking me since the train.(Everyone looked at her with wide eyes when she said that) This is when I tried to contact you guys but he destroyed my scroll before I could even open it. This is when the two of us started to fight, Adam accused me of ... abandoning him while I was trying to convince him to let go of the grudge against me and .... humans."

"What did he have to have a grudge against us?" asked Weiss to Blake.

Blake responded with "He was once one of the ... slaves of the Schnee company."

Everybody responded with "Oh." Blake continued her story.

"The three of us entered combat, me and Neo trying to subdue Adam while he was trying to kill us. Neo was forced on the ground and got her hand stabbed while trying to stop the blade from hitting her skull. Before that happened, Yang came out of nowhere and hits Adam with her bike. Just in time as well. The three of us started to fight him pretty easily, the.... *sigh*... the original plan was to kick him off the edge into the river below us. Giving us the chance to run back to you guys while he was occupied. It didn't go like that however." She started to choke up a bit, completely stopping the telling of the story.

"What happened?" I asked, a bit more worried if either Blake is going to have a meltdown. Yang noticed this and grasped Blake's hand and squeezed it. Blake looks at Yang, and starts to calm down before continuing her story. "We do a ... completely fabricated combo move with all three of us. We were doing well, avoiding his attacks and landing some hits. I kicked him in the stomach, trying to kick him off the edge and into the river. And he grabbed my hair to either keep him onto or pull me down into the river. The pain forced me to drop my weapon on impulse and grab my hair to remove the pull. Yang caught my arm to keep me from going along with Adam." Blake look to Neo, who I see smiles before Blake continues the story. "From, what Yang told me, Adam tried to kill me by stabbing his sword at me. Neo managed to catch his arm, stopping his sword from hitting me. I actually need to credit Neo for saving my life. Thank you... really." Everyone looked at Neo before smiling and saying their thanks to her. She just blushes while swiping her hand downwards as if a mute way of staying humble. She looks at me, as if waiting for my response. I gave her a thumbs up and go to fist bump her. She accepts it as we go back to Blake's story.

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