Lamda Unit

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The elevator slows down as I look up to see the faded painted number "10". This is it. The door opens and I look around to see the bay, mostly empty....of people. I walk the cat walks, looking around as I see the vehicles available. A few tanks, a few armored transports. I peak through the holes in a tank to see.... they need teams to operate. Crap, can't use those on my own. I peak into the AV's to see they can be useful...might need to be creative in noise making. I keep wandering  as I keep trying to find more choices. 

I keep darting behind vehicles to hide from the occasional technician or guard. I keep moving as I keep looking around before getting into an ATV that seems to be right. I look around as I see lack of keys. I then look up and see a.... a Paladin? I inspect it through the back view mirror, it seems more....advanced then the one I saw Roman use. Roman....odd how we thought he was the end all, be all of this. We were naïve back then.....I missed being that way. I sigh as I lean against the chair I was in, this is it. Either Penny is saved and I go do my mission...or it's all over. I take a deep breath as I get out of the AV and walk towards the paladin. It was large, looked heavy, and painted a obnoxious white and blue. 

 I climbed the nearby latter as I open the hatch to see the cockpit... lot's of analog sticks, buttons, and levers... well if Roman could use these can I. I climb in and close the hatch as the screens infront turn on....and it's a.....instructional video? Well, that answers a question I have. I take a deep breath as I grasp the controls, let's get to work.

Time skip: 3 minutes later, third POV

Ironwood was busy in his office, having destroyed his tactical map/table, he's forced to use the old system of scrolls. The plan to close the portal is going well, the airship is supposed to be fully fueled soon and the package is ready for activation.

Of course the detection of intruders in the lower floors is aggravating, he refuses to let them even have half an inch on him. He will have this whole tower seeped if it means finding that bastard of a ra-


Or the rat could come right out of it's cage. He looks down as he of his paladins wrecking havoc at the front door! His eye twitches as he commands all personal to attack the rouge paladin. This must be the work from Cinder, only she would be bold enough to attack like that. Though it is odd she would attack using a Paladin instead of he Maiden powers. No matter, time to deal with this parasite. 

Ironwood rushes to the elevator and rides down, the tower shaking with attacks from the paladin. He grits his teeth, just what he needed right now. All plans are gonna have to go now to make sure it goes on time. He calls the squad that the device has to be deployed now.

"What do you mean a delay?"

"Sir, we are running low on dust as is, the device we have here needed most of the dust in our fuel reserves, we are gonna need more."

"Then get more, either from vehicles with it or from civilian vehicles, just get it. Need I remind you what happens if you fail?"

"No sir"

"Good, now get it done soldier"

He hangs up on the soldier as he gets out into the lobby to survey the damage.

The good news is that the Paladin was doing what it was supposed to do, bad news is that it's against Atlas instead of Grimm. Ironwood order all soldiers in the vicinity to open fire at the Paladin as he does the same. 

Of all of the Paladin models, why did she have to take the model 3 version? The one time he ordered for more defensive measures on a paladin, and it turns out like this? Great, he's gonna need new security if this trend keeps up.

Finally the Ace-ops appear "Orders sir?" Harriet asked

"I want you to take out that Palidan before it destroys more of this place!" Ironwood said angrily.

The Ace-ops nodded as they went on to work on the Paladin. 

They made it look like a joke, it was moving very clumsy, as if Cinder never even controlled one before.

Vine pinned one arm as Marrow used her semblance to pin Vine down so the paladin can't spin him around like a ragdoll, and Harriet? Harriet rapidly punched the arm before delivering one final punch, ripping it off from the main body. 

It took a few steps back before looking back at the squad, before proceeding to run, through the wall and into the city sector.

"Stop that Paladin!!" Ironwood screamed into the radio as he stays behind to fix the damages.

Harriet was using her semblance to chase after the running paladin, she could see that it was running like a toddler, it was honestly pathetic. If this was what Salem has left? Than she stands no chance against Atlas. 

Vine wraps his arms around two traffic lights as the paladin trips over, dragging against the ground as it kept going. It slows to a stop and struggles to stand up, which is where Marrow fired rockets at it's back, causing it to stumble forward and fall back to the ground. 

Harriet begins to taunt it "Is that all you got?"

It stands up again and continues to move, but damage to it's leg caused it to stumble to the right, bumping into a building and into a nearby park. It struggles to stand as it moved about like a drunken toddler. Harriet runs up and rapidly punches the body, causing it to fall backwards, into the nearby pond. It struggles to get out of the water, but Harriet gets onto the front hatch and starts to force it open. "Not too strong without this tin can are ya?"

She was swiftly responded by a shotgun blast to the chest launching her back to her team that were following her. She struggles to get up, it knocked some of the wind out of her. She refuses a hand from Marrow as they look at the paladin, it's hatch opened and standing was..... Gen?

"You?!" screamed Harriet, this bastard was becoming a pain in the side. Always seeming to just be there, even if he shouldn't. 

He looked at them before running off, using his shotgun to launch him away from them. Harriet soon takes chase, both of them running. 

Gen was no where near as fast as Harriet, resulting in her tackling him a block from where they started. Her ontop of him, arms pinned and she decides to make fun of him.

"Really? Running from me? It's like you were begging to be cau-"

She was cut off by Gen kneeing her in the crotch, she instinctively put her hands to her crotch out of reflex, causing her to get head butted by a very durable helmet. She rolls over to her side, where Gen soon kicks her in the side to keep her down before running off. Her team soon catch up.

"Where did he go?" Marrow looks around.

"He's gonna go to a morgue when I find him again!" Harriet grunts as she gets up, before trying to dash off, but the injury to her private area is still too noticeable for her to go at full speed.

Gen at this point is climbing into a manhole cover to get the rest of the way there, better to be down there and lost than up there and get tackled again. His footsteps echoing in the cold, damp environment. Oddly enough, the sewers of Atlas and Mantle are really similar, just that one has metal happen more often than brick.

Gen begins to run faster, mostly to get out sooner, the lights on his suit showing the way towards his goal. He stops as the echo of footsteps is heard behind him. He shuts his light off as he begins to run along with the echo, hoping it would mask his noises. The echo just gets louder, the thumps getting closer and closer, Gen sprints faster and faster, but he can't seem to gain any distance from it. Panicking, his eyes franticly move around, going in random directions, getting more lost by the second. 

He slides and dashes around the cramped, dark place. The panic seeming to grow stronger in him as he desperately looks for a way out, yet each time, the foot steps seem to be right behind him still. He sees what he needed, a ladder that goes back up to street level. He desperately climbs it as he forced the manhole cover open. Climbing up, he looks around to see he's a not that far away from the wall, he soon runs towards it, his goal is just behind it.

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