Another Fall

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It had been a few days since Jacques announced his ... rather hostage situation of necessary supplies and jobs. The violence has managed to subside, but the tension is just as thick. When ever we have a small mission in Mantle, I can feel everyone either act violent towards us or avoid us completely.  Even Ms. Daisy has stopped giving Jaune casseroles, which Jaune told us rather sad, almost disappointed that she has stopped giving him cooked goods. 

Now, all we can really do... is just ... train. It kind of helps to put the thoughts aside, but not for long. Everyday, after training, we hardly talk about much. But, when we do, its always leads back to Jacques stunt. Occasionally, I would hardly sleep, not due to the stunt, but rather... how long can this go on? Shit is hitting the fan harder and harder every few days. I notice that everyone else is also getting less and less sleep.  Ruby has started to consume some coffee as well as her daily consumption of breakfast cookies. 

Today, I am in a training room with Penny, Ruby, and Harriet. Ruby and Harriet are on the ground, running in circles. Me and Penny are doing the same but, in the air. I am struggling to keep a tight circle like Penny, often flying to far before zooming back into the circle. I say, it was a struggle trying to keep to pace with Penny.  Soon, the others came in and Harriet and Penny had to go. Now, it was just us and Winter in the training room. So we started having some fun.

I got to join in with Blake and Yang's game of tag. I had to use my thrusters in short burst just to keep up with them and get away from them. It was a fun few hours, just to release some steam. It felt.... like we were back at Beacon. Where things haven't gone so .... wrong. I go to take a break and I open my scroll.  I look through my scroll, and then I go through my contacts. I look through then ... I stop at Pyrrha's contact. I open my messages for her and I look through our messages. A majority of it being just asking about homework and training Jaune. Then, the latest one, a couple of months ago. 

"Where are you?"


"Are you still there?"

That last message was a month after the Fall of Vale. I type in "Hey, Pyrrha. I am currently i-" before deleting it all. How do you talk to someone that has firmly believed that you are currently dead? Do you say "Hello?" or "How's it going?" How would she react? Would she be happy or pissed that I ignored her for so long? And, even then, she is a celebrity. She probably somewhere else, doing events or something. 

Before I can decide to type something, Ironwood and Clover enter. They had a long speech, but it was essentially just have a day off and rejuvenate as tomorrow is going to be a new Atlas. My team enter our room, Neo follows me as we rest. I stare off into space as Neo rest against me, I can hear her snoring. Must be easy to fall asleep. Weiss and Ruby are listening to a podcast for the upcoming election. Blake is putting on make up.... for some reason. And Yang is just lying about. The podcast finishes and Weiss speaks her mind "There's no way my father could've thought layoffs would do anything but hurt him. So why announce this the day before the election?"

Yang answers her with a rather snarky attitude "Just seems like a power play that backfired to me."

I asked her "Is that the answer you believe or want to believe? Let's be honest with ourselves. We have dealt with enough things to know there is more to this than what is on the surface. For god's sake, were are below any level of surface with the depths of Ozpin and HER. There is always more than what we believe." 

Yang looks down before saying "Well, what ever it is, it will have to wait. "

"Wait for what?" Both me and Ruby ask. 

Blake was able to answer our question, turns out, she and Yang were invited by Team FNKI to a party. As a form of distraction from the election. I won't be surprised if its a celebration for Robyn's election to the council. I look to Neo, before slowly tucking her in the bed. Not like any of us are gonna use it at this time. I get up to go, but Neo grabs my hand while still asleep. I slowly fully tuck her in before patting her head. Huh, didn't think rubbing someone's head was soo... therapeutic. 

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