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You have got to be kidding me right now.  Did we just doom all of Argus? I don't even know whose fault this could be? No. It is every single one of our fault for this. The radio started to blare with soldiers trying to make sense of the situation and gain control. Then Cordovin started to speak "This is your fault. Do your hear me?" Then we hear a voice we all miss "Ruby". We turn to see the people that were missing. Ruby wanted to ask them if they are okay but all of them were more interested in the robot behind us. Blake asked us the million lien question "What happened?" 

I responded with "Shit went very very south." Then a massive roar was heard. Yang asked "Was that a giant Grimm?" And Weiss follows up in a blunt tone "Yes, and we just ruined the only thing capable of stopping it." We started to act fast, we each got into the airship, taking my car with out properly pinning it down and as far back as it could be. We started to head out, I look to inspect Blake, Yang and Neo. Yang had some gashes in her robot arm, Blake now had shorter hair than before with a shorter left pant leg. Neo had a more worrying change,  she had a piece of cloth around her left hand. When I asked about it, it turned out someone from Blake's past had stabbed Neo through the hand. She would explain more at a later time. I went to my car and brought out the medical kit I got from Mistral. I go to Neo, and once she sees the medical kit, gives her left hand to me. I remove the cloth, definitely a bit of Blake's clothing. I remove it and it is coated in blood. I try my best to clean it, but it is all the way through. I gave her a wood popsicle stick I found in there so she doesn't chip a tooth from clenching her teeth in the pain. After cleaning it, I wrap it up with bandage as slowly and tightly as I could. When it was over I looked at her as she removed the stick. She smiled at me, and then I just hug her. Tightly. Whispering things like how I am sorry and how I wished I could have helped sooner. She just responded by hugging tighter. In the background Cordovin's cries began to become quieter as we left. I look to see Yang, Blake, and Ruby having an emotional moment. Then Maria spoke up " I suppose I have to be the bad guy and say it. Getting the lamp to Atlas is still our top priority. And right now we have the perfect opportunity to head strait for it. We may not get another chance like this." 

Yang was the first to respond with "No way."

Weiss continues with "We can't leave, not like this."

Blake finishes it off with "It's like you said, a Huntress is supposed to protect others to the bitter end."

Maria looks at Ruby with a questionable look which Ruby responds with a pose that says "Oh well".

Maria smiles before turning back. Ruby starts to tell us her plan. Jaune and Ren would mask the ship so we can get as close to the Leviathan. When Jaune asks if she has any ideas, she responds with "I got one." Then Qrow alerts everyone that the Leviathan is back. I go to the cockpit and I see it rise above the water. Yeah that robot has got to be the only thing able to stop that thing. It roars into the air as it starts to walk to Argus. The radio lights up about a hard-light shield. Then poles came out of the sea and form a wall. First the Leviathan stopped after hitting it. Some of the air ships fired missiles but it does nothing. Then it blasted something out of its mouth, either fire of electricity. The moment it hit a pole, the outer wall collapsed. Oscar said what had to be on everyone's mind at that moment "It tore straight through." The radio chatters starts up again to start evacuating Argus. This was when Ruby tore straight to the radio, then said something I could not believe. "We can weaken it enough for you to attack it." WHAT!? ARE YOU SERIOUS? WE HAVE BARELY MANAGE TO KILL GRIMM THE SIZE OF ITS TOE. HOW IN ALL OF REMNANT CAN WE EVEN WEAKEN IT? Jaune decided to say what was in all of our minds "We can?"

Ruby responds with "I can." Maria looks at Ruby before asking "Ruby, when I said trial by fire--"

"I did it at Beacon and at the farm." Ruby what did you do? 

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