Chapter 36

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Author's Note: Within this chapter are multiple other fandom references.  They will be bolded, and a key will be published in the next author's note.  Let's see if you understand them 😏

No One's Perspective:

For the rest of the week, the girls were very busy with their schoolwork. As school prefects, they occasionally had to tutor first years in their House and make sure they kept up with their own course work. They often fell asleep with their textbooks as pillows.

That Saturday it rained, and the castle took on a whole new gloomy feel. Lindsay and Lillian loved that kind of weather. They decided to spend the day in the library listening to the rain patter against the windows as they worked diligently on their homework. The girls had an essay in each subject, readings, and notes to take. Professor Moody had continued to torture them in their Defense class, forcing his students to practice and learn how to resist the Unforgiveable Curses.

Lillian was halfway through a Transfiguration essay, and Lindsay was finishing a Potions reading when Draco entered the library. He sat down in front of them, but the girls were too focused on their work to notice him. Draco waited patiently for them to realise he was there.

"Oh, hi, Draco," Lindsay finally said, putting her Potions book away and pulling out a piece of parchment.

"I didn't even notice you," Lillian looked up for half a second before scribbling out another sentence of her essay.

"I just had a question, but I can come back later if you're too busy at the moment." Draco stood to leave.

"No, no, no, sit, Draco," Lindsay said softly, motioning for her brother to sit.

Draco sat back down.

"What is your question?" Lindsay asked.

"I was wondering if you spoke to Fred and George yet." Draco looked down.

Lindsay nodded. "We have."

He seemed to perk up a little, gaining hope. "What did they say?"

"Relationships won't be formed or fixed in the blink of an eye. They won't exactly be easy on you," Lillian answered, glaring at him slightly.

Draco looked down again. "Oh."

"But they're willing to try," Lindsay said, giving Lillian a pointed look and turning back to Draco. "George more than Fred, however."

"So, when will we—" Draco began, but the twins walked into the library, taking the girls' attention for a moment.

"Hello, beautiful," Fred said with a smile as he made his way toward Lillian.

"Hi, handsome." She tipped her head up and kissed him.

Draco averted his eyes from the public display of affection.

"Lindsay." George grinned at Lindsay and kissed her.

"George." She took his hand and he sat down in a chair next to her.

Fred stood next to Lillian with his hand on her shoulder.

"Well, this is a coincidence, isn't it?" Fred said, looking between the girls and Draco.

Lillian elbowed her boyfriend.

"We don't have to talk now," Lindsay said.

"Best to just get it over with." Fred crossed his arms and leaned back against Lillian's chair.

"I don't really know what to say." Lindsay looked at Draco and shrugged helplessly.

"I've got it," George said. He turned to Lindsay's brother. "Draco, I'm fine with being your acquaintance, but you cannot continue to insult my family, Lillian's family, or Lindsay. That behaviour would easily end any relationship we had." George was stern, but it was necessary for Draco to grasp the severity of his unkind remarks and actions.

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