Chapter 24

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No One's Perspective:

When Lillian woke up, she had no recollection of falling asleep with Fred's arms wrapped around her. She was oddly twisted in some of the blankets that had probably been covering her up at some point, but the night's events had only caused a very restless sleep. No nightmare, thank God, but horrible sleep. She felt very tired. When Lillian looked around, she noticed that Lindsay was gone, and Fred was awake next to her, his arms still wrapped firmly around her waist. He was resting his chin on her shoulder, watching her carefully.

Lillian turned around in his arms. She was now face-to-face with him, her hand on his side.

"What are you doing?" She asked quietly.

He smiled and whispered, "I wanted to be near you if you had another nightmare."

Lillian felt her cheeks grow very, very warm as she tried not to blush. "Oh. Was I asleep before...this?" She looked down at Fred's arms. "Because I don't remember falling asleep with you, you know, around me."

Fred could not stop grinning. "Yeah, you were asleep. Did you sleep well? You were moving around a lot, kept waking me up."

"It was a restless sleep, but you didn't have to sleep with me the whole night if I was disturbing you," Lillian said. "Wow. I never thought I'd see the day where I said 'sleep' twice in the same sentence, particularly regarding the presence of another human in my bed."

Fred laughed. "Lillian, you're worth it. I'll always be here for you." He kissed her softly. It took a moment before Lillian completely accepted his kiss, but she did.

"Honestly, stop kissing," Percy hissed as he walked by. "Get up, you love-birds. We have to go."

Arthur was packing, Ginny and Hermione were still sleeping, and Ron, Harry, Bill, Charlie, and Percy were eating breakfast. George had just gotten back from taking Lindsay to the Malfoy tent.

Lillian, much to Fred's dislike, released him and stood to freshen up. She needed to go to her parents' tent before they began to worry about her.

"Would you like to walk me to my tent?" Lillian smiled when she was ready to leave.

"With pleasure, my lady," he grinned and took her hand happily.

They walked to the Kintanara tent where Lillian's parents were also packing.

Her mother smiled as the couple entered. "Hello, dear. Have you come to get your things?"

Lillian looked at her mother, confused.

"Don't you remember that you packed your school things in case we were going to have to send you straight to school after the Cup? Weren't you going to ask if you could go to the Weasley's?"

Her father looked up from what he was packing.

Lillian said, "Oh, no, I was coming so you wouldn't worry about me. I thought we were going home."

"Molly said you could go over if you wanted," Violet smiled softly at her daughter.

Fred bent down and whispered in her ear, "You should say 'yes.'"

Joel grinned. "Is that a yes?"

Fred's whisper had apparently carried.

"It's a yes," Lillian smiled.

Fred helped Lillian take her trunk, parcels, and owl back to the Weasley's tent where they departed a few moments later. They found a Portkey that would take them back to the Burrow.

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