Chapter 17

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With the Ravenclaw versus Gryffindor Quidditch match approaching, Lillian practiced the Patronus charm more and more. She stopped practicing near Fred so she could learn how to hold onto a strong memory without a reminder being right next to her. She wasn't going to have easy access to the Patronus charm every time she needed to use it.

Lillian was practicing so hard that she not only mastered it without Fred being around, but she could form her swallow without the incantation. She grinned to herself. If any dementors approached her at the game, she'd be ready.

The Ravenclaw team got up at five a.m. sharp the morning of the match. It took them two minutes to pull their Quidditch robes on and grab their brooms. They jogged down to the Pitch and found the weather looking favorable.

Roger Davies, captain of the Ravenclaw team, had them all seated in their House locker room, discussing their plan.

"Gryffindor will be waiting to grab the Snitch until they're ahead of us by at least twenty points. Lillian, you need to have control of the Snitch the whole game. You must grab it before Gryffindor gets too far ahead, and keep your eyes on Potter. If Gryffindor wins, we lose our chance at the Quidditch Cup, and we're so dang close to winning it." Davies explained.

Lillian nodded. No pressure. It wasn't like the entire game hinged on Lillian's seeking abilities at all.

"How's your dementor problem?" He asked, turning his attention away from game strategy.

Lillian grinned, "I've got it figured out."

Davies nodded, turning to leave the locker room. His team was right behind him.

"Everyone to your places! Time for a run through!" He shouted as the team sprinted from the locker rooms. They mounted their brooms once they were out on the Pitch, and Davies released the Quaffle, Bludgers, and Snitch. While the other practiced with their specific techniques, Lillian trained her eyes to search for the Snitch.

She watched and waited, but the Snitch didn't appear for a while. She sat observant as the team succeeded in both getting the Quaffle past the Keeper and blocking the Quaffle from going through the goal posts. The Beaters were doing well to keep the Bludgers away.

Finally, Lillian saw it. She dove to where the Snitch was hovering just off the ground. She stretched out a hand and closed it around the Snitch as her broom hit the ground and she rolled to a kneeling position, hand in the air.

The Ravenclaw team had stopped to watch her move, and they applauded her.

"I've got a good feeling about this match. Nice work team. Head in for breakfast, and remember to eat light!" Davies called as the team jogged back to the Great Hall, leaving their broomsticks in the locker room.

Lillian walked into the Great Hall to find a tired and pale Fred and George slouching at the Gryffindor table. They must have been up late discussing their plans for a joke shop, or going over Quidditch strategy with Oliver Wood. Lillian sat at the Ravenclaw table with her team and watched for Lindsay. She wasn't up yet.

As the Hogwarts students began to file out of the Great Hall after breakfast, so did the Quidditch teams. Suddenly, Lillian started to get exceptionally nervous.

"Morning." Fred had creeped up next to her as she walked from the Hall and slipped his hand into hers. George walked ahead of them.

"Good morning!" Lillian stood on her tip-toes to kiss his cheek, "How are you today?"

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