Chapter 31

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Lindsay's Perspective:

When I walked back to the Hufflepuff common room for the night, I found a note on the door addressed to me. I opened it as I walked to my dorm.

Ms. Malfoy,

I would like you to come to my classroom for an Occlumency lesson next weekend, Sunday, at eight o'clock sharp.

Professor Snape

I couldn't expect anything less from my Potion's master. As much as I wanted to be a Legilimens and an Occlumens, I hated the training. I knew it was good for me, but I didn't want to do it. I would have preferred to be running around like a normal sixth year worrying only about schoolwork and my boyfriend. Instead, I was being trained to resist Voldemort.

I got to my dorm and put the note away. I really didn't want anyone but Lily to know where I went for these lessons. It was just something I desired to keep private.

No One's Perspective:

Most of the school was eager to see the champions work through their first task. All except Lindsay, who was continuously worrying that Cedric was going to die, and Lillian who was coming down with a cold and would have rather stayed in bed.

They sat in the stands of the Quidditch pitch which had been equipped with a first aid and champions tent. Lindsay sat in between George and Anna, grasping a hand from them both. Lillian sat huddled next to Fred, chilly from the crisp weather and the cold she had. Fred sat with his arm around her to keep her warm. Neither of them really wanted to be there.

Charlie Weasley and some other Dragonologists began to tackle and chain a Swedish Short-Snout onto the Pitch below.

Ludo Bagman commentated, but no one listened to him until he shouted, "Mr. Diggory, please come out!"

Shyly, Cedric emerged from the champions tent to the crowd of cheering Hogwarts students and the dragon set before him.

All the students had been told the objective. In order for the champions to move on to the next task, they needed to obtain a golden egg from within the dragon's nest. It was obviously visible as the rest of the eggs in the nest were white. Lindsay and Anna squeezed each other's hand.

Cedric stood for a moment, staring at the Swedish Short-Snout. Lillian could tell that he was running through his options, and when he transfigured a stone into a dog, the trick seemed to work. While the dragon went for the dog, Cedric sprinted to the nest to grab the golden egg. The dragon decided last minute that it didn't want to chase the dog anymore, and shot a gush of flames out of its mouth just as Cedric's hand closed around the golden egg.

Lillian barely flinched, knowing that Madam Pompfrey would be able to fix him up, while Anna squeezed hard at Lindsay's hand and Lindsay leaned into George.

Fleur went next, making her Welsh Green sleep, but it snorted flames on her skirt once she had gotten the egg. Viktor Krum went after Fleur, firing a spell right between the eyes of the Chinese Fireball he was given to fight. Out of agony, the Fireball began to move around, crushing all the actual eggs in the nest, but Krum managed to grab the golden egg.

Finally, it was Harry's turn. When the Hungarian Horntail was brought out, Lillian moved away from Fred abruptly, sternly staring at one of the most dangerous dragons in the world. Fred kept his hand gently on her back. Lindsay leaned forward too.

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