Chapter 54

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Lillian's Perspective:

When I woke up, I sensed that not much time had passed. It felt like the same day, though I didn't know what time. All I registered was darkness. And slowly, I realised that I was shivering very hard, and I had a headache.

I heard shuffling on the stairs, and an animalistic voice told me to come toward it. I didn't move, and it began to beg.

Finally, I decided that this was my contribution to the war. I was ready to die to protect anyone.

I stood and went to the voice. It ended up being the weak and dishonourable Peter Pettigrew, and I frowned.

He aggressively grabbed my arm and started pulling me up the stairs, only wanting to show that he had power over me.

When we reached the top of the stairs, Pettigrew led me into a room with a long table. I saw Lindsay right away, but she looked away. I noticed Snape, Draco, Narcissa, and many other Death Eaters that I recognised from the Ministry. And, of course, Voldemort sat at the head of the table.

"Welcome," he said with a sly grin.

Pettigrew pushed me to my knees a few feet from the table so that the Dark Lord could look at me directly.

Voldemort stood and seemed to slither forward, taking a standing position in front of me.

"You are very lucky you're not dead yet," he smiled.

I kept my lips sealed.

"Nobody knows where you are, so I am giving you a gracious three days to live before we kill you, that way we can...tease your friends a bit. If they come, you're dead. If they don't come, you're dead. And each day, I'm going to push you a little bit closer to death." His wand touched my face, but I didn't flinch.

"So, what are your plans?" He asked. "Has the Order had any fun adventures?"

I refused to speak.

He wasn't going to get a peep out of me for a couple reasons. The first being that I hated giving manipulative people what they wanted, and the second being that I had no idea what the Order plans were. I had skipped the last few since work had been kicking my butt.

I immediately closed off my mind. No one was going to get in.

I knew that Lupin had been visiting, or was visiting, the werewolves, and there were numerous things I knew about Lindsay and Draco, which, if leaked, could get me, or them, in trouble. I knew where the Order had people stationed, but that couldn't be discovered either.

"Not in a talking mood?" He asked.

My eyes flicked to Lindsay's, and she shook her head.

I couldn't figure out why.

And then I glanced at Draco. His eyes were full of fear.

"No?" He asked again sadly.

And after a moments pause, he pointed his wand at me, and I felt boiling pain.

I knew the curse. It was an Unforgivable Curse, the Cruciatus Curse, and it was the curse that made it feel like your insides were melting and gave you convulsions of pain.

I didn't scream. I didn't even cry. I couldn't give him what he wanted. If he wanted secrets, he wouldn't get them. Never. I would die before I gave away names, locations, and plans.

It felt like an eternity before the pain ceased, and I couldn't move. Everything hurt too much. However, Pettigrew forced me to my feet and shoved my downt he stairs back into the cellar. I tumbled to the ground, making sure I didn't break anything. When I was sure I hadn't, I tried not to move. The pain was unbearable, and I understood why it was classified as unforgivable. I didn't want to face it again. But I knew I was going to. Probably soon. And I wished I had told someone.

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