Chapter 1: The Sorcerer's Stone

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It was finally August 31st. The girls would begin their third year of school.

Lindsay and Lillian went to Hogwarts Station together. This time, Lucius, Narcissa, and Draco accompanied them. Lillian's parents were working again.

When the Weasleys walked past, Lillian and Lindsay made eye contact with the twins and silently shook their heads. If they made any move to acknowledge them, they would get in trouble. Lillian, however, managed a small wave before Lucius turned around.

"Ugh, those Weasleys." Draco muttered with disgust.

"They can barely afford to take care of all those trouble makers." Lucius added.

Lindsay and Lillian ran into the train as soon as they said goodbye to the Malfoys. Draco went one way while the girls followed the red heads of the Weasley twins.

Lindsay and Lillian burst into their compartment and tackled Fred and George with hugs, George hugging Lindsay and Lillian hugging Fred.

"I've missed you, Lily!" Fred said into her hair.

"My name is Lillian!" Lillian said into Fred's shoulder. He had gotten much taller.

They both laughed at the memory of Lillian's and Fred's first interaction when she said he couldn't call her Lily. He joked about it from time to time, but respected her wish.

George and Lindsay, who were deep in conversation, were interrupted when Lillian hugged George.

"I've missed you too, George." Lillian smiled.

George grinned, playfully, "Me too."

Lillian went back to sit next to Fred while Lindsay and George continued their hushed conversation.

"Fred and I met Harry Potter. He's sitting with Ron a few compartments away." George said. He figured this might disturb Lindsay.

Lindsay's face flushed, "We need to talk in private."

George led Lindsay out into the hall and walked away, muttering to Fred that they were getting water.

"No, no! This is bad!" Lindsay exclaimed when they had gotten far enough away.

"Why? He's the boy who lived, how is that bad?" George asked.

"Do you have any idea what this means?" Lindsay asked.

George shook his head, a look of concern etching its way onto his face.

"You-Know-Who is going to be coming after him once he finds some way to become powerful. We need to be able to protect him. We need to warn him, George!"

"Lindsay." George put his hands on Lindsay's shoulders, "If anyone should worry about this, it's Dumbledore. You should tell him your concerns. Besides, if he gets into Gryffindor, Fred and I will protect him."

Lindsay smiled, "I just don't want anything bad to happen to anyone if my father is helping You-Know-Who come to power."

"Hogwarts has the best security. Harry's safest there, and Dumbledore is the only thing You-Know-Who was ever afraid of. I'm sure he'll be safe." George hugged her.

Lindsay accepted his hug, "I guess you're right. You'd better protect him, George Weasley, or I will never forgive you."

In the late afternoon, Lindsay went on a little walk by herself. She was desperate to stretch her legs. She had told George to stay in the compartment so she could do a little thinking.

As she walked, she found Harry's compartment. Ron Weasley, the twin's brother, was sitting with him. Lindsay and Lillian both knew Ron from their previous visit to The Burrow. Lindsay knocked and sat down next to Ron.

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