Chapter 22

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No One's Perspective:

Lucius allowed Lindsay to spend the night in Lillian's tent at Violet's request.

The girls left the Minister's box talking about their depressing summers and holding hands as they almost always did. They were best friends, after all.

"Yeah, mum and dad were Death Eaters, and their Marks are getting darker which apparently means Voldemort's coming back," Lillian muttered as they shoved their way through a crowd of people in the direction of the camp sites.

"I bet that was hard to hear." Lindsay looked at her friend sympathetically. "Did you tell Fred?"

Lillian nodded, a shadow passing over her face. "All of it. How my mother was ordered to murder his entire family. I hated every second."

"How'd he take it?" Lindsay could tell that it was causing Lillian some distress. She put an arm around Lillian's shoulder.

"He took it fine, hugged me, I cried, you know. How was your summer?" Lillian asked, covering up the fact that her voice had just cracked and her eyes were tearing up.

The girls continued to walk as they spoke to one another. The tents were a long ways away. Fred and George were somewhere behind them.

"Father injured Draco again and threatened to kick me out of the house if I don't prove that I earned my O.W.L.S. scores," Lindsay said.

"What's new," Lillian said un-enthusiastically.

Lindsay nodded, "Right?"

"Was this another occurrence after you wrote to me on the parchment or the same thing?" Lillian asked.

"Oh, I had forgotten I told you about this already. It's the same thing," Lindsay answered.

"Hmm. The back of the head. As much as I dislike Draco, I'm kind of sad for him. Is he okay?"

Lindsay shrugged, "I haven't been able to speak to him at all, but it's the second time he's been smacked for speaking with me."

There were tears in Lindsay's eyes, and Lillian put an arm around Lindsay's shoulder to comfort her.

The girls walked the rest of the way to Lillian's family's tent where they sat down at the table and sipped on a cup of tea. They sat and talked about their unfortunate situations, which they could do without fear of being overheard since Violet and Joel had gone to visit the Malfoys.

A few moments into their conversation, there was a harsh whisper from outside the tent.

"Lindsay, are you in there?" Draco asked.

Lillian crossed to the door and let him in.

"Draco, what are you doing here?" Lillian asked roughly, crossing her arms and raising her eyebrows.

Draco looked ashamed. He turned to Lindsay, "Lindsay—"

Lindsay hugged her brother, cutting him off. "Is your head okay?"

He nodded, "Yes, but I wanted to finish my apology."

"Draco, I already accepted your apology. What are you doing here?"

"Well, I didn't exactly get to finish what I was trying to tell you before father hit me." Draco said the words with a taste of pain, but didn't stutter or stop speaking. "Lindsay, I think we should talk more this year," he said.

Lillian looked skeptical. "You're not going to hurt her, are you? She's told me of all the times you've been a git to her."

Draco looked down. "I'm sorry about that, both of you. I want to make it right."

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