Chapter 64

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Lindsay's Perspective:

The Shrieking Shack was cold and creepy, probably because we were standing in the presence of Voldemort and a giant snake, but even if we weren't, the house, if you could call it that, wouldn't have felt very home-y at all.

Snape had been overthrown, and McGonagall took over as Headmistress. When Voldemort showed up, all the Death Eaters gathered around him in the shack as he began to hand out assignments. He explained that he wanted the battle to be in two parts so that he could offer a bargain at the expense of the people who had already died. Everyone else would be emotional and have no choice but to bring him Harry Potter.

"Lindsay," he hissed. "I want you to bring me Lillian."

I nodded, almost expecting that he'd have me do the worst thing, but left to do it all the same. Maybe there would be some way she and I could escape.

I left the Shack, walking through the shadows of Hogsmeade on my way up to Hogwarts. I could hear the fighting that had broken out, and it scared me. It scared me for many reasons, but mostly because I didn't know where my loved ones were. And I really didn't want to bring Lillian before the Dark Lord.

I found her easily when I entered the castle's courtyard. She and Draco were fighting a Death Eater. When I came up to them, I took out their opponent and hugged Lillian from behind.

Draco spoke up. "Father wants to see you both."

I glanced at him, shocked. "What? We're in the middle of a battle?"

Draco fired a spell at another Death Eater, and Lillian did too.

"I guess we should go, then," Lillian said, as logical as ever.

"We must find the twins first," Draco added.

This time, when another Death Eater came up, I pretended to be fighting Draco and Lillian so they wouldn't attack us.

"Then find them we shall," Lillian agreed.

There was so much noise and chaos, it was hard to look around at everything that was going on. I managed to only because the prospect of seeing George made me burst with joy, though I wasn't able to show it.

We fought our way through the crowded castle in search of the Weasley twins, and it wasn't hard to find them since they had resorted to setting off fireworks and using some of the more horrible spells they'd invented.

"Boys!" Lillian shouted. "Let's go!"

Without a second glance or thought, they followed us obediently.

"Where too?" I asked Draco.

"Slytherin common room," he said.

As we got further and further away from the fighting outside, it became much quieter within the castle. The fighting hadn't entered Hogwarts yet.

Lillian's Perspective:

I didn't even notice Lucius at first. All I saw was my crying mother.

I rushed to her, knowing something was wrong, and hugged her.

"Mother, what's wrong?" I asked.

And in my heart, I knew, but I wanted her to say it so I could be sure.

"Your father...he passed," she mumbled through her tears.

I felt a hand on my back, and I knew it was Fred. I pulled away from my mother, noticing Mr. Malfoy.

"Why did you summon us?" I asked sharply.

"We have a story to tell you," mother said.

"Right now? We're literally in the middle of a war," I said.

Mother nodded.

"Must the Weasley's be present?" Lucius asked with impeccable enunciation.

I was about to say something when Lindsay held up her hand, engagement ring visible, and said, "They're family now."

Lucius scowled.

I noticed my mother put a hand on his arm, and thought it was odd.

"Calm down, dear," she said with a smile, clearly happy for us while I was obviously disgusted.

"I think you have some explaining to do," I said stiffly.

Mother nodded and began her story. "Lucius and I met at Hogwarts when we were younger. We took all the same classes, were prefects together, and we spent every holiday together because our families were the most respected pureblood names. After we left Hogwarts, we became Death Eaters, though I think we were all unofficially Death Eaters before we ever left anyway. Regardless, about six months into the first Wizarding War, I became pregnant, and while being in such a state, I began to realise just how messed up the Dark Lord's inner circle was. I knew that I didn't want my children growing up in such a place. I decided I needed to find a way to get out."

"The Dark Lord seemed to know our plan," Lucius said, picking up the story while holding mother's hand. It made me want to vomit. "Violet wasn't exactly quiet about her dislike of the system. After she gave birth to her twin daughters, the Dark Lord ordered the girls be murdered, however, I pleaded. I didn't want my children to die. Instead of killing them, he split them up, giving me one and Violet the other. I was forced to marry Narcissa, and Violet and her daughter were given death threats if they were ever to appear again and if the Dark Lord was ever to somehow happen upon them."

"I married Joel, a muggle, kept my last name, and created a story that I made him believe with a memory charm. I gave him a fake Death Eater tattoo, and a fake history so that we'd both be on the same page when it came to protecting you because I knew the Dark Lord would return," mother said, finishing her story.

I felt crushed. I reached for Lindsay's hand, but collapsed instead, finding the floor far more comfortable than expected. Fred was right next to me. George was right next to Lindsay as she began to question everything.

"Why would you tell us that?" She asked, and she looked fearful to believe it. "Why?"

"Because," Draco said. "You and Lillian are twins, you're the twins they were talking about. Violet is your mother, Lindsay, and Lucius is your father, Lillian."

"And you put a charm on father?" I asked. "He died believing the lie you made up?"

"I'm not proud of it," mother said.

Lindsay burst into tears.

I turned and left the room, Fred behind me.

"You can't stay mad at her," he said, his fingers brushing my arm.

"Why not? They lied to us for so long, and they finally decide to tell us when it's most inconvenient? How selfish." Bitter tears were streaming down my face.

Fred looked concerned. "They were Slytherins," he shrugged.

I glared.

"Promise me you won't stay mad. We're in a war. She might not make it, you might not make it, and I know you wouldn't want to be in an argument with her if either of you die," he said.

I looked deep into his eyes and saw that he was serious.

"Fine," I said in a tight voice.

"Come to think of it," he continued. "I could die too. I think I'm gonna need one more of these just in case."

He grinned and stepped toward me.

And just like our old days at Hogwarts, we were kissing in the hall, my back against a wall as Fred met my lips. His hands were at my lower back, and my arms were around his neck. Everything was perfect. Except for one thing. We were in the middle of a battle, and I had just been told that I had a twin sister and a completely different father.

And then Voldemort's voice rang out.  

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