Chapter 67

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Lindsay's Perspective:

While Lillian spent the week at the hospital with Fred, I was with the other living Death Eaters to be tried in front of the Ministry. The Minister was Kingsley at the moment, and I really wasn't worried about whether or not I would go free. I was mostly concerned about mother, father, and Draco.

Lillian, having been Percy's intern, gave statements about each of us that Percy then gave to Kingsley.

During the trials, Kingsley and Percy would go through each of our individual files, ask us questions, and then discuss our sentence. We weren't allowed to know the outcome of our trial until everyone had gone through their trials.

I had gone the first day, and while I waited for the results, I was required to stay at the Ministry. They were keeping all Death Eaters in custody no matter their true loyalty.

It took all week, but finally Percy came to let me out.

"You are free to go," he said.

"What about mother, father, and Draco?" I asked.

He nodded. "They're free to go as well, your father with a few restraints."

"And everyone else?"


I nodded and hugged him. "Thank you, Percy."

He remained stiff. "Of course."

I rushed to the hospital to see George. It had been a week since I had.

When I walked into Fred's room, I noticed him sitting up, which was an improvement. Lillian was holding his hand, still not looking her best, and George was next to her.

He looked up when I entered, and when I took a seat next to him, I kissed him quickly.

"How're you doing, Fred?" I asked.

"I'm doing well," he said, not looking right at me, but in my general direction.

"The doctor said they're going to keep him here another week," Lillian said quietly. "Since he hasn't had enough energy to get out of bed yet."

"At least you're sitting up," I noted.

Fred nodded. "Even that was a bit of a struggle."

He turned toward Lillian. "I don't know how you got out of bed basically a day after you had the curse."

Lillian laughed softly.

"I wasn't under it as long as you were," she said.

"You were under it in bursts for days," Fred said. "I think that would have been worse."

Lillian shrugged. "Having to leave you was the worst."

Fred shifted, uncomfortable. "You did what I told you to do. I wanted you to be safe. I knew that if he ever finished with me, he'd come for you. I wanted you to live."

"I know." Lillian's voice cracked.

"Who rescued me, anyway?" Fred asked.

There was silence. I wasn't sure that anyone other than myself knew.

"I did," I said.

"You did?" Fred asked.

"I killed the Death Eater that had you pinned down and brought you into the Great Hall," I said.

Fred grinned. "I never took you for the killing type."

"Neither did I, until my brother-in-law's life was in danger."

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