Chapter 20: The Goblet of Fire

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Lillian's Perspective

I woke up in a cold sweat, breathing fast. I groaned. Why the nightmare again? Summer was already halfway over and I still occasionally fell to the terrible memory the dementors had reminded me of the year before. Voldemort's evil laughter as a baby cried, a woman screamed, and a man pleaded. Every time it ended with flashes of light that could only be spells and Voldemort's horrid face glaring down at me. Why had it come again? I so badly wanted the nightmares to leave.

In the midst of my thoughts, one stayed persistent. Fred. I missed him.

And I hadn't talked to him either.

The previous year, we made an agreement to talk every night before bed so my mind could focus on something other than the terrible memory. Most of the time it worked, but sometimes it provided no help at all. Tonight, on the other hand, I had forgotten to write to him.

I glanced to the left of my dark room. The parchment Fred and I wrote on was lighting up. That could only mean one thing. He was awake.

I sat up quickly and turned on my bedside lamp before rolling open the parchment. His words were a fiery red as he finished writing his sentence.

We forgot to talk.

I thought for a moment. Should I tell him I was awake or just respond in the morning? I decided to write back. I pulled out my quill and ink and wrote a response.

I don't know that it would have helped anyway.

Why not?

I was thinking about it all before I fell asleep, Voldemort and the Death Eaters. And I know I've said this before, but it all just makes me wonder more and more about my parents. Why wouldn't they tell me they were Death Eaters? It only makes this more frustrating and upsetting.

I think I understand, but I wish I was there with you, Lily. I don't want you to have to deal with this alone. I think I would be pretty scared if I learned my parents were Death Eaters and that someone wanted to kill me.

Yeah. That's another thing I'm worried about. Voldemort wanting to kill me.

Talk to your parents in the morning. Lillian, please. You need answers. Without them you're going to keep having nightmares and become more and more depressed.

There was a pause.

I can't bear the thought of you hurting so much.

I'll try to talk to them tomorrow.

And then let me know what they say. Right away, young lady.

Of course. Make sure to have your parchment with you all day.

Always, my destiny.

Thank you, Fred.

Anything for the love of my life. And remember, Voldemort isn't back yet, so he can't kill you.

I'll try to remember that. I love you.

I love you a billion times more. Are you okay to sleep now?

Yeah, don't worry about me.

You know that's not possible, but I shall wish you a good night. Talk to me tomorrow.

I will, Fred.

Goodnight, m'lady.

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