Chapter 40

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No One's Perspective:

When Lindsay and Lillian walked out of the meeting, they looked up to find that Fred, George, Ron, Hermione, Harry, and Ginny had been listening to the whole conversation.

"Oh, no," Lindsay muttered, and bolted for the basement.

Lillian followed, attempting to hide her face.

The girls weren't down there for long when the twins burst through the door.

"You said he didn't touch you," George said, angrily.

"And you're both Order members?" Fred was upset too.

The girls stood their ground in the middle of the room.

"You weren't supposed to be listening." Lindsay glared.

"And you shouldn't care. We don't need your protection," Lillian said.

"But, Lindsay, you lied to me. You told me he didn't hurt you." George was pleading.

"It was a private meeting for a reason," Lindsay said.

Lillian maintained stern eye contact with Fred.

"Since when have you cared about what I'm involved in? When it puts my life in danger?" Her voice was cold.

Fred's was just as icy. "I have cared about you since the moment we started dating. As an Order member, your life will be in mortal danger, and I would never want my love to be put in such a place."

"I can handle myself just fine. It's not your decision to make," Lillian said.

Neither of them left the room. The couple proceeded to stare at each other with such intensity that the basement quickly filled with tension. Lindsay and George weren't being as emotional, but they shared a slight concern about whatever was happening between Fred and Lillian.

Fred's Perspective:

George and I were in our bedroom taking inventory of our joke shop supplies. We hadn't yet talked about the disagreements we'd both had with Lindsay and Lillian. In fact, we hadn't really said much at all.

I couldn't stand the silence anymore.

"Why are they being so emotional?" I asked.

"Fred, they're not being emotional. They're dealing with different things than we are, and that gives them a different perspective," George said.

I badly wanted to know how he was so level-headed all the time.

"Besides, Lindsay and I figured out our argument."


"Well, I said that I agreed with what she said in the meeting, that it would be good to have two people on the inside of You-Know-Who's group. Since she's a Malfoy, it'll be easy for her. But that doesn't mean I like it. The reason she volunteered was because she didn't have a choice. Her options were to either become a Death Eater or an Order member, and the Death Eaters just got to her before she made the choice. I will protect her as best I can remotely, but ultimately, everything she's doing is for the greater good, for the future wizarding world to be rid of You-Know-Who," George explained.

"And why couldn't Lillian just explain her perspective to me?" I asked.

He shrugged. "You pushed her the tiniest bit the other night. From what Lindsay's telling me, it sounds like she's not totally sure where your relationship is after you did that."

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