Chapter 45

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Lillian's Perspective:

Fred and I had been spending a bit more time together. I wasn't pushing him away, but at the same time, I felt a little bit of apprehension when I was around him. I still didn't appreciate the way he'd pressed me over the summer, and I was very wary that he might do it again. However, I didn't want to shut him out completely. I hated being alone, and I knew he missed me when I was.

Eventually, my birthday arrived, and that year, I didn't forget about it. I was quite proud of myself for remembering, only when I woke up the morning of the 19th, I was exhausted. My sleep, as was normal, had been disrupted with nightmares. Since Cedric's death, they had been getting progressively worse, and I hated it. When I woke up on what was supposed to be my special day, I was tired and desperately wanted to go back to bed. I knew I'd only have nightmares again, and sleep would have then been pointless. I did my best to stay awake, but by lunch, I really needed a nap.

I wrote Professor McGonagall a note telling her about my predicament and adding that Fred demanded to be with me. Lindsay took it to her when she and Anna went to Transfiguration after lunch, and Fred and I went to the Room of Requirement.

When he and I got there, I went immediately to a couch and laid down. Fred, who was not tired in the slightest, laid down next to me. It was an odd feeling. We hadn't done that in a long time. But, I fell asleep shortly after, and I didn't wake up for a long time. My sleep was uninterrupted, and I knew it was a result of Fred being near me because subconsciously, he still calmed me down.

That night after dinner, Fred took me on a walk outside. It was snowing softly, and I felt fantastic. I loved the cold.

As we walked, I enjoyed the silence. But Fred, being very much an extrovert, needed to say something.

"You seemed to sleep well earlier," he said.

I smiled. "Yeah."

"How come?" He looked down at me a bit.

I didn't want to say it. It was a feeling, and I hated feelings. "Because you were there," I whispered.

He grinned. "I had a suspicion."

"Of course you did," I said, squeezing his hand. "I've told you before."

Fred nodded and we fell back into silence.

We veered off from the lake and headed back toward the castle. Halfway back, Fred stopped in a little grove of trees that hid us from prying eyes in Hogwarts.

"What are you doing?" I asked, blushing.

Fred turned to look at me, and he gazed at me with such crazy love eyes that I almost pointed the cringyness out. But taking into account his fragile ego, I decided against it.

"I'm taking a moment to admire your incredible beauty," he whispered.

"You know that was really cheesy, right?" I asked.

He nodded, swallowing hard. "Yes, of course it was."

"So, what are you actually doing? Because I know I'm not that beautiful."

Fred laughed a little, fidgeting with something in his pocket.

"I'm giving you a birthday gift, Lillian. It's a special day for a special person, and that calls for something—"

"Special," I finished, grinning up at him.

He nodded. "Yeah."

Fred stared at me for a moment, seeming to have forgotten exactly what he was doing. Meanwhile, I was very uncomfortable. He had never just looked at me, taken me all in, and "admired" my supposed beauty.

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