Chapter 51

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Lillian's Perspective:

When I left, I felt the slightest bit of freedom. I was overwhelmed with gratitude that Fred and George had both agreed to let me come and go as I pleased. It helped me so much I couldn't even express it.

Happily, I found proper furniture and decorations for the apartment, and as soon as I had everything, a total of three hours later, I went back to the apartment to put it all together.

I re-entered the shop and alerted Fred that I was safely home, and then I went above the shop to reorganise and redecorate every room.

With magic, it was easy to do. I could move things as I wished. I felt like I had a purpose. I was thankful Fred had given me this responsibility, and somehow I felt as though he knew I needed it.

When the boys were done in the shop, they came up looking solemn.

"What's the matter?" I asked.

"There's an Order meeting tomorrow evening, and we all need to be there," Fred said.

"How did you find out?" I asked.

"Dad came to visit us," George replied.

"Oh," Fred said. "And you got mail."

He handed me a letter and I immediately recognised the handwriting.

"Lindsay," I whispered.

George's eyes lit up. "Seriously?"

I nodded.

"Anyway," I said, moving on from the tone of doom we were wallowing in. "Do you like your apartment?"

They looked around for the first time. Silently, they walked through the tiny space noting each difference, and then they walked back into the kitchen.

"You put a lot of work in it," Fred said.

I blushed.

"It looks nice," George nodded, and then he turned to Fred. "I think it's your turn for dinner."

Fred nodded.

"Are you going to put me on the dinner making rotation?" I asked.

Both boys shared a glance and then looked back at me.

"Did you want to be on it?" George asked.

I shrugged. "If it's part of your system, I'm fine with that."

Fred shook his head adamantly. "No, you are not going to be on it. I don't want you to have any more responsibilities than you already have."

I didn't respond. He was right to an extent, but it was just a meal.

"Besides," George added. "This is our home, and you're our guest. We completely understand why you came here in the first place."

I nodded. "Thanks."

"How about, while Fred makes dinner, you go see what's up with your best friend, and my girlfriend?" George asked gently.

I grinned and went to the other room.


I'm writing to warn you. The only way we will be able to speak is over our secret parchment. Never again by letter. I have written on it quite a lot lately and when you never responded I decided to write you a letter to remind you it still exists. Snape and I will be coming to the Order meeting tomorrow, but don't tell George. I want it to be a surprise. This meeting will probably be the only one we're allowed to come to. Voldemort doesn't like that there's two of us in on the secret Dumbledore group.

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